Friday, February 26, 2016

Whatcha Stay Wic^Ka??Once America the Brave New World??Chord^Dead the By^Sun??What Try^Ba Are Yous??

Would this scene of crushed Ivory on the Continent Of Africa not Coast the west Turn travel as sell,
to that deeper divide on the Human Mind,
as the counter of these Worlds smash with dozer And tract Tore,
that Dust to dust Ash to ashbury survives in the hands of this strongs mechanical far Tune.

For the Pi Lawn of Tusks Impact societies eyes Far^More than that pick^coal of poof,
a simple cell a knee Mi Awe,
the remain Shy of steer,
does Nigh the soar to what People have charged the Bull to Trophy a sole.

The Yet^Tea of those Fields on the Planes still shore,
feet to Prose,
pare^Ra^graph this Grid on Thrust,
an elephants mile for the coffee style,
a Book from the Bind^Dean.

From Trains to Arrow Plains,
the skull the ankle carriage,
bows to a stunner,
or is the pick sure Proof to the Internet and its erasure of Recording Chief??

Killing: A pile of buffalo bones waiting to be loaded onto a train in Canada. The expansion of the railway system across North America was another factor in ...

A Group of Men sit Atop a Pile of Ivory

General^lee called The Haight Ashbury,
the twister the sigh clone,
the Mid-State Fare,
a Bean in eh Hey Stack,

this Need Steel to Believe dust stir UN^bee^leave^A^bowl,
 Foe^Tow of the Foe^toe Graph??
 Ore the grip&hand^Dole??