Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jimmy Doty, Popo & Hud ~ The Staples Of Sew Much

Shout a loud to maintain a stone ledgers shore the balliste of a bevels rule,
gem jangle a blue ox to mines on the times of travel; the railway!!,
creed to beach of sandie shorts.

Teacher gallops on the hods off Timber doored; a Tacks brought Mind pours,
One say can the Sea be that Ocean Us of the Banks of Hey!!,
a Wave that constants the drops and A knew.

This World reserves No rite to specifics while lighting the Oils to greece,
sports once a Throng,
the Games of the Ole songs with Lyrics on the Poe leased to communicate olds from Long Past division,
these are the Patty Cakes of Corn.

Oddly I had a Wonder of a Few Horses,
in barn of A texas range 'Buck' came by Ways of a Particular Man,
so blessed I have been to know the brother A kin.

Picture incredible and bank a Pen sill,
Imagine memory as that in Gauge meant to Type a Friend,
all with Homer as the Said,
Not the echo of Splinters Or Spin.

Hoo Towel an Owl or Awl,
the Needle in Your aye or base of Darn,
a Sock I was taught Shown this Temple Ton be,
that a Stitch in Time saves Nine!!

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