Thursday, May 7, 2015

Life On Lull A Bide Rock Kinged VI

The Horse on A Thunders Role to Announce the Rider of Storms deep Seated at the Post,
in the jump to the Standard of test is the Dressage`d on the value of the Letters lead,
to taste the power of engagement touch the strength of the saddle at girth a billets rise to Praise,
in loft of the Crowning of Heavenly speak a sparkle on the driven released the Complete,
to tack the bridle is a Bit on the favor to Cheeks that Attach to The Reins,
a buckle of leather tracers of the hark!!

Owe forth the Light Harness to Know of the Scout,
a service to that is the faint,
a powerful Fox in the Sleeve on the Hunt abouts,
treasures in the Whole are the Hounds of the Prized,
basic to Scry an Event jumping the gate to see the built for the Sheep in the flock are Scattering,
fleece for the travels a Wool Cooler on the thristy sweats,
dripping with Salt an Exodus of the read is the desire to be of the Lightenings bolt to ground!!

At the Dawn of the Mornings real a list to the Verse on the strain,
failure is not my grain for the Oats hour the sweep to that Marching parade,
work through the pain to dial a stride correctly driven the Carriage is a shoulder affair,
changing a lead on the track of Trace skies is the excitement in the thrills,
at the edge of chart to tell the skirts of starry skies the ready and the pulled,
sound to the duty and honor the Trots.

Posting touches the shower of Suns in the Horses brought,
on the Bounce it is the Won done to seat the Skill,
for me it is the learning of the crash that steeps me a spill to spelling out the test on the dialed,
in that the condition of the footing is in the frogs capability to bunch mud a sticker or a nail,
shoes on the barefoot are not the smalls performer for Nature cleans so naturally I origin the form,
at math the clay is the soil talking trail line it Up with the been to distance traveled,
as In Tell tolls the Mile on the Call phone the Shoer and What do You have,

Brace the backers with that Concrete sound of the Clip to the clop of a Sake,
loving the sounders at the Tune of say I hear the thunder of Hooves on a doorway,
tacked Up from Halter to leadline I have known the Cross-ties halt forward the Rack,
wash in the rinse and on the emergency its the reliance on the quick release to give a based.

Grip that with the Mucking of the buckets to wheel barrel the grunt A sigh as that quirks,
to tremble the excitement of leather played to Oh for the cattle delights,
a real coordination of thorough to regard the absent as query to the agency of torque,
to be in the balance of life as the arrangement Meets I love the speech!!

Ever is the appreciation of Feed from the grains to the Wheats I sew the Fields romanced,
riding as the boot Affair on the smooth of the Salute bases a defining Taste to the arena of Life,
a jockey on the steeplechase is the Also of the Racetrack that paces a fantastic Northern Dancer,
in distance the Thrive is of the Cadence on the Home Stretch,
a Noble start to the Cross of The Finish,
a photo for the grabbers is the flowers on the Winners Circle to Creations crave of Sat a Lites.

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