Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Hooray for the visit to courts of the judge inking the Print by ways of the shape,
in experience of Humanity of personal in slain my education was taken by play,
brought to the library to take-Test of the snook rote by the leaves in the trial of rook,
pawn on the pen and pad in the stock bending the fold of a mental bell crock.

Skull with the stitch in long past a gas written by temple of scram it's the trash,
circuits of cut by the attachment to Class graduate summer with a permanent on brash,
no thought with a shaking just beating the joint Prisons detailed in all readied of roke,
than in the quest of further of cope know job was the letter of Mind in a bloke.

The World to grade purse the Christian in curd,
milking apply to the pointing of slide,
even the great halls of social in awards have joined club,
beating the stagger with a brick Stoning shrug.

For as in the Hand of bird on these Nudes,
covers work under the News as a bug,
in listen to sly the Fox ran a cow,
in wildly signals the smoke filters Inn.

Cost of the curvature to Tribe in the fudge,
accusations that teaching is limited done,
rasp upon File to entry of lugged,
pulled from 'The Graduate' informal to Grave.

Hold the Intel as course of a Clay,
mold the attractive & skirt at the Home,
indicative of the rub a bub subbed,
no christmas for Boxing in these days of the Hub.

Circles are often in Fields of drug,
core of the tractor in wonder above,
yet as the rather in Science at Feet,
a stake in the String holding attitudes Plight!!

Signs is the platter of eating to nigh,
pantry of butcher to water glass fight,
the scoop on the Junk is slow to the Nothing,
for as the wind blows so does the sale of shite.

To produce the apple aren't Oranges the peal,
banana a Monkey grains for the Ape,
trees in the jungle house many a site,
reading the orchards by looking ex cite,
the bask of the burns are the living in lieder.

The decade of revealing to tough the time crate,
80's in brought that temper for shot,
exclaiming the sit with advertised grip,
know Won for the examples set tremendous in done.

Even To Days Holding Bye Candled

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