Monday, August 31, 2015

I Like Self Best!!!

Wise to the pen on the paper of the pause of thought to take ink to the pad.  As the mind is in the meld of key stroking placement does now the pen sill lead to a windows display?  Does the did in a tow of the said on the sit happen so slightly that the numb on the sleepy time sent not recognize the at lip?

As the desk of yesterday years to an address of the lesson bender kid, does that rinse of alarm tick to the starch of the test on the worth tell of words?  Should that have not been the casual return on the typeset to scribe, than did the does of the actionable at hand bare the nudity of thought today?

By trades on a station to the think scot hop scotch drink to the message, or, age to the question on page?  Do the rings of gossip crowding the persons screen double to a scope or is it the imagine of an audience at tone?

Another word of stage freeze with a taste of anonymity to judge the clear beyond the responsibility of those eyes staring bar to bar with a rivalry that enhances the actual communication of the conversation at the intersection of the interaction in the personal process of a zone?

Running on sentence to cause the temptation to be on the lie side of that one direction of the screen as the tell a prompter speaks a dirty partition to breathe the easy format with no accord on the disappointment of the sad eyes of the body watch that falls from the hit of the receipt of that tenderloin of the chopped message that was said to have been a complete status stated.

The bells and the thistle, the thorns and/or the nail driven in so deeply that the depth of the frequency of such drilling matter on a subjects brain has oozed into that direction of contagions quantum.  For tread the slip message is port to the inbox of chord screaming read me, like me, share me, erase me. These stagger the strange drools of lets get dirty on the stunt with your trunk and zip purr.

Did the bump tell the rump that the toast was a staff that swallowed the word hole?  The quell of the questionable raised.

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