Thursday, March 19, 2015

Still Alive Asked Humanity Kicking The Dirt For The Price

Hear to the ear of the plugs on the throat of the cut as that is not the question rather the shrug,
death comes from the shoots of the stunned to the bare process of a Hands Up affair,
even on that the stage is Pay Phones to deposit blight to the Comprehension of the gun itself,
loaded Weapons on the Side Arms in the anchor to the straight down as the Chalk is of a Line.

Rinks of the War in the spell on the Beaches or the Heavy Thicks have trained troops,
boot camp to the Working Out of the fear and the Bomb of reality to the drops,
ask the Helicopter to the boat holding the Impact,
submarines Protection to the Ships gunnery,
for the Foot Man it is a sleeve.

Jackets upon the Uniform to guide a Salute with the fear trace running the Veins,
pulse pumping the organ,
a heart on the further shores,
as the certain partition is scene to the streets of City tights for the What.

Learn that the first gunners on the Field of War miss the body by shooting over the Top of heads,
in the real of the horror Taking human life to a Natural plain of Live,
these days of shoulder Combat on the Town Ships car driven slamming doors Thumb,
a Mind in speak hath divided know Contest,
for when people With guns face People without guns the obvious is done!!

Stop Halt Turn dine,
the Eyes in spreading panic Run the gamete as bothered language,
to deny the truth of the scavengers on the skill to hunt with license is as Press,
the Media in the Script of deny as the Read is short Versions of ill loom in Nation.

Treat the in Flex shun as the injectable the Hawk to the flight of death on & On and of,
nature brings Singing Voices to twilight the Screams as the boost,
in this from & Sents the beginning of Earth the fax on the still Compositions if of laugh,
that lost in the shout for the Fear hath turned the Tides to crab.

Baiting hooks to Scam the list with Schedules put as Class to what Is in todays Commerce,
in the graduation of Cents to the apathy of grade The speech to Quest is a shape lane`d,
that is the purpose to Island out the ground as the bright counter the Sport.

Gosh the darn to the spool of the Threads that string Along the slave and the Mall,
to store the placement As if the Country is sleek enough to gel the Graeae,
aye the caller with i.d. A breadth to drink Al coe haul whilst Listening tell sped,
shredders in the blood Stones that garbage the  Trash to Tinfoil the wax.

Paper scissors Rock asked the Cutouts to show the Connection for it is the Interesting of Scam,
in the United States of America the Drug Wars ronald reagan and the suffering still died,
the eggs fried the bacon Sizzled the Pork Bellies taped Ticket price on Wall Streets ball!!

Switch grass to the Sputter to Pot lines of the copper hard,
remotely it is the button to Butt inn,
house Homer with an echo as the Turbulence see breaks Chorus,
temper to style`d the Blunt in the Crow,
listen Its just the Cup on the Sound of POE!!!

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