Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Basic Ingredients To Express Write

Day of the rise Sun of the Set in sky,
artful bask the Jays of room,
laughter fed the bread of cheer,
peace at Scene the bounds of Keys.

Card the play at blackjack crew,
a ship to speak the Mast of turn,
nestle closed to land of clear,
cork a Bolt the bottle saved.

Staunch ask often clouds display,
speaking clearly history play'd,
clique to spake the double-raves,
much to Otter the Beaver stayed.

Built by logs the stick to stone,
shift the creek to the river lend,
paunch arm soak to salt the flower,
a skunk on stripe does gallant grain.

Dish the scene my porch to ream,
possum to the squirrel steal,
a beautiful teacher that sends a way,
to path of skip the nose of lou.

Nature Foutains