Saturday, December 19, 2015

Whats A Brain In Case^Sing??

The EN^trance to any court tee errors rank ole is in the wrinkle of the Traffic lofts,
as the Roof of Nature trembles the Earth in her Shake it is the quake or Is it Raft??.

In Disk^kush^In the bravado Cleats the shoulder of a Shoulders Hem,
as the path to Thunder on the roads of aitch^way is not the skull of bump Ping??

Inch the foot,
mile that measure,
valve the language to the Hands down In up to conversation Tell phone.

Listen to the Radio,
know my big brother and the Bar 717 camp On locate shin,
add touch the board as the Put.

Now on the Clock of Fare^Owes deep keen And a Lean inn,
should the eyes go to the Palm,
does the Sand under the tow,
trailer with the fun^Knee and dial a station of easy Identification of the Shape lead for Science.

As the procession is of the Not pear Raid,
more to the Skull on the Entry of a berth Record to Land ding,
should the Habit be of Heads posture in Society at the scoot of Pitch compass than the Answer,
swerving to the Next Gin A ration the Logistical would have quiet silently stumped,
how Ever the Sky to the Aye the palm to that graph Whats the smoke.

The clause to Moon in the Sun towards shown is arbor lake EAN as the booth to a Grown,
why's the banter on the clam Chow dure,
what is the oyster but a Muscle to the clam,
how does the Mind connect the Brain to the Synapse on the Freeze??,
does the Sharp of the crawl to the balance of the beam look to that floor or the Height on the bone??

Once the Clock of a present Birch address Wares of the roly pull lead to that rock of a Street,
should the Avenues address to Number be of that gift to Teaser this riddle would Feat.

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