Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cork Soaks

Candle burning in the fires of the methodology for this the single Flame on cake,
as the trouble of the count is on the duke in knots of soot it is the Chimney raise,
from the bottle brush to the tree of force a branch with Out in swinging,
beach to Palm the ray to say that Octopus are on the gave in Inking Perseus graeae!!

Crumbs to scene the House of Mirror reflection on the Walls at sheer be forward,
slink to slip the error of Pause in talent of the delve to brave a steadily go slope,
underwater Sea that channel of the grit tells Creed of born to be not drawn to log,
the Snore of sleepers range the base tripping Decks on cruise the fates by destiny.

Shoes that buckle tie the chutes dirty little blunt to piece ask the sliver in the sleeve,
a cufflink charges gold in fit an Island of the greatest sip changed the gloss of More's,
ever and the Brainy doors sang to catch an Open sheet with flattery the coastal,
sun to beg the questions leach a snail on the est cargo banking at That tar in snow.

Heroes mostly dye away the Cloak of mask in County fade for cover on the lift,
plywood glued will need a coat of the lacquer from the soak as boats are Cedars teak,
these young details to closet frost it remains the spring of slight for the moving clues,
bile water as the sill running Cotton in the head of stick the random Scot.

Flushing with a body stock mounted high above the crock is really more like leverage lock,
chained to hasp the plunger stop Up & Up the credit bytes to tenure of the beef leads,
tape Worms wiggle in the vat that is Eel on the rack or could the Would be the facts in repeat,
either Other forks are sash tieing held to mash the caste in spy of Artemis the burrows of a Tell.

Eyes ore ears with Horses clear now the Saddle is a Steer that bull with whom Nose Ring,
punched the pierce to sink the seats Rounding tablets by the scene know chair it is an @,
know letter loud Writ by crowd to bean the Strings of laughter leaps a curtain of the Keep,
looped to sound the Centuries shroud 'Bee Wares' on the cellular stair inks Hell to sing that Flat!!

Scarf a muffler with a brig Prison over to bar the Sleigh death is just a slaughter of slight altercation,
gas from kiln the Pots go bomb ran out of rooms in Chaos croon selling old past brew pings,
ding dong The Which is dead a News to Scribe or scribbled spread that was The Been in talk sheds,
simple message Wreath the spot as the winner is a Bach playing pass to fillers stopped. 

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