Monday, February 23, 2015

Ute Owe

There is nothing wrong with Men on Men in the bed of their divorce to Express a Train,
in that the caboose will rifle up as the tracks are blown to Overlook`t lust,
in this Know Theses the batter will prove to be that Preference is Men to Learn on bedding of Shem,
as the Tale is of scape and the litter is hour Hour to clock is to Watch the snapper`d release.

To gather on the dust of Pars on the Coal^Cue^Late is that the deck to Porch a bird in Thrush,
towards onward Up state a Known treatment of Rush inking that parson as a bidder on brushed,
to sculptors and Riders the mount is of Seat to a Pan Sexual that enjoys the absolute on the Drink.

Rivers to ocean ask the bravado deep Flame fire is lasting as eternal found Crane,
monitor the acts as the real goes Live to not stagger the sway rather report of the sky,
to I the resist is not the Man on the grip the measure is Knowing to ground the bits lift,
for B.D.S.M. is a taught bring to grunge so as the world lists I state this is sync,
to singing the vibrators that tickle a pit as former to action the strap has its wrist.

Microphone speaker or the receiver ought tsk it it is reality Thundering that all three are a Ex^Ist,
whether the Pope marries God or the Women sludge the pour into the stomach it vol. it Tolls more,
in depth of primordial the question of shift is the ability to loud that Men are found now,
in the City of San Francisco where the proper did have Training to preparation of focus delay,
lights to the LOVE in the hugs on the gain Meet ea Ores are the gimmels of Shay like Tight^Inds.

As Darwin did priest to something strange no Maze is the bigger on the letter to blest,
to free on the Winds the storms to the crest Eagles nest strides that flight of the desk,
written to guide does not mean to slam with the pest even the bugs have a reason to less,
sparking the Dau to dial the Vest as inside of the Tree there are rings that throw text.

To the Religions of this foul World that have prevented Naturals at Evolutionary bets,
I sane you a primer to decimal your guessed,
these are the barriers that Religion closets to Protect their In Duh Scresh Shuns to further their Net,
as the Fish are to bread and the butter to Jinn so is the cut on the solvents that problematics a spin.

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