Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Meed Dee Awe

Would it not be the odd EST scene shall the Beach regard the Language as Natural to the Stars,
leading on the Face of Earth for an Understanding that Braved the Cost at priced so Hi,
as the Fact on Globe is of Sell Denial I can All Waves to the Most Incredible balance of a Seat!!

This long And great Breadth is of cadence and deep Character to the Channel of a Ocean,
this is the Truth on the Stage of an Opera of Say that in that is the Junk on a slow boat to China.

Touch the Love and realize that Africa has Held to the education of Zulu as a College degree,
the Feat on the Stadium of comprehending the Mountain!!

A valley of Moons is the Stead of a Tibetan trough to back that purpose with a latitude and Strength,
the Saudi's on there checking of teeth at the bought Sport of People to Sport the World with Sport,
so Old that was I heard on Bryant Gumbels' HBO Show,
the honest the Just and a Man full to the Brim with an Execution of bringing latter day Rein!!

As the Trust is of Well Familiar with Text and Bravery it provisions Know Term,
for that is the best of the best Knight bringing a Flavor to the Media minus the lie,
to be of the Vice that does NOT glass Ceiling but provides a barrel of Interest with no rot.

In the Days of Matters it is the Shoulders of Whom has and IS producing the Information,
to that I say Thanks.

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