Friday, September 5, 2014

Tongue Hinged

Now the Crib in learn of post the bars that host our Entry grow,
for looking up to the Mobile turn on that music the wind is stem,
to the crawl or is it Sit either is the forward lit to standing for the lift,
as stool does hold the Pub at drink marching feet part the Feat,
walking a Way to know the Trade in not an awkward start,
wobble on the first few strides than running is the stroke of ride.

Put the place to groan Adults the sign is driven by Nuts and bolts,
those screws that nail in the bark of cross the Intersection of life,
on per step the future kept eyes to straights as Tanks did bet,
that Armor was the tracks of roads to get the best in drove,
yet on the gear of Field and pier a dock of Flee most cope,
the Air of storm to break the port a shuttle on the Ferry door.

Left to right the Blinders tight as throats don't throttle living,
in the Cycle of Motor shop the wheels carriage core,
dirt the Track the Tires fact on grabbing in the steer,
slick that spot to mud or caught it's good to know the spot,
in Concrete days made by mix the Walls now are true slicks,
back to the school of Dinosaur the use of Oil in the pour.

Bone pails that prove the life to being on the Earth at price,
a watch that timed to more than brine as Meet in Ore Signed,
a contrary belief of Cell to leaf are imprints of the limb`d,
brass to knuckles states of buckled a perfect Nature bands,
loud in the Elephants land a crocodile breathes start shoe`d.

On the banks the beast in lank must cross the river too,
as food is Central in migration the pink Flamingo heats,
a ripple in the dry spell plains showing all those lakes,
yet in the chill of on this Cell it is the dust that reads to Tell,
a Millenia Time round in climb has Left the sands as Shell.

Available to the search & Crew that builds to Sail Mask,
proper Cargo talks to Fast bringing land to Island cast,
still design has shown the boil an Albatross or is it Oil. 

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