Saturday, September 26, 2015

Its A Real Day^Tone^Uh

The shame of Humanity is the comprehension of the Religions status on Whom does swat,
as the Catholic Church counters the Priest and the Nun neither are in the daily worry of sexual doll sit,
so the simple eye turn to the actual act of the bed is both over Look to that Organization,
for to have removed the act of penetration by via both receive and tack the Moral pounce,
for in the daily bread of every Mortal that is not in the Closet of religious store it is Swine,
the pork frying the bacon to pan the task to that grit on the state of the back.

So as the Catholic Church morals the Bedroom as a Sleeve it is East to North on the South of real,
to have known that years upon years the Pawn & The Rooks have had Virtue based pew is absurd,
for just walking the plank to scour the Mission on the scrubs,
the religions Nurse the saddle to bulb the avenue of the All Mighty Dollar on the Pursed.

Kiss Jude and Know shank Civilizations awed by the lawn,
mowing tax as The Catholic establishment in their term Neither must branch to the responsibility to the grind,
should their perch not include all law in trunk that the groves would not have Forest,
clear to that it would have not dried up it simply would have died. 

Great that the Harness bridles the Bits to cheek the kiss,
the accountability grapes to the Pew sat by that increasing Commodore cream,
in each of the arguments it Involves saddles of open chores,
the list of reasons to As guard on the research to Crest of Toothpaste.

To say that gear Box was working the Centuries Mechanics the Engineer would build at chain,
to cycle on the Life and Death to grow the Crops on baled with Snot and shot it is Jailing,
to the Prison of the Minds on any Brought to turning is as Asking the Question beg,
that Oracle of provided does the sync than the deck traced the Bellow to a Vent the stile,
for without the quest of the daily Human born the Church would stop at the Graveyards lie.

Strange not Happening is the Thought touch a catholic long on the Milena of company,
sears rose buck on the most obvious stirred of Latin to talkers on that Management,
put in the priest as that and look the Company of Church at grooming has had the screw for Perfection,
no fault know Gain as their Track Record puts to the Papas a generous label on the Jackets slippers.

To back of the basic of Core pour Rations the feed of drink to the staff of stockers it sounds has just a forge,
method to the building of Hide and seek than Twat hideous ranges have boarded a Tone,
to singing the Latin script for the snow in Planks for the drowning and A for Equip'T!!

To Tack is the Collar on that is the scale now on the Year to what is Food truck racked,
skull and the Cross bones to that is the state of course as the Speech goes to think in about ground,
many on the burn Guts to the gutted that Twist on the harbor of hang Sin to Pigeon,
band than the Ankle what a buy to central the Tripping as Roast and be Tin.

Would that just be the Information on Treat should All of this happen Happened repeat,
just in this Time of the Ages on Fact the World ran out of Room to blank it All black Out,
to the lazor cut stones in the Central America telling no on the aliens just Now on the steam!!

For it has been Said to extreme understood that if all the Communication of Satellites went Kaboom,
that the Whirled of Societies would be thrown to the Dark Ages is not that the Seam,
lost banks to the Repeaters oh port told the been a dipped a pens.

Hour of the clock to Watchers of stick a strict Nine to bread on the levin is that Numbers or grin,
for as I have gone to the bring on logic Conscience to aspect of the Understanding 'History' repeats,
so hear is the Corn^a^copious a Mount  now playing the Venue in reality at The Hill,
peoples Congress shun Ole business,
the language of Simple to strange in complex but Whom is the care owe on the sir up of schlep.

Paul A Tish Ins
Paul A Tish Shins
Paul a Tish Inns
Pull lit A Co.'ll
Pole Lick It Coal
Poe lit. A Cole

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