Monday, November 3, 2014

Face To Face No Translation Needed With Reels

On 'The News' propaganda the dogma of said inviting the way as Reciept says aye read,
on the tunnel vision of the states without head take to the cutter the grease of this said,
I strike the measure of Verse on the stand as my legs are of Character and my Temper is land,
on the backs of the dead Wars on the Fronts of The Now Wars be sure of the Caricature that is Signed.

For in every contract the small print does rule not a question for any as the signature pools,
inks like the check-mark of or On,
the Box is the radio of the stink on the Farm.

Worn like the by ways from hugs on the fear,
chord this Voice my Voice with get a knew gear.

Shift to the echo and WARN for the steer,
as what is power are the words and their clear!!

Bodily fountain at the mouth of get guard,
lore in the Ages as the Fire is star,
streaming with Comet catch not the Par,
as flaming from Torch is the hold of the Tar!!

Oils in bunches gathered by beak Talk to a Crow as the feather is treat,
measure the glass with the Hour at Feat,
make in the Mascara that facial on Peak!!

Tiers of the Times in the tomb Tells of RYE,
courts that count the judges of EYE,
Ra in the sky as that Sun in a Sign,
moon me a Mars for the All of those serving chocolate BARS!!

Constellation on over to the sphere of the Mass,
get a pew for that musk is the skunk with a past,
never in Temple would Christian go blast,
oh wait I don't need to guess about that anchors @drag!!

Trials of look-A-likes I'll be a Pirate,
the plank for the Talker and fold is a Choir,
below the drop is a safety of net as the ocean does Role in the sea of be get!!

Cry to the storm of the Twister in guts,
belts on the ribbon of the slash in the pucks,
cheeks on the lips that purse to a stuck,
don't bee on the Venue or the price will go Muck!!

Stalls in the cleaner are visions to Stable,
steady in horse as tryers be doors,
however Moreover forth with the JUMP,
cruise to the Tower for the Arena goes Thump.

Pounding hooves with ACTUAL in ride,
not some pretender that sings of a tribe,
no in the very real of vein the blood drives the drum,
it's the BIG BANG on the World that makes this A STUN!!

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