Thursday, December 18, 2014

Crow Bait Hook & Line Reading Sync Herd

The sell phone of christmas a holiday pound, the coin and the ham,
mashing potatoes form the root beet out back, a rhubarb for peace, gravy in lie,
rounds to the hole of the bread at the table, butter with spread, gossip up's led,
that rose on the flower in the Vase for the print, place mats, the tickets, cheese and the rent.

The runner so eloquently placed right down the middle, so that equal division knows of the kibble,
chairs cuddled up, the frequent locked out, celebrating timber like the lives of the shout,
do not call this relative, reject that one for sure, And, if they show up turn your back, spin your heard,
just let them know that there dead to our social hour by ways of complete rejection with cheap.

Dance as you must for the stiff upper class all has that delivery of gosh it's to glass,
but as the face provides that cheek cannot lie, for the bent position is everybody rides,
so should you be in a bit of a twist, with all the lies on the list, chance this a listen filling in all the banks.

Now should the stitch not Sew than remind the picture of loan, for in the decades of the breast,
there are chickens Turkey in blending meet to dine the Feast of grating greet,
force that smudge dig in more grim for in the World today love and hatred are sourced to state.

Cream the portion with the mud of not what you would like to do but really do it,
don't be a coward hiding behind the skirts of time or your favorite tit sign,
make known the hate that you feel stand right up and look into that persons eyes for real.

Why wait the tablet of the number why not just invite yourself to tongue plunder,
scour the skipped with they deserve it for even Robin Williams died of up stirred it,
alone in the grant to the belts on the pants remember to hate with the love of the dance,
those round the kitchen butcher blocks that sucking in the air for oxygen rocks,
down with the curt for goods and rise, work get the grain soak the brine form paste to Wormer bides.

The singer and the whore on the breath of just a door to tangle with wreck,
the comb all breakage the split and the hatred Toppers on the tails, it is black and blank,
to cover label for message the News on the rags That Corner for the pub crawl a deathwatch,
formal Christmas morning split the conversation to Hold equipped Champagne celebrations.
the week after holiday back the years to pepper fact what a commerce like Tribal branching.

Do not shiver it is the the cock a triggered pillow that 1000 Years fell,
in the sticky mesh of internet catch the spider roams with spinning thread to sold,
in thermal under cancer the stretch is angel shells Wings clipped by government,
flipping money bank accounts backing more to kill, children dead even shep could not bark this still.

The winter of the Christmas countdown to quote a brand of year not children for that was gone,
so long in past the days of gifts that kept  fun up on the eve of the night in gifting sleep,
stockings filled with paper wrapped the ribbons tied all just right,
the dinner thought of turkey ham mashed potatoes on the clam,
the thinking rise to early wise that cannot wait to open fate.

Awe but for the love of memories in the mind I store,
however reality take that wonder and kill it dead with truth,
for nearly ten years have passed since times of mystery fun and stacked,
those hiding gifts in the lower drawers or high above the closet rack,
that smell of candy hot caramel the Ice Cream melting the fantastic fill,
for the breadth of treasure so glad I said no time for temper Mad or dread.

So each day I raised my children and well threw out the anger for that is foul,
I would say why bother with the emotions that will take are grip making tar,
each of us can chose to be better than that angry spit,
so stay your drill know that still with each a present the gift was skill.

Now that waste of time in grain formal to the entry strain of curl that I held,
for on the thick of mind in stitch I saw such trouble on the clip that happiness be reined me,
the hugs the kisses the 'Oh how are you _ _ _ ' blessed my days the rays were strong,
dinners cooking desert _ _ _ _ burnt for maybe now she bakes.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ screaming the day attire TV off for supper table,
the food fights, the pool, the lunch time meals that found with laughter a best,
the home from school, the off to work, AWE the Fifth Element, the family cult classic,
then _ _ _ _  sleeping with out her bed, Mugsy sitting on her bed, than she couldn't move,
_ _ _ _ _ _ never cleaning her room, _ _ _ _ _ and his ferret,
the times were more than I could say for in love was the family that couldn't stay together just 'cause.

To update the cruise on this madness life now everyone hates everyone else,
not really sure what the stab for the latest failure of all the bells,
this one doesn't talk to that one apparently but in reality it's Christmas so if you’re English it’s Yorkshire Pud & bred.

So it doesn't matter because I'll be long read before anyone even noticed I was sad that it all happened,
by the time those _ _ _ _  make their way to my door I won't see them because of the silence,
I will look right past that disconnection I've made and see whom ever they've decided to vibe,
like I checked out to of the Hotel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  left a number but the room is busy,
all because nobody noticed that so many years passed without ever hearing a word like hey  _ _ _ ,
what’s happening, time is going so fast."

Than to the surprise of the horrible letter _  am writing _  state that One did call on that exact,
in the fact that is the quote of the _ _ _  who phoned was worried and loved enough to speak,
so to all the haters that never want to see this _ _ _ _ _ _  heal,
I send you a shower of the only ember on this creed,

from the fire of elemental to the global democracy and the grand falls of greed.

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