Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ca'^Sole^Rock Cun^Cush^Uns

How much is in exact of $880 Million dollars to the political finders fee to the tack of the policy,
buy the Coke a fizz to the toss of the Years in the hands at the coming of vote to the equaling fare,
as the circus of string Webs with a scene Television flows with sick on the row ask 'barbi' for show.

Pointedly canned the laughter at strand is not the funny for that is a squirm to make what in the pane,
hurts from execution as ready to plate is it for the dinner of late smight on the fate,
is the driven lack of conscious in speak so locked at a purse that the same does not recognize a shape.

As HBO marks a calendar of the spout on a sill forward hour to the maer of Talk at razor,
edge to the clip notes to touch real on fact as the color of money is the Pool of the groupers,
tabled to port the drink with suppose or is it the force of dice on the snap eye caustic chorus of sand.

File speaks of filter per miss in inch to the hard On that off with a short to fracture the tonge a skill??,
slurp on  the taste with speculate filth crew box as the Card to ankle boards rice,
boil Junk onions brought with a sauce buried in vittles that b.b.q. risk so avant-garde.

Gel stiff hair the testimony pill operations that profile by 'til while the vacuum guts pro-flexion,
inject the Hawk with flight on the top curled with standards that movement chained fracking to orb,
glow worms with green to squirm down on the groove negating the price of the rock to exposed.

Pop Corn in call as the night doll^ers of raised POE lease to the slink of the barter as primer,
computer Bill to last name slug as the trail on the text is of glue time modge,
the porridge of stick to the carrot on the spine that decked a figure oh how the nickel tiers.

Schedule on the run of New Years Evening stop time fast are the languages that double to slap,
trick or the street that catalog lance owe be won can know bee when the average Grants the spun,
recorded Cloak Room with centrality Bends liken the everything as the chord of the said: Pour^Curd.

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