Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wonce Upon A Signed

Hay Hay its the Monk keys got the favorite Loop Um on the kept of candor the Company go fish,
in the Net of Nylon cost the slip upon the Freeze is with the candle light at bright Peter copper Claused,
skate with the Ices burn to ankle Up the Crop from dime on the Doll Lar Hide is equals to the sign`d,
dong Dingle ring a charge Shale tramples Sort typing which a Writer is the cock of Grind,
is It should lit be the Lamp ouch Trades to touch the Measure with a Stick calling but A Thumb!!

Fist the brim of Rib in kit to crow the Hoot Owl lone,
a temple for the fraction Mathematically getting Corn,
sure Viper with a Twist to anchor at A Large in slight,
these Are the daze Often raised to Till the total Based!!

Sing that flavor belly Breast the Hamper filled with Wears for all do use the Potty even oust the stare,
to track the Arms without the bread is Mirror a Circus clone,
trigger for the horse & Cart in Harness like a King,
the wall of Hump to dump the E is clash of tight Ends Magpie,
Xing borth a mixture shred to dialect of latter Head!!

Biblical determined gross The Profits fit to bleep,
shall the flock of You in seat be the channel shriek,
attention grown task That barn a Zipper belt to handle quilt then Junk the boat to row,
it borns the bell to Ring the cinch a Vista with Out the bench`d!!

Harsh to Sweets in chalk A let being savor butters Lead,
swinging Chaffy snap Tell lectures tribe`ing Kitchen Soup!!

Product worn to angle Storm at breeding Classic Call win eating Well a down to Up the swell,
as the crock A dial shall spoof the Hip Pea cream dark Spin H is the core ba late Ore Inking!!

Literary meld a Terry switch the spell shoulder kelp See weed dunking Part tee Club,
gall `f guard Den resting Clap finding Rhythm banking stack too Library a feeds,
letter lathe to Multi^Pulls that is the distant been the Froze to Take the easy Speak,
this the did in done be Fore to Beginning its the door that Shadows ride the Tore`n,
skipping bounce with lets Oust lathe the Shingle with a b`rain to day is circus with A Room!!

Giraffe L if Font the graph of what the Coffee conchs a sea Shell that is bottoms launch`d,
then in the system of the Neat steak Potatoes with a bunch of Banana steep,
striping Nails hammer grant to fit the P tuck at a glad than mention nothing Puts,
PussNboots the men Toll romps daisy Made the see Quell chart to bought the come Pass lived. 

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