Thursday, December 25, 2014

Picture Shock

Glass roof wide the skull in stitch to lineage the elbow of brain,
creation founded by the breeze of explosion bright stars to the spreading of rain dispose,
trample the flood mud in The Produce is fertilizer blood as the catholics anchor thumb,
down in the drown as the stake burned the shook Spake torn turning the baskets lung!!

Church on the mantra a Chant is the spell working for the Rib is the kneeling cow dumb,
hocks to the action A Haunch in the horse yet all the four leggers have a big balance on turf.

Circle to the star in the Five Point reverb that vibrations the spinning of Spirits on the curb,
bit to rein in ankle the heel forming brake tucking with at seat is the shoulders of the Vest,
drinking in the Air on the oxygen expensed Death is of the lives Living on the tech!!

Science mustard seeds rather the deed by deadly keys Proof of the dish is a plastic sterile dished,
mix the plaster with the mould an English Islands text, Monarchy with rule made evidence a led,
rolling worth to word in homes a booking of the last Latin tasted hobbles And bid at the addressed.

Chains on the guillotine, the tools of the Throne, trade in the Ax crank crossed at burning to the sewn,
threads now spider through the temple on the seam, trait this to human the brain is inking stone,
portal arc dimension the stature of the proof, Statues with the Carve show muscle on the boot!!

Granite by design to identify the Signs, temples with removal, A darkest stone on the Wall,
notes in rollers written jamming in to fold, read by the making of the posture on the phone,
heard to tax the marrow in today the simple sleeve, cannot the potty sitter be the better bone!!

Shake a earth to dirt a face with make Up got a cramp, tiles on the wares is dungeon read stair,
spiral entry with the touch, a Hug or Coffee Hutch, in either of the either it is the mortal crutch,
cane is a staff of scroll that pages into view, the eyes held in composure a photograph or Too,
add the vapor with the stream a natural bath at Panda, bamboo is for the whip at grass to sweep.

Suggest, suggest, Inch the meter to the bisque, Mark in the carrot as Potatoes field red,
standing on the Catholic is the Christian split at route, now subtract the exorcism what is the common cow.


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