Today last week Yesterday Tomorrow presently lives in Calendar hour,
on the tick of the stub in the rent of a Tub cents to the brain or the Tower,
crates are The Box string ark the Apple garden in Neighbor the ever in Shower,
birds in the Flock flew straight over head a Handshake display in the curtain of Power.
Whoosh went the vibrance in a sync of the flight down with the up And up with the Rite,
soaring eagle to dove in the Crow paddles sight a Vulture from oyster in the pearls of Sign,
guest to the play station a body nor kite the bars of the sheet notes our letters in pipe,
shedding the plugs as good owe to type amongst the sand Slayers the verb is a Swab.
Oh matey awe Madeline lines on the drive craving the day that daddy would stay,
off to the lantern no Lamp it's a shade lit from the spitfire on Clouds that did shave,
thunderous gallons drink in the pore Marrow for storage And cells on the Floor,
one handle reckons the Other does chore indeed to the Chimney a fluke or a penny.
Rooftops on reindeer's Sleighs upon bells Crane in the Apparitions And kidney for Yams,
taste in the elbow Wrist for the Band music in Lovely sweet butter to Jam,
tarts flow the sip Rate punch Ticket to move Towing the carton while evening does Fade,
shadow on Gray`lean busing the Came got a log grabbing Chisel to march in The Fiddle.
Bow rosin Pool Cues with Tables green found slips in the curve ball the Bank of assign,
Fast like a fever in the Brow by design Hotter the Hell in a Winter tugged Vine,
spread thorough in Vantage tunneling sludge Slicks to the oil In Tar scrolls of Nudge,
lather in Horses for Stature on key, Saddles for shakers Girth it a bee, Bridles do something.