Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Heels down head-Up the chin on the engine is the brain,
a Mind at the matter is the Means of the torque What shall the Say ewe to the Event on the state??,
does the adventure sort to the File on regard??,
did the balance of the beam shine Unto the sand,
how is the Paint on the Corner Store between Is the In of the Out to exit on the green??

Should the Tunnel of the Vision echo as the Voice??
feet around the RR is an Understanding Van??,
is the Shoe of the Commerce in the Mid of Stand,
can that Microphone be Elbow as the Arm More is of Ran??

Vote to the Picture,
mix with the Grand,
canyons on the valley is the Mountain of the Frame??

Sturdy in the Intersection Mapping on a Chord,
pitch is in Piano theme to Virtue of the Doors??,
stray a Pawn of Chess games Checkers is a Cab,
what is the Price of Total to Bridge this Giants Land??

Treasure from Pan door Awe whilst Thrift rinses hands??
soap Box is the Tell a Vision raised to bring the Skills??,
desire Unto sentence is the Verb a Noun,
for on the Consonant to bye is the eh 'E!' Eye??

Wink should that patch Work,
pirate is that Works,
pea Gee and E! banks the Triple Font!!

Shed on Tools of Plow is the ditch a Drain??
said to be of Character what is than the Fee??,
be of that bellow is the chimney Christmas or does the Smoke becoming Next in Tickets lunch??

Breakfast in America set at Zero counts,
shifts with the Gear shaft to equal up the Talks,
say that Eagle feather Flew to grace of Sight,
xyz is abc but what Of mnop??

Que are S tea Ewe vee double U or Vision of the Tube,
wares at the board of games is speaking to the crews,
making March the Onward forward saying that Its branch,
dance the Waltz to rein the Flute is what the Symphony Opera's Too!!

Heard on the Grapevine,
barrel in the Wine,
whiskey is a special glass,
do the Neet ice view??

After in the be found to Island of Reason of determine Sift??,
does the flour butter Milk to biscuits with the Times of typed??,
grin is that the Smile??,
what is of the verse??,
an inch to measure dogs the paddle Cane core soars and bell Owes ground Roar!!

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