Friday, February 20, 2015

We Are Equestrians Of Signs

Oddly the Barbi without a Head is the representative of the score on a youth in the Hare,
as All are familiar with the Symbol of Mould as the hard is the insistence of a carriers cold,
snooze button house to the answer on Porn yet on that it is the doll on the flaggers read spur,
as the Toy is of the hidden deep lay how does the Answer not be grin the found sleep.

Shall the bed of the Poster be talking to Bill is of the which Won or the equals of Stun,
to bit on the Betty for the zip of the took from this is the Hoot to open racked,
roar goes the Lyon on the Festival clear place to the fountain and eyes cannot fear,
for that is just the box of old stuff for on the foundation it looks to boar for the rough.

In at the button or between for the leg as three in the middle and a sound at the stair,
pop off the intro ask never to Steer invitation to From is the Bowl of the come.

Wash with the ribbon tied are the laced yet on the digs shrimp a Shrink in talk faced,
mine began by a listening said in times that Jung was more the Freud by true graced.

Deer Mr. Mare to the studs for the bath does the chain on the store shower Lover of gear,
did the thought enter read to the crayon of craved plants to idea`d hath delivered know raise,
to hides on the indicative to the pillow of placed Smell to the sheet is a diving to baste.

Plaster with door as the Notch of belt adds to subtract the Advertised as baited breath to advised,
shall the perfect believe to the Porn dial Soaps put to the Harrow and deals got cloaks,
sharply my candor is Ranching the Globe for on the Net Brisk is a small fragment Hopes,
to be not Just rather press Time to the Clock as mechanics are Greece`d to the games of the breast.

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