Friday, December 19, 2014

Win Umbrella Rain

To be breathing the gorges of my mind,
the ground of scars wheeling with role hinges deeply seated, 
a prevailing shark forth,
a spanish horse, the paddling, the swim, the rock, the movie.

Screaming silence the library kind an shelved with strangling lines,
crawling at growth chairs,
that sound of less, the bathroom to lecture art.

Treat care like would, burn it onto the pages of time via ink print And glue paste, 
scrunch it all into the barrel and spray lighter fluid with performance enhancer,
ignite it with compact disc. cellophane from, 
And as it melts ask no one, for all the method learn.

Never consider less than total denial when it snaps click,
frost still is glaze, turned out it twas not ice but sugars icing!!

c.c. James Blunt

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