Monday, November 17, 2014

Picture Language^Life Savers

Venue the vent to the journey of the Audit on and Upon the leaving Animal Scenes,
as the percentage is of not question rather the arguments of exact I Tack,
as the fudge in the spin of Whom is What at the base of calculation there is death,
yet as Tech to the formal of the dictation of gross profit once more the Board Table seat.

Match the new reports as the stipulations of 900 in page to chapter this brain as desk,
holes in the binder are a Three tie Same to the spear of the Nail in the Shots of the Set,
as the Sun is to need in the Moon of grant deed for as the World glows so does this Horror!!

Crisis is not handed on the Silver Platter of the less charge the Salts to tablet and pepper with jilt,
shakers on the grid discuss the done as the Sheets of the froze hour on the guns,
glacier Bay for freeze in say is reflection not of stunned from Envelope to shift it's Zero on the clear.

Now at Track corporation Vinyl the tables no longer needle for the Backwards reverse of play,
in Stead on the shoulders of the Center in the signs a laser shouting measure texting spake came,
another Correlation to dab on the dollar Court tell the pyramid with the Sphinx doubled Scryer,
showing as the Skaters corn the Plaque on Y`er's should such a task be Abbreviation ask blast!!

Again the master Junk is the shipping of the freight smaller change with biggest rakes in gone,
lines aligned with Belts on Ore are in the Minute Notes of the Cosmic design to Croppers dime,
circles core the Time put it in the Framers hands that Genesis is Exodus on Revelations Signal boost!!

Bark barrels with Awl in chisel pore Scopes brushed the equalizing debts to Remember the Frets!!,
remainders are the patents left Rites as the Camp of the Fires in the Flame on the Tights,
society just jams these Peanut buttered Tasks as the jiffy of the Name Brand by labeled in the slights,
armor with the Mind of chains a Shackled biting Kites whist the Strings are staring All right into the Face.

Market Lay Fresh Pro Deuce 

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