The allegory of Atmometry in Verse of route dries the leaves in Tomb fold be read,
a wall of conduit in the eclectic of charge,
a down right corrective to connection that Saved,
in the Calculate outer realms breath,
to bring to the justice a voice like a Dove,
the barrow of Wheel true Cycle to Tree,
a branch for the Sparrow on a humming of Seethe.
Wrath on the Tankers the drillers of cold,
energy does free-Flow with add Vice at a shoal,
the channel of bone to the like on a phone,
a heard of the Whale singing Elephant mile.
The inch on the long Verb to the worm offer slips,
the cleaners of flight have Vultures eclipsed,
ask birds that dew wing the Send of this sheen,
less the attraction & Moreover a Theme,
a character Equips with Teacher of Ring,
the Fire that speaks crackles a flame.
Time has amounted to books that have state,
the unfortunate grasp runs like a stoking of Stake,
with this generation a by the Way Call,
to being completely with a Life on a .....
cuddling Company in the messages bold,
the grateful adore is the Hugs from this score.
Means that Produce a temper in spell,
point factual the signal that worth cans a Mold,
the frame of a workings to shunned by the fold,
I belong to Nature as the nautical stol,
directive in Person would have been a nice Role,
however the Reality is blessed by this toll,
for being taught that no matter the question or the inquire to show,
Humanity surfaces the darkest 'Black Hole.'
Grid to dimension the near of this Craal,
exhibits a Table that place of a Maul,
the product of Cork or placemat to dine,
the Pictures of Eaten the Carp et be Moan,
that cib is the Measure of tender to Stone.
The Barney Tiles