Thursday, November 27, 2014

Websters Board

I love the candor of detailed reminders of Post Hits that prequel my given in Life On'ers,
forward mach on a faster taste of the gift that raced to Talk a storm to the twister of gut,
that deep responder on the foundered at the brisk of chills on the Goose in the gander,
foremost to Tack on that Horse of a wrap is the stall that held the Vice to a ball,
the hanging apple tied to the Raft tore at the Stable of the barn where Zest was a laughter.

All feed required held to the Bin of the grain of Alfalfa ground up to be send,
one scoop for the size two for the full in the third it was extra as The Fourth is a grow,
to manage the operation at the Cafe in the Town of Wares is the Opus on the optical in sound,
a brow that James Blunts make-up did done was it the Strip or the shave that made a new stun.

Questions on provides is nothing but More for the answer is daily on due doggled score,
film this provision to the exercise at trim that is the reason from families on lens,
to gage in the brakes that are breaking the frames to regard on the factor that Shades breathe the same,
a simple in calmer just puts the Feat strong stating in Plane for the flight is of long,
a taker at tickets A Baker at beast the Cook on the branch Line for the plates of the reach,
overboard to the system that sees for the trip it will end up being the Gift of the dipped.

Trust the salt at the pepper of a person I witnessed for never had I seen Karma at existence,
the clean swipe to the dye your hair should have been kept to The Salon for salons have a stare,
in the grace of Foundation it will come as a Turn for in the passing of my life my mother surfed the berm,
for many a challenge to the ration of thought but I always hold to the quick of The Tot!!

Youth for the bred in the Cycle of ride the balance of Seat delivered the Tribe,
in station of easy to identify lie it is not that bother but the ventured at tried,
for aim is direct and the guide screamed in the Hall for this was real at the phone on a call,
in trend for the moment is the Seconds that passed for the Hour of clockers is a wrist walker task.

Tremble the auto on the mastics of sign A Signal that barrels all the keep whine,
for in the school of tough that it's done remember Remember whom fired the gun,
on that rifle reloading like the words at the swung it is the tire of repeat that speaks like this summed,
a dinner for Breakfast the lunch Scene a pizza All Dough is the master on lives inking disastered,
for the mouth that just closes not the jaw that did drop for that is indicative of the spill read quest cropped,
built be dish structure a Satellite in great banks a faster trough is swell to the thirst on the shopped,
to gain in the dark a lighter for Torch is Honesty speaking that turnabouts Roared,
before in the after to Rank the brigade as not a Joke but the Page that genius to days.

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