Monday, October 6, 2014

The Cycle Age

So bump yourselves to the mind of jello on the take the wrap is bellow on the ring of crotch,
in between the mist of tries the venture is to share the demise for on the stanza of the done it's dung,
in that pile of shit on the floor their in the eyes that shoved that dive are blinking blinds,
dance with a quest to rust as the Singer is a WAS and that has proven to be my deal,
for in all that Said the invitation fell dead yet on the Muster the gallop thrusted to the spread,
as hour of Mount bring the drink from Real the card to joke is hard to cage a life in bye.

Crowds that gang to the bang have now employed the Pill of coy to enlarge the finder day,
to shower gift with no rest from tire the lance of strong is in the fire,
forge to Sword a lesson lore touch the Sound and bounce that down,
remember to feel each cringe for steal that track is laid and backs are rein in guidance.

True to days in youth I state leave the body in under vice for that reality does do live,
keep the tunnel vision grab a pillow bite the stab teeth that grind are difficult rounds,
work the chore till safety store with one Eye stop for no one cares the beacon of the shun,
silent scream with never dream carry forward as if nothing sorted through your pants at shim.

Ground your thought to this in deed that the ask is tempered stream,
shake the vile with a good shower for a while than a send will full the brim,
match the suite to whom will knew leaving Vast to empty cruise the oversea on Tour food,
in the time of Watch the slim remind yourself the work was well to advance the better Math,
not cause greater strife to after before the done in gum take the trash and treat with bile.

Puke until the blood makes you pass out,
than drag yourself to bed with welts,
on the steady for the done just hold your own hand it's the only one that will be help,
as once the Upon the story tell the at shown will chime ring spell,
hug your hold in go to form ankle heels with horse on feel.

Bridle on with bit in tack imagine jumping the arena fence in the pasture look for breathe,
on the find of quiet Mind bring to simple the done on temple if multiples have done gone,
be patient of the makers shrug for the intro is a bug in the break of all that sub. be school,
treat the flavor with open Air to control the fright can terror,
place the burden in a pack shoulder up and walk with great.

Now that the clocks are on the bake timely situate the trail sake,
care scot Tissue just in case as the evidence remains on face.

Wipe the problem with ever raced put to the text the left a trace try not to be the dazed,
for in the cue a more will booze just to fling the product goo atop the gross it's base of shoe,
again just take a step at slow pull the pants to cover show tighten belt loops are froze,
at the chill shake the coat goose the duck at bumps of truck again rinse the wash for hymn.

Salt the stagger with shakers wise the strength is brought with cuff the cries,
spill no beans as no one cares that as this situations Theirs,
in that comprehension know on the post of card in go,
take the time to total silence for the sleepers will chose violence should you challenge no.

Make aware that no is first in that said just bend at pursed for the life will do it way on the Means,
in production clean the ear with the muffled on the hear at the touch just know the rush is on,
from black to white on keyboards song the burns are not the Our of song and that has left a lisp,
drool is wiped from tie the lift burrow hard it is a jiff now with that done on alley strong be weak,
at the instant for the strength run as if Hell has leap do not stop for people will deny existence slab.

Cold the shillings for the Tin in the birth of went to been as the coins do rattle lend the basement,
in that dust on the chin hearing nostril breathing steam a bull in chop the terra trim be gone,
a still advice is know the dock for the Singer never brought to relief an attentive concern for deep,
as the store had feet to hope that the purpose was more than joke it is the done to open sport,
tribes that hunt for down the Cork bottle with the wine of source to bin the trashed more pours,
lesson with the lives at chore in the stun of no stun at all from the boat to Ship of stall a Tribune.

Flour sacks are good rapport to think in sync with beat up floor,
than imagine the brooms of swept to the rake that garb of Shed,
work the dirt to grounds of lay for no one cares and facts are tray,
in the service of the settle remember no one cares that your doubled.

Again remind your self to chore just a body on the for in the insert of the bone west to thought,
in that seed of wipe off that place the water to the shout for should you scream no one cares it's loud,
in that know that no one cares clean yourself to be that chair as the seat is sore and sad be read,
turn the fry to pen the sill in the window of the chose truer Vine to whom may cow for find.

The more that press is squishing depth shallow breathing with the test to fight is death for sure,
tribe yourself with a casual stroll down the whence but don't let show for that is also fault,
in this letter to the Know grasp the table at the full in bite your tongue as blood does cold.

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