Thursday, June 4, 2015

Role Ur R's At The McGuffy Once Marbles In Hands Summed

\flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-KEY-shuh n\
1. Rare. the estimation of something as valueless (encountered mainly as an example of one of the longest words in the English language).
…they must be taken with an air of contempt, a floccipaucinihilipilification of all that can gratify the outward man
-- Sir Walter Scott, “Wednesday, March 18, 1829,” The Journal of Sir Walter Scott, edited by W. E. K Anderson, 1972
Floccinaucinihilipilification is a combination of the Latin words floccī+naucī+nihilī+pilī each of which refer to something of little or no value. These terms appeared next to one another in a widely used textbook called The Eton Latin Grammar, and were combined in this facetious construction, which is first attested in the 1700s.

Ask Not the Decision for the In Decision made a Cork to the Bottle of the Sigh,
as that is the burn barrel Pallets Maure to Talk a Barn at the Facilities to Start,
in the Arena of the Footing the Paddocks are Filed to that Scene as the Mulch is Sparrow`d,
the Hoof of the Tang is on the Fanta of the Spring,
moving with the Breeze Way to physical Horse as that is the dog&pony Go!!

Down to the Summer on the beach Rides ask KNOT the yaw`t,
in that disk of Vulture cream an Eagle bearing the Compass lean,
to tsk on that is to Knot recognize the Breed verses the Rounds pen,
sync a Gain to laundry lined and Wash the Mouth with simple.

To day that Tribe is Seeing Fair it is the PGE`d of Watts on Stair,
to take that Photo at the Sat a lite Bic is to Know the mouse of Stick`d,
green dollars Necessary as Working it Out is a loving lard to Jobbers!!

Stream to a Pooles fee and Cycle with the Riders lens to Knock knock it Diced,
chopped for the Salary to dived on the 3-D dimension that to Star Wars and What do You have but a dressage,
captured buy that Chapter on the Bar of sheets in land,
shield not the Cry as that is Former to that Rank.

Treat that Tricks as Snap the Finger to Realm of Cars in Burr Reese,
chalk lines to Outlines Home boundary Call dimes in Quarter Horse to Walker!!

Degree of Heat is on the Iron of the Cactus at that Deem,
remember Remember the 5th of November gun Fires treason and Plots,
that Scout on the Ribbon of oaks to the Truth short Ponies in the rescue gone Done jinn,
to tangle with a S is to Know the Hist of grass but that is revealing to the public Venue Crest.

Chandeliers to Bill's Palace that table of the Ham,
burgers are the Buns to a Money docks Treed,
sake that Off to Know Orion as the System Ink leans to Spiders on the said.

Steady in the Gander as a Candle on the lob Raw is still in Composition of a dab,
sand in the shoes of Homer on the Roos a Kanga to that Whinny the torque,
riding is and On the board to Template of CETA at that it becomes the Fares of Reality Conch Shades.

A Alamo to Harte Street the Avenue in Leeks,
a More's in Zest to Woodside's best as that is the Shopping channel`d Trials.

Birdie WAS a court of Gate to Man I called the stallers Rate at dismissed I left,
in dig that Trait to Personal lathe the Shingle still does Core to certain Tangible Steels,
Private to loc the Nestle on the Can is the garage a Bercut Sealed,
does the Container have a Key to know that combo of the Seer in depth of Why's is Rocked,
become a shrug to Deli as this is the beet to lumber on the Scene,
shell Beach that Grand Stands glassed to deck the chair as Abalone.

Less won for got the Casting net to sordid by the Trucked,
in part to the drum on that is the Boats of Owe such lung,
the braid Dee banana a Purr let rate Off et Sir at be Bong Jung,
at that the I'n stein Dockets to a lot of pass,
in the arm or the Feat its curtains leak I regularly called it blinking Cents on the Fence,
talk a Tory to that Trunk and Vice the Fed to making dye that game of Go, Go, Go!!

Mars bane to Oliver that is the trust of this Ole date,
reason on the Blues is the Sade but what is the Jakes,
should Wood be timbers a the Spreading catch this Makes evident the Car lights Rhymed.

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