Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cruise Control

Just in the principle of Human skates the coral is of consistence touching the barnacles price,
as the reef in the felt of the antlers price is the season of the winter on a spring to count point,
in the fable on the myth^owe^logical is the forestry of groves,
to spoke as the wheel in that is the carriage,
to shoulder is the bearing of a chorus to engage the probability to light in a rein dance!!

On thought is an opportunity to build the avenue of a map on the cost,
for the ticket today production is a price.

While the presence of is apron strings to the Tide on the hours of Minute dish Helmets,
the scurry to vapor a path as a grape on the no wrath rather be of a calm in tone,
jerking History to manifesto of only Apocalyptic chains on meaning death is global,
stitch to the understanding a state of piece In Vel loped.

For as the people shape in the thread a braided total I will steep the kettle with a whistlers meed,
more to tack and foot trait the primer on the coat is a scale on short sheet,
bring to conscious the eyes of a realm spending drains to scramble directions on living lives,
creaming the spinach of standing to dock parody to each and every slip as a dial of ripe.

Reserve Wine old time Whiskey the card game on a swig to Poker the blackjack as be Kind,
a type that razors the face with sliced pie in a fashion of the porch to the Window sill,
as the heat of the shade is cactus dried apricots with the clothes line of swing,
the Vine will bell owe to total a Crop on that is the Barrel,
is it that Pickle or the packed.

The sell or on the street of lane to Hell in the hand basket of shallows at the grave,
unity is not An or,
the situation of traveling the bells is but a handle to Opera,
a symphony of trails has been of Ancient bravado from base at each a paste and clique,
it is the shale of Totality but what of the stride.

A curtain to the blink in lash is whipping cream at the Milking of a paddle,
string a long to that bramble for the thorns brier patch,
the song of a neigh sayer reaches to a grasp,
is not the Sea an approach to the Oceans zone of title changes,
should the land not be the shore of Humanity on desire to thrive not die with Hell fire Brain,
does not the Mop of so many platters Shelf to the Earth and Natures quake to thunder lightning,
an ability to stream on the rivers grown with understanding the phone as a connection to spam.

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