Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The spoke of the wheels going round and thump that hub on the lug is of stop sports road,
on the bake of the day clay to the taste of the work it is the less on the hark that realized stark,
on the middle of the lap to the single board read in ample of the extraction no spice is oft pace act rate,
toss the Gensen to the basket in the rain the grain will swell and a bunch will loathe,
hatred for the pick a dick or ride the saddles stair Fee owed turns asked radio caulk bumps the grunt.

As the all is Well talk Owe bell that is the sat A light on the harness Able too the sugar sweet,
to tack the whole is a balance to be the string,
a flower in the Sun of granting round,
as the Moon is a shade ore brass typical with a storm on a Cyclones tail of touch down.

To special the speech with a Christian Muslim or the candor of a Chew,
horses ride the ?? no it is the Rein that direction of the land,
on trail to arena the T is a smoking,
like the shoulders that Carriage of spoke touching the con^Crete neither is the bill.

But the factor is a stick to the soap on Must for that is the zipper locked on Cat,
may ping salve be the Greek to the games on the mead dee ah boards,
as is the sponge is to the wash so is the art to the spread,
consistent tailor fit with a dry forks for the building to just gauze.

Find the raise to a vernacular slung as the whipping shall not cream but slap to cheek vittles,
for the pour of the Pitch is a ball Melon on the said by the seam,

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