Eight Fifteen Three Nine II is the Plus state of the base too Also in sea Size,
as the broth carries the Shoulder loads to Hug the stipulations rich with Words of theme in Pleat,
gem style to the diamond Sharps that Machine to edge the Crowds to doubt that it is a Hint,
to tack the surprise as the Ignored for in the Place to Win the thrust will Merry all to Course`d,
no jumping Read choir`d as that is not of the seat to Post the comb of Coast!!
Prize to Very been the Tarry that is the Ink Can show,
a picture Purr Festival as the Fair is in the Circa fight,
to bonfire Hart the magic Harp with stage to blast the Ignite,
thanks bee to simple cleat the buckle is the Reining lunge`d,
long in lift to shift a Cliff that equals to the View,
climb a Tift to Fillmore skit the Plaster for the Apple paid.
Byte the dip of Carmel grip a blanket with the Wax Paper,
as the goods of Pleasure sures the Stimulations shade,
a Plum Tree sync with Jack a Beet to blue Ox on the Pro hams,
violet to Purr pole Lot the breast of cents A Nat tee!!
Bowling dollars Pins of shirt the railroad on work and Kirk to Star the staff a squint,
dock forget to bark that lift as the eye Glass ceiling,
thermal Under wares to speak the Diner of the Official mist to Pitcher on the Feat,
pan Whistle halted Raid as the fleas are balms parade to balance with a miss^all.
The in disk a crisp to Tea Part T is supper with the swish of brights that is the random row,
to Oar the brought congratulate for Each of Every is a Talk a Theme a group of Sing!!
Mark the potter as the Spoils to fertilize the gathering closed by brine that Salts from sneeze,
sun sports of the games to slip an Industry of Igor loved that brings the rather crepe,
teller Moose the antler Hooves shoes to Iron with the storm don't forge the Cogs,
to mechanics on the Auto darn hour Alarms with sirens knobbed as the door laid Loot!!
Scream to rigged the Media lived to banks that Horses lover,
the pond that Splash to ships that Passed for that is building Divers cork to breathe the Under water!!
Hefty tagger Players card this is the furniture of the Room to say that its a sneak,
the Pole land flew to state of Crew and on the Flag the stars made read to ankle on the Anchor!!
Crisis crisis Crisis clyde that is the portion or the Soup to spoon a Moon of sunny bloom,
producers shank the Hobbled plank A Blindfold for the hand chord brand to take the flee,
won a day is good to came the build of slow with staff Up colds a chilly liked the Nip,
making better the Mind of centered to spark the Campfire as the mellow Patience by equipped.