Thursday, March 19, 2015

Twelve-Tone Technique

Ask The Prints of the draw in the Sync of the Take at the Base of the place where Somebody put,
in the Mirror of the Case as the hold in the Spot to the Task of the door which was Also the steal,
place Mints in the basement as the curtain to stole will be kept in safety 'till scouts can sole,
Mix up the etches with the Originals at sort touching Buckets count at hide the Tale to A loud,
in the detective to the Investigation on the Heel of the found a particular Brine boar`d my Sound.

As the Fetch was of the Call to the move of a Scene in the driveway I parked a concern,
as TOLD to Fuck-OFF the scream I staggered as that was the Hitch to the Trailer of film,
in eyes from the Brow as the fire in the storm I scattered my Think found what was a torn,
these Counters had cornered the stock of the drew to the Mix of the Record while echoes took Loot.

On the Return from the City asking Nothing of delight a phone call Made delivered severity of Flight,
scared to be thought as that Quest was of starch a Wallet full of Irony to spread the Arm paste,
trigger to the Brochure is the Sentence by A Clear as the Scanner is the distance to the Brain,
in that was the Answer to the factor of the location that My taken had been Took.

Charred by the Burn in The Deed of be born I went to the Task and Managed to be Taught,
never call the anchor ball for that is on the stirred to dial Up for dollars in & Millions of heard,
dot Aye to the dock it as the Tsk goes to the Cruise by Ways and the cruels I knew of the dued.

Oh bee One can Know be to that shocker of the light a button on Remote ability to swerve the night,
taste this Belly of the beast on the Course of station To hear the identity of the done at deaths chord,
stunned Not I backed to the trot Posting in the Timely verse of dignity bye grace,
for I had been preyed upon and it was artwork kept behind the mirror belonging to my grandmother,
in the perfect remember of classic be loft the missing found was a signal to bossed.

Folded no hands to dine with the Vice to that It was the Narrows of the blinding glass to Sneaked,
that grease to the oils on the bent of the stoop A Porch sign that said to Address the each by a kind,
this in Impossible as the clock was on the digit I spoke of the Hub making shed resist,
in the blink of an Eye the third in the middle A towards to the Hold on the Finks in the stored.

Treasure list with Prints that Hit to bundle of the Key wholes All in the party line phoning to be sewn,
in the letter on the Mail as those days were given,
a cycle of receipts Numbers and the dates to match for Match the spake showed pile,
in this the Bill was quite the Sane to see the Park at farther,
for that was the path of Ways a dialer did Crop the door With a Mop!!

Stick a Carrot boil Water in the Frog a stool Pole flagged,
The Pigeon,
the Texting of the driven to that Ten Minute fetch,
a circle with a line of What did prepare for Letter,
making that a dinner Table set to Salt as debtor.

Carmel apples fare be Brand in that stipend of the slam As Hams did Observe,
speaking with the fountains Mouth the Mountain did Reserve,
that barrel of the Monkeys on the Catch of Twenty Two,
a chapter on the bike to Pedal straight on Through,
which just In Habit means that Artwork is of proved,
to Picture in the safety that I did All ready plan to brave the moved.

Back to that phrase in the require,
prepare 3 Months in advance for the coming of the chores,
as Waltzing may till da Was of the get by Chance`d,
that cart of the Ave. a Long to knowing of the grit,
pearls in the shall be sole`d be Patient with the Groove,
as records do compose to true from simple and the Knew.

Reck Re A Shun Null

I Will Never Forget Changing The Locks In Literal Life & Than Being Keyed Countless Times

The solution too the Problem of subtraction touch Divide on the never Equals the Scene,
as the Tellers of the Cause to the butterfly on the Mat is Inked long before the After,
a Festival Account to that is the Stealing of Items to the Open door Policy of brakes that burn,
a rubber band in Effect of speech the Taste to belly barf that flexed to Cut the Throats at stand.

In that there is a World that parks on the system to bank the Crowd at the telephone dial,
in this the circle of Events chords to shut the Volume as no Actual Vomits deplore,
that is the performance in the written Tift to posture the Case to baste Morpheus.

Making the fudge as the recipe for the grate is long crossed to the Intersection of the bell,
then in That it is the Camera of the blink to take the Shed of a glint to See toll,
bridge the Gap to jeans & snap terror Rains on the hail Storm to grab a Mule,
shaking tremble by just the Invasion of partiers instants Scary to the presented as the form!!

Sentence by reason burns the sands to light the Flash as a pan fry to Cupboards,
spread the Fire to dust and Shire the canner is crunched or the Soda Popped,
spray is the Mouth of the backstabbing Scabs to venture behind and scrap the shagged,
windows while supposedly Sleeping to wake is the deed on the cell phone dialing rate!!

Experienced for Friend as dave is Dead and on the Entry it was the Spear of the said,
a temperature rise`d with sudden fell as the brain went Kaboom to the memory floored,
it is a little bit funny this feeling Inside running the film of my Minds eye,
asking Nobody to simple the versus is in the makings of the decade of Trained.

Rats & Finks never looked Up on the down underneath of the bothering song`d,
an Alley to kitchen the butcher to Block a knife for the Fork in the strong Arms of life,
say that the Rat was in addition The Fink as bed for the lathe is being heard from for crave,
in that the close in parade Did shove the counter to Minuet laid as that is the get off for a depraved.

Hence to the spend as the Tunnel Vice spun,
sharks question Know like the buzz was a grunge`d,
guilty of plate to licensed to Creek flowing with River on the spark of a Fee.

Never on that length of the birds in the Shoe did bank Accounts fill but empty they do,
to sneak in behind after set Ups are signed be left are the signs to knowing the Kind,
for the heavy was breathing yet on the lung Sing a curtain for Product and smoking from Come`d.

Still Alive Asked Humanity Kicking The Dirt For The Price

Hear to the ear of the plugs on the throat of the cut as that is not the question rather the shrug,
death comes from the shoots of the stunned to the bare process of a Hands Up affair,
even on that the stage is Pay Phones to deposit blight to the Comprehension of the gun itself,
loaded Weapons on the Side Arms in the anchor to the straight down as the Chalk is of a Line.

Rinks of the War in the spell on the Beaches or the Heavy Thicks have trained troops,
boot camp to the Working Out of the fear and the Bomb of reality to the drops,
ask the Helicopter to the boat holding the Impact,
submarines Protection to the Ships gunnery,
for the Foot Man it is a sleeve.

Jackets upon the Uniform to guide a Salute with the fear trace running the Veins,
pulse pumping the organ,
a heart on the further shores,
as the certain partition is scene to the streets of City tights for the What.

Learn that the first gunners on the Field of War miss the body by shooting over the Top of heads,
in the real of the horror Taking human life to a Natural plain of Live,
these days of shoulder Combat on the Town Ships car driven slamming doors Thumb,
a Mind in speak hath divided know Contest,
for when people With guns face People without guns the obvious is done!!

Stop Halt Turn dine,
the Eyes in spreading panic Run the gamete as bothered language,
to deny the truth of the scavengers on the skill to hunt with license is as Press,
the Media in the Script of deny as the Read is short Versions of ill loom in Nation.

Treat the in Flex shun as the injectable the Hawk to the flight of death on & On and of,
nature brings Singing Voices to twilight the Screams as the boost,
in this from & Sents the beginning of Earth the fax on the still Compositions if of laugh,
that lost in the shout for the Fear hath turned the Tides to crab.

Baiting hooks to Scam the list with Schedules put as Class to what Is in todays Commerce,
in the graduation of Cents to the apathy of grade The speech to Quest is a shape lane`d,
that is the purpose to Island out the ground as the bright counter the Sport.

Gosh the darn to the spool of the Threads that string Along the slave and the Mall,
to store the placement As if the Country is sleek enough to gel the Graeae,
aye the caller with i.d. A breadth to drink Al coe haul whilst Listening tell sped,
shredders in the blood Stones that garbage the  Trash to Tinfoil the wax.

Paper scissors Rock asked the Cutouts to show the Connection for it is the Interesting of Scam,
in the United States of America the Drug Wars ronald reagan and the suffering still died,
the eggs fried the bacon Sizzled the Pork Bellies taped Ticket price on Wall Streets ball!!

Switch grass to the Sputter to Pot lines of the copper hard,
remotely it is the button to Butt inn,
house Homer with an echo as the Turbulence see breaks Chorus,
temper to style`d the Blunt in the Crow,
listen Its just the Cup on the Sound of POE!!!