Monday, October 20, 2014


Lets see on board pass in the admissions of crew speak the Can,
as challenge in dismiss keeps the record for the Veal of Tumblers,
key stroke on a Tag in the dog Ear is the pages missing,
ask the platter does the swan of gather be late a Tooth,
sharp to the Flatwork on mile Fleas a stipulations News,
sortation Files in thus Mind stile organizes the Stem.

Well routed while the Mappings our clipped liter,
gallons of plain writes in flip of the pen sync sounded,
wonder touch of sage in the plant of elvis sheer,
mirror Mirror on the crawl does the Spider do the sprawl,
know countered the belly in a true blue stall,
oh deer spoke the Car of denial on the drive in the Seen.

Wheel wheeling found a way to path the global directional to play,
crowded by the audio loud a Video on reproduction is sky viewed,
clouds of gathering information shambling a pluck of the Feather in a two Bit pipe,
smoking Guns are the uggs on the Run in the borrow of Handlers in pale,
skating the vast divide on the Hide skin is the bumpy of the creamery buy.

Cart tack the Harness in the stable understood question the Bridle could,
bit Task the written to redeemed in the steam of the Hotter is lessor of Magnified Goods,
crispy are the donuts on the Dusters from the range,
saddled with the badge in the Five Pointed Tray,
one for the antler two touch the Felt three our the Timers the click-On a quilt,
fourth comes with dinner and 5 goes Out grave are the teams that bomb done it Flout.

Spurts of the shoot gee in Hoss had a still,
wagons on the Ion to Cottage for the Felt,
red is the burn start is the grinch in spell,
golly gone grips the kong on shovels that crumble in the kit,
sergeant gives the Order to Foil it a Store,
marching are the Laws breech be Quin to Floors,
would in all the Pastry flour form the bell,
tick Roams the Tower in lands That only Fell.

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