Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Is Earth To Reflection

Oddly, but really it is not that unusual in my life to either be compared or to suffer the comparison of lots of assumptions on peoples part of what is believed to be my part.  In any stand made for a healthy review of circumstance vs the partitions that divide introductions, there is always questions of Motif.  The sayings are so subtracted at a cost of drowning that to learn to swim is in truth difficult to say the least.  Cold waters like cold people will sink you to anchor of their lies in your mind. Fighting tears and fear or worse, to be run as shift to geared is a shafting of the standard that throttles with torque. I example in writing that the work will become the counter built.

Construction on the base of foundation to branch the feat of theme has been a problematic solution from the very beginning.  As society would love to bury any failure, I would rather dig to understand that failure creates success for the hands that have been killed before their time.  To know that in the Middle Ages so many woman specifically were crucified, burned, gutted and called heretics for states of difference reminds me so clearly that patience delivers circumstance to thereby learn from.  Should I have stood to soon in life than I would have been shot down with terror and certainly more threats than I have already suffered, so I waited.  By witness alone the tragedy of this dealt souping has brought great thought to my structure of sentence carriage.

In total the wealth of determination is finding that my theory as a youth was indeed correct.  People really do and are speaking with hammers and nails as todays current language.  There is no room for discussion or of more importance, I have witnessed no place that brings families back together to heal the loss of one another.  In a world so full of technology, the quick Tweet, a Facebook profile or next up and coming application of swipe, erase, purchase, buy, than down the load, I speak with the breeze.  It is a chilling deed to put forward the brand of ironing out a problematic strife, however it has brought the pieces into a picture that is not only seen, but, has the verse of voice to ample the technique.

Laugh hardily should you wish to continue to mock my efforts on the values that I have endured.  To know of the horrid rebuke that is spoken behind my back is to memory, for whom does cast stones to kill the starters by deadly bursts of slamming, I say with all honesty, I have not only witnessed horror recently, but, I have suffered horribly by the hands that have smashed my attempt to exist peacefully.  A simple hello, how are you, without the murder-death-kill attitude would have been something.  A tempo providing health, yet this has changed so coarsely, it is now the common beating of handled. People are suffering absolutely everywhere on this planet today and to be wise to the facts that many would like to torture the existence of many more is first and foremost to becoming aware of the terrorism that is running rampant.  The advantaged are demolished by the passing plotters, and it turns out that it is still all about the money and/or the religions fare be product.  Robbers that have tailed the crown otherwise know as compassionate minds, have mutilated fear to bright death by never digging or twisting a knife that can be readily seen, it is in the passing glance of 'shut the fuck up' that is slapped across your face.  However the wound is more than visible as I see the weapons of mass destruction in the shoulders of the audience that kills for their belief.

Be strong my new friends for in the innocence of any idea to the proof of the fact that theory is of shirt, it is the logos that is making a defining exclaim so that the language of terse may be understood before the shovel must dig the grave.  In tomb of Tellers the coffin of this, the Cremation of the ashes that are blowing down the chimneys lend.  A Fire place that loads the ember sky to balance the sun with a Moon on the dye is a Red Sign that makes month to a year and a date to Pi.  In the math of tame it is always left to the wild of named that breaks the seal to read the scribe as any birth.  Every birth is unique, rare and of great bearings.  The trouble that befriends our lives in hours or minute time is the reminder that trouble does exist and thereby a warning to those that have been familiar with its terror before.  In remembrance of so much it is in each human touch that brings balance to understood so that comprehension may be comprehended as simple speech.  On discussion of the active mind is the day of now, not the history of spent.  To negate the fact as being experienced shoves the convergence of the signs that I wish not to skirt.  For in identifying the solution going forward I must realize the road traveled, as that is the reason for me being in existence right now.  I appreciate the simple things as explanations to know that what was is in the process of arrival and will come with the wisdom of reason for enduring the trip.

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