Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pass Owe Robles Horse Park`d

The brilliance of the land It on the Plan It of the earth on the land of butters Up,
that is a simple steam of kettle dreams but the reality is the hugs on the scene,
a great hello the excitement of the beams Lighting that Face with smiles of greats!!

To task the term of the agreement on the shallow has brought to the sentence a supper on the done,
in Pleasant to tack the Horse on the Form looking to the Onward Forward wonder of a fantastic real!!

The storms subject no blanket the Open Venue to A growth,
it is the sunshine on the horizon that dawn of lathered reins,
this bridle of fantastic the braids on the shown,
mills to Rice and Roams to trail blazing this World of the drone`d.

To laugh and speak with Met the search is to be ever so grateful for the port,
a good pine on the Jung in the bell of the Free is the length on the lanes in the Energy!!

  1. **Robles Name Meaning. Spanish: topographic name from the plural of roble 'oak', or a habitational name from Los Robles in LleĆ³n, named from the same word.

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