Tuesday, October 6, 2015

On the book of the Three-Ring Binder a Thought to task the American to Electricity & shake,
the earth of the land of which Wii stand is based on the Case library as a Screen to battery,
at the trace of no replace This is the Emergency broad Casting system too Operation paper Clip!!

A Politician on an Understanding of A Pony Club Rally for the Nickel on the dollar back of Truth,
for score and now in the year of a go Wyoming is the demonstration of a speak,
at that in simplicity to know the necessity of both commerce and Conversation know decision to the Song.

To engage the painted Hoarse Men all inclusive to that race Comprehend the save of penned space,
for said the Importance of What was available by the Bell System : A Phone Book!!

In that is the necessary instructions and room for input in order to have the ability to be corn to Wheat,
in the sway of the stamp on collection is the collection of each able body person to print their own copy to Home,
as that would ease the price and Ink cost to only those that would true preparation over failure.

For on event of Any specific State the Cause or the affect could than be of read Block by shock,
this than puts into the Cart a harness with both Bridle and bit to what is better  than Cap and pen,
to dot the aye a Public Caliber to be familiar with Training on National continuity for life is not a saying,
it is a desire to be of Information and not a drain on the note 911.

So the United States Post Office delivers to the door of Wonder,
a beautiful breeze to envelope the trust of Look a place to ponder the took,
stamped with a gentle bulletin to advertise Campaign,
all while the Country knows process is like dialing joe,
A Great Cup of Coffee for the Spoon and the soy.

This would not Only calendar the purpose but in edition bring an entire line of School supplies for want,
pencils representing the Founding Fathers in a conversation to the Presidency and their education to the Times,
not a complicated First a Mend mint but the best of Campfire Talks to begin the Timex of grin,
a tremendous value to the change making Cents on the done to Appreciate the thanks it is a hug.

Just An Example for the Telephone Directory A table of contents for Emergency Purposes

A selective resource marketing guide to better businesses!!

All the candidate for President has to complete is a visit to Wyoming to ensure that State smiles, because you would of course take a picture of our important History representing the Shoes that you would like to fill.  Those are tremendous today as it seems these Fathers are Quoted constantly & would it be nice to enjoy the bearing as Men to be aware of the arms.

     "The put towns name here Chamber of Commerce welcomes this local directory as a catalyst to communications between neighbors and local businesses. We urge you to use it extensively, remain calm and know ability."

Emergency Preparedness Kit

Prepare and maintain an emergency kit with enough supplies to be self-sufficient for at least three days and preferably up to one week.

The kit should include:

  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Battery-powered radio with extra batteries
  • One-week supply of water
  • One-week supply of non-perishable food and a manual can opener
  • Alternative cooking source
  • A first aid kit and handbook
  • A-B-C multipurpose fire extinguisher
  • Extra medication for those who need prescription drugs
  • Adjustable pipe or crescent wrench to turn off the gas and water supply
  • Chlorine bleach and instructions for purifying water
  • Blankets, warm clothes, sturdy shoes and heavy gloves

Turn Your Gas Off

How to Locate Your Main Gas Service Shutoff Valve

Knowing the location of your main service shutoff value will help you turn off the gas supply to your entire facility quickly in case of an emergency.
The location of the valve can depending on the type of building and when it was installed:
  • The gas meter and gas service shutoff valve is usually located on the side or in front of the building has a breezeway, it could be located there.
Gas Service Shut Off
Gas Shutoff Valve
  • In some cases, the gas meter can be located in a cabinet enclosure built into the building or located inside the building. In these cases, the gas service shutoff valve can be located outside on a section of gas service pipe next to the building, or near the gas meter.
Cabinet Meter
Cabinet Meter
  • In some cases, the gas meter can be located in a cabinet enclosure built into the building or located inside the building. In these cases, the gas service shutoff valve can be located outside on a section of gas service pipe next to the building, or near the gas meter.
Cabinet Meter Outside
Cabinet Meter Outside
  • If there are multiple meters serving gas to multiple units within a building, there are individual gas service shutoff valves for each unit near each of the gas meters, including a master valve for the entire building where the gas pipe comes out of the ground. Your facilities personnel or your property manager (if you are leasing) might be able to help you locate your unit’s valve location.
Cabinet Meter Outside
Multile Meters

If you still are not able to locate the gas service shutoff valve, contact PG&E for assistance to locate the valve.

When to Turn Off Your Gas

Do not shut off the gas unless you smell gas, hear gas escaping, see a broken gas line or if you suspect a gas leak. If you shut off the gas, there may be a considerable delay before PG&E can turn your service on. Once the gas is shut off at the meter, do not try to turn it back on yourself. If the gas service shutoff valve is closed, PG&E or another qualified professional should perform a safety inspection before the gas service is restored and the appliance pilots are lit.

How to Turn Off Your Gas

Gas Service Shutoff Valve
Gas Service Shutoff Valve

In an emergency, your gas can be turned off at the main gas service shutoff valve normally located near your gas meter. Using a 12 to 15 inch adjustable pipe or crescent-type wrench or other suitable tool, give the valve a quarter turn; the valve is closed when the tang (the part you put the wrench on) is crosswise to the pipe.
  • Know where your main gas service shutoff valve is located
  • Keep an adjustable pipe or crescent-type wrench available to turn off the gas in case of an emergency
  • Know how to shut off the gas at the gas service shutoff valve
  • Leave it off until service can be restored safely by PG&E or another qualified professional
If your gas service is configured differently from the one described and you wish to know how to turn of your gas, please contact PG&E.

Appliance Gas Shutoff Value

Gas Service Shutoff Valve
Appliance Gas Shutoff Valve

Most gas appliances have a gas shutoff valve located near the appliance that lets you turn off the gas to that appliance only. In some cases, turning off the gas at the appliance's shutoff valve will suffice if there is a gas leak or the appliance needs to be replaced or serviced. You should have an appliance gas shutoff valve installed at each gas appliance that lets you turn off the gas to that appliance only, instead of shutting off all gas at the main gas service shutoff valve. To turn off the gas at the gas appliance, rotate the valve a quarter turn.
  • Know which of your appliances use natural gas
  • Know where the appliance gas shutoff valves are located, and how to turn them off