Friday, March 27, 2015

'Just Love' "Can't play to the crowd much, I sing for the crowd. It hurts me moneywise. It hurts me more otherwise." dg ink

There was a Classic Blues Singer dg that lived through much at the cost of more,
to that My best Friend his Son a violin Fiddler that loved baseball and AM Radio,
the call of the game that Hooray of the hit to this it is the Foot trace stadium of a Sailing to ships,
in the Windy days of decade singers The Sixties a blanket Babylon of learn the Crows,
flight to the Tells walking out the blue to range the life with a balanced stirrup to sway.

Rocking with the horse to Pony Up on the Posting trot it is the reality of the belly gut,
answering to Pier stock at the Umbrella of a Carousel the stack just doubles the signs on a 3rd ka chew,
touch the Expressions on the simplest of days to route the Guitar Picker a Harp.

These Harmonics on the mouth leased by the Root to grasp a letter by the Dressage on ridden,
in that the court is measured by distance & Width for that is the addition to the say as Halt,
invisible letters running down the center line by Memory of the eyesight to stop on the rib,
state of engagement on the Knows would cry to spake as it is the thankful speak that sheets today,
by the reason of A Clinic to that teach on the Events a borrow only words to creative Chairs.

Held by circumstance to Sentence the hards chilling The Blues to an ear bleed,
shedding those Rain drops as part of the Call to storm at sky Wisdoms bay of the Scene,
occipital ground finding the stretch is nigh September entry the grew riding a Technique,
spacial clarity added Mathematics to the Pie institution beating my brain for Fractions on the spine.

Built in each Every a harness to Master of the Arbor is the feeble counter of my writes in a time of pain,
in agony of fear the hark of the scribe is to etch not the drawing rather Arithmetic the crib,
that Tomb of yards showing Fence bones and Starts chiming sayings by quotes on the gives,
read for the cream on that last worth of Thought told the date on a Waltz with a glimpse,
port Dragon in the pleasure of a favorite shown back channel with a Swim stroke to kick,
the steady and the prosed.

Paddle boards with Oar roared banks that Trees grove with Creek waters floating soaked,
sprinkle Magic gifts on a listing with the Fires of A Campfire Kong,
the home on the Sound is the safety of loud a Blue Door telling facts to out the pour.

The Plum Tree in that garden of sit so is the Mind in a casual climb of memorization to Chess,
domino Checkers Monopoly Battle Ship Chutes & ladders Cards blackjack always Dolly's cluck,
the Dirt Water Fox a duchess on parade,
in the Norse on the lass Zeus mights Odin to treasure the story Chord,
oral tradition with bits & pieces of puzzling Truths.