Friday, December 26, 2014

31 Flavors Baskin' Rob^Ins

Roll well my friend for this blog roles to the view of a scroll on the pages of slowings that produce,
in the needle of the eye at the sewn to the spy on a riddle for the fold in this I state its a poe,
for on the write of gift at night in the sun of Ra for the moment of Anu in An at the basic stewed,
soup the brew is stream for the note`able of truth is certain to curl a squirrel from Anut!!

Treat the write to black in say as I have witness Watch to the cave of sled at harness of the kite,
string to web the inter fed of cancer to the stars as a constellation belts the sky is in the Lars,
Pope over to that deem of said in dream of right on wrong, founder with the bones a throw to bankers,
in the snow of rooftops root in lightening of the Storms at cycles of the Ages in the presence,
at the lored of congress of the bohemian speaking Molochs Owl the hoot of heard just outside a shift,
shall the audience than bead to the 108, than back tot will the paper play with work on contemplate,
in this the dining room again with a table door, for underneath in looking the handle is a plate.

Service with the ladle spoon as Brains in the kaboom rate a burn to Alters on the place of 666 is shroom,
for as the Crow does fly to say that the vultures eat at shay of the Mirror of eye or tooth it is a Hare,
hop the bunny said to be the date upon the birthday clear a parking on the stay of read to repeated by the steer,
wheel sky to Grandpods mile on the English narrow, Bushwood Hall did complile Beer the steam,
in the Moat that I did clean the shove with the dig, is the bridge to know the green of lawn at a pond.

Walk with me dear Hugh of Means and worry for this Rite, as Johnny is the Guy of drive in this be extra Wise,
Men of listen d.g. at central the Tell is value purse,
for on the red to tails of the gowns that dance the loom.

Woven in the Singer stitch James Blunt does waltz the geese of Goose to chapel of the speech,
overseas To Overboard the names in Noun of predisposed that Act to Actress hose,
in tights on red to skirt of worn the shoes in sound of Click Clique shown I warn the worlds corn,
for the Wheat in the Rye is New York Cities harness`d Carts that Horses are the Park.

Drive with blinders should The Twins have fallen from construction,
but rather on the Iron shall the bombs be of the sand`ers,
in dynamite to Flights of sky the Areo plain in buffalo, ask The Indian indigenous Congress smokes a Bong.
bond not to the task at hand for the circles Coven, in Thirteen the number Ten at Seventeen of Song.

Bach the Bluejay answer Wood the pecker of the theme is at the basic in production sand is of a key,
grate to the pebble introduction Stone is scene,
under girth to belt of Earth the planets in the ream!!

Moon can speak a silent loud for Tokyo said whats a Cow ashen are the Boners crowd in cramping,
does the leg on riding of collection know Impulsion,
the Rocket shot the Engine fuel is of the Campfire ribbon.

The ole Oak Tree did teach a view that ankle of the Picture Scene to knowing garden cream,
spinach of my brother to the constant on the party in Exorcism Seance`d I see the repeats scheme!!

Draw an etching with the cave know Jerusalem had a play but whipping Savage French displayed,
on the full-run of the Video to the Eighty Number say on my porch the crack is not the concrete of to stray,
problem as the Math will shake Arithmetic to Treat the feet a Sesame on buns that keep a Bobby,
on Watch the Watchers seat to certain as the practice of the learner conversation bleed,
dripping like saliva Mom I saw the tax of over strong to work the charter back a long to dining room a gain.

For once an instant to the gone as stand back careful what is that song that taking one foot fact,
the floor of now the Three in store of the gates that enter door a dinner of the foodless shore a cleat.

Sharp these works with word of Sentence in this a riddle,
as the process`d of the Past has brought to full the Sentence,
the hurt to stab the dagger batch for Marge is swinging deadly scratch,
I see that in the phone of last is on the road of broader Thatch to scarab on a catch.

Be well dear friend whom arms the put the boilng of frogs, an, Maat have Ices in rebuke,
abbreviate the shaking sat as practical is Magic at the innocent read of that,
to the countries that doe deem death as Allah for the theme I simple this to China,
in Korea North or South four corners of the earth art that to the river bringing.

A time to fire in the short the hour of the early lot will language with this Pigeon,
as cockney is the spoken street of London Bridge in fella!!

A pony of the parade I saw in Petaluma as a tot this is the Pasture of the not for walking is a halter,
on the snap of leadline got the ride is in the barn, NOT, for all do familiar with Arena on dressage in reason,
wisdom with this warning slot a crotch to groin the Tattoo of the Tongan palace,
in the theses of the Haight it is the 60's of decade that daisy on the lath grenade and People pull the pinning.

Be war to battle of the field death is dead and summing,
that board of Ouija on the set is grabbing form of dice to roll the shape of sleeping.

In snore of sleep on wake of said this the sample speaking voice to microfilm of creased,
iron hot the poke of shot for Lot did teach the Ax of luke in the judas priesting,
such the text of written rest for the verse is in the church that Magazine of locked in found,
a bathroom spot to Petrini lunch at Ted I ask for napkin, a hamburger to fires fried the potatoe in the sly.

As scooby doo the Saturday to venture over Sunday, monday on the Tuesday name is the I land store,
a boat that shot to know the boot of the conformation of the well bred horse a Thoroughbred,
in the race the Steeplechase has bush to brush to jump the push as all are racing wire sliced,
in a pie of the cut a sharp to say Serenity, now watch the movie 'Divergent' for Metro is a burning.