Thursday, December 10, 2015

Are Ka Techs On The In Fir Structure

Spell it out on the Big Bang the Earth in her Volcanic puff to develop land for the Feat,
as the breadth began to In trail the score to that Mountain on the Comets hand,
fast in the Plan It,
Mars branch,
this is the very tea of what Mankind has brought to the Chaos of destruction exits Create shin to Spoke In!!

How is the the letters Form of double Ewe to with that Wool lead,
Elephants and that Crocodiles shepherd on the Plains of Buffalo hide,
grace of Nature breathing,
harvest in the Iron on Mineral of Salts!!

Oceans and the Travels of Moons on the Barrels,
count that Tack to saddle the Girths of The more's as Footprints just Say fossil Evident,
schools touching Fish??,
whales beach an Orca seat??,
stretch to the Shell??,
an Oyster with the Diamond of a Rock at her Sleeve??

Once Upon a Time in the Ages of the Trend,
solar trips Journey with the lands of Many on the skids,
this is much on the grains of avenue in the Milky Ways of Paths and Belts tide,
Up goes the Breeze in the Cyclones of easily said,
the Eye of the Storms.

Sew there were Peep Poles that Flag of spills on the Sand deed,
graves and rots that fleshed out to fill the blanks with a casual sit,
down on the quilts the stitch??,
the Human being,
spake wheel to X plane,
the brought is the Envelope,
the seal of that stone??,
or the bone,
tossing the Hare as the Turtles Home.

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