Sunday, February 14, 2016

You Did Say That Was Intel^A^Gents:)

Would it not be a For Get mi Knot should the planned Pair rent Hood was really known as The get Toe,
as the towing of that Hitch that be longing to the other source at a Long Barn Men Tally^A^Tee.

Would the verbiage that I have witnessed in First Person to the shorts at the close Contact of Thermos be of a scrub,
Miss shins that have had the compass of that lesson plan Lease or Comp. to stay Bill a tea be From??,
the shirts would Suit that Press a Dent on the Arena to the Fran as Zest was a Horse of course to Fozz.

A Three Circus to the advance of that Condition kneeing to the Three-day Eventer on Train New Were`s,
so off Chute that Cowboys an In dee An's have a Bull Shop on the Road day Oh!!


A Political Thermal Under Wares to Planned Parenthood to 'We the Peep Pull' and three score eterera,
like the fill in the Fill is on the Tesla Machine of Turin on the Mega Market of Wall Streets pear Raids,
one Dock It at the downs on the S&P for the Corns,
pork Bell ease to represent the Poe Lease and Lie bells to say its a Tick^Curr^
Tape on the Cats.

Strange Happenings for row verses Wade on the Lake process of Address Sing,
My Mother would be Full of Pride Week Mentality for this Seeing the Forest through the Shutters of Fleet Tea`ing,
the Kettle is going that Pot is warmed-up and Ready all we need is the Whistle blow In as eh (oop's) A Whistle Blow We`re??

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