Friday, September 25, 2015

Pay A^Ten^Shin

In with the brass on the simple to that is the taught of LOOK is the Corporal major on the Keys,
does the back spin to the grey Matter ore,
is earth treated to the substance of the subject as the elf to Tack the barrier of the dusk drowned,
did the vast break forge to the Weld of cause Tick as the Watch is of the Tell,
crowds of the edge on Tree ton is far the Hare OH it must be the Elephants sigh,
the ivory on that Plane skill to Announce the drown in the Placid transfer to banked sty.

Shall the clay base trick Nudge does the Media drink the fountains Waft of treasury,
did the gold on the Silver lining sing that Swan,
does the Park King Lot say in simple tears a Truth not Bop,
the hip of swerve to engage the Painting as a Walrus pineapples Swell?

Heavy are the Pi lawns of the Well if's and the Electric foundation of Owe Pinion,
is the hinge swinging a Brought as the signal of the fleet on the Mass,
is the chair of the Microphone in the Status clear speech saying Chase,
does the American not Quarry the granite as the establishment of a STAND.

In ditches dig is it the 60's Groove VEE on the pass the Message in a obvious term,
tears are the falling rein to Know the problem of solve,
left from right is the Tone touch Answer with more than just An Idea this Time Bare,
trip on the bored for the talk is clique that Shown of Massive understanding to grace Spell.

The stick on the gross Pear^Us is the Application desire or the Most^est,
does the lather of deck language a silent clock to difference in practical Hoarseman,
for on that Timber I pause.

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