Monday, July 6, 2015

George Enescu- Learning Journal

Photoraphic image

In general terms an image it is an way of transmitting information, made by  an representation of an moment or an experience formed on the humans eye retina, an sensorial feeling or an sound who gives us an specific message. The same moment can produce different images for an number of people, as everyone it is attracted of different element, we empathise with every single element that we know, we understand, and in the same time we are captivated by the unknown.

Throghout all this the image who remains in our mind more often it is the picture, the visual part of an image.
The message is an presentation element between reality and representation of  reality, ,, overall message is formed by a source of emission, a channel of transmission and a point of reception "(Barthes, 1977:15) so a picture becomes a symbol that evokes an image, an idea, a concept or a feeling.
Symbols becomes part of a system of signs that construct information.

Judging on this we can say that a photographic image it is an visual representation stocked on a format film or digital, who is influenced by the lens distance and camera type, ,,in it`s early years photography was celebrated for its putative ability to produce accurate images of what was in front of its lens, images which were seen as being mechanically produced and thus free of selective discriminations of the human eye and hand."(Wells, 1998:13).

It can be an proof, an document of an happened situation or of a fact recorded on a format, ,, photography validated our experience of being there, which is not merely one of visiting an unfamiliar place, but of capturing the authentic experience of a strange place. Photographs are records and documents which pin down the changing world of appearance." (Wells, 1998: 20)

As of his late start in history , photography was an domain struggling to find his path through art world, and especially the visual arts, ,, photography was a major carrier and shaper of modernism, not only it dislocate time and space, but it also undermined the linear structure of conventional narrative in a number of respects." (Wells, 1998: 19) going to some huge despite for his role, is it an technique or an way of art.

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