Sunday, June 21, 2015

Which Craft Shows The Air Loom Toe Mate Toad

Lets see the Value giant on the Giant value of the Gear Reed of the Fill more's,
enter Act with a Gree sir Vista to Owe pen View.

In Role its E zee to Com. the Come Ing to a Bot on the burr Knack U cart,
a shoulder for the Head the leg from the Thigh now Addition its A Clear Ing to Housed.

From the basic of Back to the Few chur Temp. tae shun Is Nor Mole,
this Very morning I spy With my Tie knee Aye two Coyotes on the Road,
at that A Crow flute`d the Ka to a Ki and the kye Oat Teas said Look!! its a Met tro on the Throes.

Con Tack to there is the Lights On lights Oft tend the Vernacular breeze Way to I'll,
this is Customs to kit Shipped U Verse or dure Stat Us`d,
therefore or There buy is In stall A shuns touching Act A Vay shuns in the Cinders of the Um brella,
the Wire of Under bra to Char is the Ash in re^Maned verses the Pi ball`d.

Sew the thread on the Creepy Feat chured a Milk Honey Sugar Cream,
the brown Paper packaging of Yell owed,
part Tip Yung to that Yin of the yang to Auspicious barter on the Who due!! 

Equip meant Body Mined the sole to Hook line & Sink curr,
purr Haps the Venue is a Men ewe that Hue Mon. does Not recognize As a Disaster all Read deed for sharks,
on that is the prowess of Speak on Mash to the Are Mur of a Whispered Men Towel it Tee,
cause Tick hobbling to that Snub Bing post of a Care ole once A pawn the Bishops lawn.

Pro Moat shun Knoll to the Mound of living Collared and What does the Leash charge the Tree,
a Snap or the Line that rings to the burl on the Sunk In treasure of Nuts and bolts of Spread eagle!!

The Flight of Metro Nome is a Gargoyle cork to the Stain glassed Wind dough on day shaw Vujà,
ice Creamery of Fair Ole's scoops the Melt to stainless Steel or to Stain less steals,
the Imprint on a Print is Copy Write did as each Hi fun is dismissed for the desk of Retrievals,
the Dogs rein Cats the feat is a Scratch on the Vie knoll of the Recorded Hour of NOW.

Bill balances the Up grade to In Foe`d that Talk Ewe sudge not at Men it rate rather Rats,
to Gain the Custom Ur's self at Plea ease Sir Vivol of the Fit ist ore the EST on A door`d,
the Mow bull to Sped is an Or gone to Rose berg in the Teach taught See a less Sun.

All pro Mow shun Ole's off Firs Mae Knot bee Reflect ed On your Bill,
EST duh Mint sea Men and Pry sing.

Import Ant & keep this Letter in a Safe placed,
this let Tour is a Buses dot Calmer on the Storm True pers Stated buy The Purr pen dicked U lard,
as a Pass Code the lo 'K' shun is Pry merry to the I dee Uh of a Funk Shun,
the bun Dole is Known as the Govern Mint of a Pry Merried in the Hoss toll of A Mare ick Ka,
these Theories of Say And Gade are Sim Pull to Com Plex it Tea calling the Leaf a Table.

Fine A lee the Noun on the Verb in that Word of the Said on is Dunks the Coco^Nut to cook eased,
in that is the Chorus of the egg dazed to Articulate the Tongue of Coat as skinned,
then the Homer is the three Baste shin to Back that Spy Noll flew^id Who's TO KNOW 'cause It's Not a chute ITS a Take Too.