Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Planet Lanes With Bread And Lines

Shirts that clam of the simple suit of cloister is a stilling on the rock bedding as Oceans read,
a crease to the oxygen that is salt waters fed a swish to the tide on once upon the dead,
in alive on the reef a school of leaves is indicative of a sunken Shipping fracture,
the split rust to open the sides as to inform the natural surroundings of the sharks at part.

The bermuda triangle is a fly barter to strange racks,
freight is scored to have winked the path as the venture of pirates raid,
as to walk the fester or might the fret from dawn till dusk ran waving freedom,
more torn sails have showered the ankles frost to in deed the oars on oaring.

In the long list of history to dives on the bends Scuba has brought snorkeling dense,
while the air is rated to lungs of spelling a Tank is offering the stand to underneath,
in a daze of haste the mind may event to breaking waves,
scathing the tongue can sheep in a shadows rave!!

Teach of short Nails is the weight on the wire inch,
a Sixteen penny setting to arbor the shed is slight a tacks hammer,
in foot measure to sheet Rocks sever is the sand dial a timing dorset route to circles,
or is that pheasant on the framing a Gates making to Stones Henge.

Scenery on the filed of Ages in division of grounds developed century,
a wall standing the strength of left for a tray,
service is the Find of finding a stay,
mystery Fable the celtic bean laid!!

A coral remainder alive with teaming life singing over the darn,
in thatch the straw is shells of pebbled time,
a roof to Talk the speeches of signified,
great door from the ordering a piece in the Puzzles came.

Less fright will compass tricks in a Thicket of priced satchel,
born forest in a fair reeds Marsh,
the bog in lost Quick sand is dividend Morrow,
yes Slate.

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