Tuesday, January 6, 2015

George, George, George Of The......

Falling dead breathing this planets oxygen while death expels guild to shroud, the mind to denial of list of length of sound.  The echo of harbor, a star galaxy phone in tooth gear route to bone stitch of mind suites.  Bodily last on teller in light of flight to settle grasp on the lessor of a multitude of lathers.  Turning bye design the Masses trample any insistence to message health-by-done, proxied brown the hell bagging lung to muscle tongues, a split time through marrow in a battle with lip.

Truth account settled now the fear of life shack stairs back to construction means of purchase to ravel braided bunned.  Like a Hare on the bunny-hop Christmas to New Year the ram with lambs of racking a branch to the reality of the hearing.  Court jesting a sale of fright with a bit of honey to the coffin that nails dead sprites to the vast discard of garbage vain.  To slick the wig with gel of strict combat in a job that seats the cancer to the brain of factions on smite.

Carts that have no horse contact the print with burning pleasure, as to drive blinded while lighting the chapel candle of it's just a job on the Pan-Handle.  Circulation of savaged stipulations that require more proactive values to measure the impact on the passing of news rifled to fire bulletins awareness is the media that translates opinion on delivery.  To cycle on the Channel of international details of scenes is so scattered that belief of anything has been thrown to the dogs like a chewy.

Wrapped by rotten meat that dried on the Freight shipped through Customs of transfer, the merchandise has been soaked for Sales and locked appeal in the sump.  As the ship hits the task to over tax the listener with no counter for the fed, is like the fattening of a cow for slaughter.  In the range of perk the shredder of CBS Morning News just throws out the sanity for a chortle to the death of millions drinking morning coffee.  Grinding the statistics from base commercial of whom is funding the present hour to viewers whom are stunned by the minute talk strung.

Shaft the bank to climb the Tower for on the keyboard a bright new flour will at the least know butter for the bakers of the Thirteenth floored.  On the elevator built to move with a steady on the cable it is the voice of the construction to bring the bearings of the hardhat to familiar the keys with the example on progression towards a book and a year written thirty years before, all in this now a birth to that win, for '1984' certainly is relative to the state of skipping sends.  A mark to the check of the divergent with a rail on the mind that chose to be of And in time for the fry of that will suffer all mankind, showing the inevitable told. 

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