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Channel 7 In San Franicisco at or On the 6PM News Played the Coolest SlowMotion Video about the Bay Bridge!! Calling All National Geographic for KIDs to Font This Communique to Know^Wing!!
Posted:2016-04-08 18:43:15 UTC-07:00
Erector Set 1.)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn Erector Set (the trademark has always been "ERECTOR") is a brand of metal toy construction sets, originally patented by Alfred Carlton Gilbert and first sold by his company, The Mysto Manufacturing Company of New Haven, Connecticut in 1913. In 1916, the company was reorganized as the A.C. Gilbert Company. Erector consists of various metal beams with regular holes for assembly using nuts and bolts. Other mechanical parts such as pulleys, gears, wheels, and small electric motors were also part of the system. What distinguishes construction sets like Erector (and its predecessor Meccano), is the ability to build a model, then take it apart and build something else, over and over again. Erector quickly became the most popular construction toy in the United States,[1] most likely because it was the only construction set at the time to contain a motor. Erector was commonly referred to as an Erector Set, though erector set has become somewhat of a generic trademark denoting a variety of construction toys, irrespective of brand. The trademark for ERECTOR is today owned and marketed by Meccano.Contents
The toy was first introduced and sold to the public in 1913 at the Toy Fair held at the Broadway Central Hotel in New York City. Erector was first envisioned by Alfred Carlton Gilbert (A.C. Gilbert) in 1911, as he rode the train from New Haven to New York. This section of track was being electrified and Gilbert watched as steel girders were erected to carry the power lines. This construction is what inspired him to develop the toy.[2] Gilbert was a skilled magician and manufactured magic tricks and magic sets with his existing company the "Mysto Manufacturing Company". The first Erector was made there in 1913. It was called "The Erector / Structural Steel and Electro-Mechanical Builder". It claimed to be "Educational, Instructive and Amusing". In 1914, the name was changed to "The Mysto Erector", "The Toy That Resembles Structural Steel". In 1916, the company was reorganized and became the A.C. Gilbert Company. "Erector" was renamed "Gilbert Erector", "The Toy Like Structural Steel". In 1924, more changes occurred, as the entire Erector system was completely overhauled to include over 70 parts.[3] "Erector" was now called "The New Erector", The Worlds Greatest Toy". Through 1932, "Erector" was sold in wood boxes. From 1933 through 1962 the sets would be sold in colorful boxes made of steel. Early boxes were painted red, green or blue but by the 1950s all set boxes were painted red. Later, as the company grew, the area around the Gilbert factory became known as "ERECTOR SQUARE". Today, the old factory complex of 11 buildings is the home of artist studios, workshops, architectural firms, a yoga studio, theater, brewery and cafe. A.C. Gilbert died in 1961 and the company went into decline. The system was redesigned, adding many plastic parts, but the "clunky" looking models failed to compete with the new, realistic, scale, plastic models coming onto the market. The A.C. Gilbert Company filed bankruptcy in 1967. The Gabriel company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania bought the "Erector" name and continued to market the recently redesigned system. Sales were slow and by the 1980s the trademark "Erector" was acquired by Ideal Toys and then Tyco Toys. "Meccano" (France) has owned the "Erector" brand since the year 2000."Erector" is believed by many to have been the subject of the first national advertising campaign in America for a toy. Its great success made it part of American folk culture and the famous company slogan "Hello Boys" is still fondly remembered by many. Its popularity has faded in recent decades in the face of competition from molded plastic construction toys, electronics, and other more modern toys and gadgets."Erector" was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame at "The Strong" in Rochester, New York, in 1998."Erector" sold millions of sets over the years. The most sought after by collectors is the 1931 No. 10 Set, although a larger set, the No.12, was manufactured for a brief time. The No. 12 included the parts to make a parachute jump, modeled after the amusement ride at Coney Island. Touted in advertising of the day as "The Climax of Erector Glory", the No. 10 set weighed in at around 25 pounds.Current "Erector" sets are actually "Meccano" sets manufactured by Meccano, France and marketed in the United States as "Erector".An extensive collection of A.C. Gilbert Company scientific and educational children's toys is housed at the Eli Whitney Museum, in Hamden, Connecticut.Movie[edit]
In 2002 a movie based on A.C. Gilbert's life called The Man Who Saved Christmas was made for TV. It focused on Gilbert's successful appeal to the Council of National Defenseto reject a proposal to ban toy production in favor of wartime related materials during World War I.Applications[edit]
In 1949, an Erector set was used to build the precursor to the modern artificial heart by Drs. William Sewell and William Glenn of the Yale School of Medicine. The external pump successfully bypassed the heart of a dog for more than an hour.In the 1970s, Claude Shannon constructed a bounce-juggling machine from an Erector set.[4] An Erector Set was used by Dr. Kevorkian to design his first assisted suicidemachine, as seen in the HBO movie, You Don't Know Jack, featuring Al Pacino.The "Soarin'" attraction at Disneyland Resort's Disney California Adventure in Anaheim, California and Walt Disney World's Epcot near Orlando, Florida was designed with an Erector set.
Maul Of The Aging A^Rean^Gnaw!!!
Posted:2016-04-08 08:50:32 UTC-07:00
The Pope is Full to the Rim of Political source Sir Read,as that ease of save Ian is making the parade self disciple,forward on that is Same-sex Marriage??,does not the Priest Marry God in their Religion of Collar and hose??,is the sand^Doll not the ring on the Pheasant the Representative of Suck`d a Phlegm,choker on the throat to obscure such dialect is Off the Turntables Recorded Today,April 8th the Year of Calendar by As Tech??,or is laptop,or is the Clock a punch of ate For tee Won??that was AM Radio on the Due Tee Ross stir!!Karen Anastasia Placek8:42 AM4/8/2016acer
What An Amazing Day On The Bridge With A Toll Guy That Might Might This Message To Love!!!
Posted:2016-04-07 13:45:22 UTC-07:00
Curious on KGO Radio is an a dark hour on the collection of article to pulse,as that is the shore of interest than that draw is on the mark it as a certain belief,that makes the shale that performed the score of made to that screen stab,coming forward to The Speak is advisable before the Virginia squab bellows a taggers Mile,the chart of these united banks on bus the transfer to a card,what is ab positive that subject of take again and know that its not Muni.Attention to the Toll Bridge dedicate as the driver once the gear would Spake,to that is a very particular funny said as I cruised through the Closing Bridge on a weird,however friendly I am and truth virtue gained laugh to remember this day as the prose of a test,Golden Gate Plaza as the Method to a System of what are you going to do??,must the shrill of Siren on that say that I said oh that sounds like an Idea.Since the plates of license to that arm of the scene is of a price to what is a theme,than great are the Pandora of value to sea as phish is of import as the picture of proof.Sir jury is that better than Goods being of cadence and life length to said,discussion is not not that production to say,just the discipline to know how to be bolder than the intimidation of what is a world,procession is steady and bright smiles are held,hello is a good way to begin the best text!!
Armstrong And Getty Going Onward To Ask The Answer Of Google Bit; what is a rein??
Posted:2016-04-07 08:02:59 UTC-07:00
Armstrong & Getty on 'The Continue' of lathe Shingle:At the trajectory off the stern to the set is what on a joystick to the galaxies sheer?? As woolly man Moth to the spin kneeing speaker is echoing a stump to that Trunk on a puppets lean. That planet on a stipulation to observing the universe is Solar Systematic to a thread. Sewing that fabric of Sound?? Or, is it the speed of light?? Trees on the slow sleep mark a calendar on the dinosaurs scene, yet, upon that trajectory of glacier Ice the drill Masters a division with mull Tide or is it the Oceans on a balmy sun day??
Now look at Picture.
Add Ob. Long??
Dependent on the pitch to a settlement is than bright status to the heat of the warmth on the spinning slice?? 'Cause should that evaporate to a stube than the slant is edge Ridged?? East turned swamp pers the landing of dry sands which drys slate. The earth shakes to crack shake on shales lung?? Therefore the length of song is sudden impact to that thundering crong. Pass seen to be thrown up against the vibration to exit on a gates spiral as what is torn will shred to thimble that need dull side lathe as the shingle pedals a clog. Hovering in dead space is not the switch to spackle as the construction of lathe and shingle in hard construction is that strange sponge bounce when the Hammering bungles as it trampolines a inverse action to the aim of trajectory vertical to that initial site yet it vears at the math signage of divide with that funny foot hyphen to style on the jib??
At the throw of a Slingshot is it the cup, string, leather pack or, the stone?? As that is the sphere a coal pull to the flame?? A Moth on the but is Tour?? Deep nigh would be hour Core to sands Dial on The Shore??
Dish and the spoon to curdle Milk in a platter, no because its a bull hard to that draw and yet the Pole being as the push to that receptor on the burning nostril of explosive breadth to inhaling the circular spar??
Lets see Y V^Ape The Year Off The Monk Keys Is Eh Bottle Knows duh Dolphin?? The deep Thread Miners Of Men^A^Soda Would Know E! Mead Dee A See, As What Is a Thermal Scoop On The Lungs sheer; knot smoking?? No, its that e^sig^a^ret Kna!!!
Posted:2016-04-07 04:26:47 UTC-07:00
On December 29, 2013, San Miguel volcano, also known as "Chaparrastique", erupted at 10:30 local time, spewing a large column of ash and smoke into the sky; ...
Effects of volcanoes ~,_El_Salvador_2013_01.JPG/220px-Vulkan_Chaparrastique,_El_Salvador_2013_01.JPG
Sulfur dioxide concentration over the Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos Islands, during an eruption in October 2005There are many different types of volcanic eruptions and associated activity: phreatic eruptions(steam-generated eruptions), explosive eruption of high-silica lava (e.g., rhyolite), effusive eruption of low-silica lava (e.g., basalt), pyroclastic flows, lahars (debris flow) and carbon dioxide emission. All of these activities can pose a hazard to humans. Earthquakes, hot springs, fumaroles, mud pots and geysers often accompany volcanic activity.Volcanic gases
The concentrations of different volcanic gases can vary considerably from one volcano to the next.Water vapor is typically the most abundant volcanic gas, followed by carbon dioxide[17] and sulfur dioxide. Other principal volcanic gases include hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride. A large number of minor and trace gases are also found in volcanic emissions, for example hydrogen, carbon monoxide, halocarbons, organic compounds, and volatile metal chlorides.Large, explosive volcanic eruptions inject water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and ash (pulverized rock and pumice) into the stratosphere to heights of 16–32 kilometres (10–20 mi) above the Earth's surface. The most significant impacts from these injections come from the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which condenses rapidly in the stratosphere to form fine sulfate aerosols. It is worth mentioning that the SO2 emissions alone of two different eruptions are sufficient to compare their potential climatic impact.[18] The aerosols increase the Earth's albedo—its reflection of radiation from the Sun back into space – and thus cool the Earth's lower atmosphere or troposphere; however, they also absorb heat radiated up from the Earth, thereby warming the stratosphere. Several eruptions during the past century have caused a decline in the average temperature at the Earth's surface of up to half a degree (Fahrenheit scale) for periods of one to three years – sulfur dioxide from the eruption of Huaynaputina probably caused the Russian famine of 1601–1603.[19]Significant consequences
One proposed volcanic winter happened c. 70,000 years ago following the supereruption of Lake Toba on Sumatra island in Indonesia.[20]According to the Toba catastrophe theory to which some anthropologists and archeologists subscribe, it had global consequences,[21]killing most humans then alive and creating a population bottleneck that affected the genetic inheritance of all humans today.[22] The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora created global climate anomalies that became known as the "Year Without a Summer" because of the effect on North American and European weather.[23] Agricultural crops failed and livestock died in much of the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in one of the worst famines of the 19th century.[24] The freezing winter of 1740–41, which led to widespread famine in northern Europe, may also owe its origins to a volcanic eruption.[25]It has been suggested that volcanic activity caused or contributed to the End-Ordovician, Permian-Triassic, Late Devonian mass extinctions, and possibly others. The massive eruptive event which formed the Siberian Traps, one of the largest known volcanic events of the last 500 million years of Earth's geological history, continued for a million years and is considered to be the likely cause of the "Great Dying" about 250 million years ago,[26] which is estimated to have killed 90% of species existing at the time.[27]Lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano burns a Pahoa, Hawaii, home Monday.Slow-moving lava from Kilauea volcano burns down first Hawaii house
The molten rock hit the Pahoa house in the Big Island just before noon Monday, authorities said. It was the first house burned down by a lava flow from Kilauea volcano that scientists have been warning the public about since August. And it likely won't be the last.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ~ HTTP://WWW.NYDAILYNEWS.COM/NEWS/NATIONAL/SLOW-MOVING-KILAUEA-VOLCANO-LAVA-HITS-HAWAII-HOUSE-ARTICLE-1.2005970Updated: Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 7:51 AMHONOLULU — After months of slowly making its way toward communities in a rural part of Hawaii's Big Island, it took an oozing stream of lava just 45 minutes to burn down an empty house.Firefighters standing by to tackle any spreading wildfires let the flames consume the 1,100-square-foot structure Monday afternoon as a relative of the homeowner watched and recorded video of the destruction with an iPhone.It was the first house burned down by a lava flow from Kilauea volcano that scientists have been warning the public about since August. And it likely won't be the last.The home's nearest neighbor is about a half-mile away, Hawaii County Civil Defense Director Darryl Oliveira said. A garage and barn structure near the destroyed home could also burn down soon, he said.The lava emerged from a vent in June and entered Pahoa Oct. 26, when it crossed a country road at the edge of town. Since then, it has smothered part of a cemetery and burned down a garden shed. It also burned tires, some metal materials and mostly vegetation in its path.The leading edge of the lava flow had bypassed the home, but it was a lobe of lava that broke out upslope and widened that reached the house. Where the lava will reach next, and when, is hard to predict.The county estimates the value of the destroyed home at about $200,000, Oliveira said. The renters of the home left in August, he said.Oliveira said officials would make arrangements for homeowners to watch any homes burn as a means of closure and to document the destruction for insurance purposes.The leading edge of the molten rock had stalled Oct. 30, but lava was breaking away at several spots upslope. The leading edge remained about 480 feet from Pahoa Village Road on Monday, a main street that goes through downtown.
Lava flow closest to the town of Pahoa burned its first house after stalling approximately 480 feet away from Pahoa Village Road earlier this week.
Crews have been working on alternate routes to be used when lava hits Highway 130, considered a lifeline for the Puna district.Many residents have evacuated or are ready to leave if necessary.Imelda Raras lives on the other end of Apaa Street from where the lava burned its first house. She and her family have put a lot of their belongings in storage and are prepared to go to a friend's home if the lava gets close."I'm scared right now," she said as she watched smoke from the burning house. "What will happen next? We will be waiting."The homeowner of the house that burned had arranged weeks ago to relocate horses and other animals, Raras said.Raras said she's thinking about the mounting storage costs."I think our lives will be unstable," she said. "I hope our house will be spared."The family is ready to go, but Raras said they will do so with heavy hearts. "Because it's hard to leave your own house," she said. "It's one of the hardest things to do."
Three Bars An A Lead Line Kate, What Is A Saw??
Posted:2016-04-06 18:48:44 UTC-07:00
Kathleen what is a Name with a ride on a Bike should the sign be a Rein on the road signed Hello??,is it the tumbler on shave to that known on the hand of a say that does ole time mi did for a state??,shock not you're day width that horse that you rode in Spenceville to dock it bridges and lived,as that portion of trailer to the steady on done is that than the funny of The San Francisco Mounted You Knit!!Don't you charge that Rebecca in the Hall way of Echo,the witness to test a moan knee as You have a brother,Johno is this Visa of pass port toll On,or is the beautiful Lauren with ever And crews.Saddle and Cinch is the bravado of Haight,not talking the fountain but doing the Work,now Kathleen & Friends are a wonder of Loved,equaling Jennifer Trujillo as all good is Memory to what is a Mouse,that click it tea clique or the click it tee What,I heard a volume that see deed said its dyed,that process of Ashbury to the stalls and the Barn,are you not thinking about the Golden Gate Park Stable poe Lease??Is that sack row meant tow a vehicle stream,are you kicking yourself or calling Beck on Tee V,is it just the Idea that lives Once just a Sea,as that recovery of funny gots a Getty for Live!!Lance did the Cycle on a Bike that said Wine,drive by in price and that say its a rhyming,measure the horseshoe to Ray on that Series,is HBO Bill Maher or John Oliver on the Jam talking Showtime as the Kay gee Oh??,now Now now don't let Beck get your bunch in a bundle,Hairspray and Gyms Rio Linda is Way,pretty soon it will bean to the magically scene,who are you Who are you get out of my day.Know Win Kathleen is a brood of her temper,the Hour of making that big sister suffer,Lauren must laugh as the Watch is Important,as Johno must say whom do I side with on bet^tour,gee whiz Johno 'Melba' diplomat of Hinge,don't Hugh on Mi now as the Opera of Run,this part of the Family is bridled with Reins,now is it buckled or split for the strange??Again Kathleen *DALE Rebecca Mae is a Treat stir,remember that Kelly and Jasper were Friends on the Letter,to Rio Linda that Tom Cruise on the Socks,as should the slippery floor not be invitation of range??,that is UC Berkeley to that New Orleans,what is the Men it to Horses and Treasure,the best of show for the Jack Russell on Ross,or will it be that last name calling Hooker??
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLook up dale in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Dale or dales may refer to:Locations[edit]
- Dale (landform), an open valley, particularly in Scotland and northern England
- Dale (place name element)
- Australia
- The Dales (Christmas Island), in the Indian Ocean
- Canada
- Ethiopia
- Dale (woreda), district
- Norway
- Dale, Hordaland, the administrative centre of Vaksdal municipality, Hordaland county
- Dale, Sogn og Fjordane, the administrative centre of Fjaler municipality, Sogn og Fjordane county
- Dale Church (Fjaler), a church in Fjaler municipality, Sogn og Fjordane county
- Dale Church (Luster), a church in Luster municipality, Sogn og Fjordane county
- Dale Church (Vaksdal), a church in Vaksdal municipality, Hordaland county
- Dale Church (also known as Norddal Church), a church in Norddal municipality, Møre og Romsdal county
- Poland
- Dale, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south Poland)
- Sweden
- The Dales, archaic English name for Dalarna province
- United Kingdom
- Dale, Cumbria, a hamlet in England
- Dale, Derbyshire, England
- Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales
- Derbyshire Dales, England
- Yorkshire Dales, England
- United States
- Dale, Illinois
- Dale, Indiana
- Dale, Kentucky, a defunct community since annexed to Fort Thomas
- Dale, Minnesota
- Dale, Nebraska
- Dale, Oklahoma
- Dale, Oregon
- Dale, Pennsylvania
- Dale, South Carolina, an unincorporated community
- Dale, Texas, an unincorporated community
- Dale, Wisconsin
- Dale, Berks County, Pennsylvania, an unincorporated community
- Dale City, Virginia
- Dale County, Alabama
- Dale County School District in Alabama
- Dales, California
Fictional characters[edit]
- Alan-a-Dale, minstrel from the Robin Hood legend
- Chip 'n' Dale, fictional cartoon characters
- Dale Arden, the fellow-adventurer and love interest of Flash Gordon
- Dale Cooper, the main character of the TV series Twin Peaks
- Dale Gribble, from King of the Hill
- Dale Horvath, from the comic book series The Walking Dead and from the American television series of the same name
- Dale McGillicutty, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series
- Dale (automobile)
- Dale (crater) on the Moon
- Dale (film), a film about the life of Dale Earnhardt
- Dale (Middle-earth), a town in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth
- Dale of Norway, a textile company based in Dale, Vaksdal municipality, Norway
- The Dalelands, a geographical area in the fictional world of the Forgotten Realms
- The Dales, a BBC radio soap opera originally called Mrs Dale's Diary
- Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, a First Amendment opinion from the US Supreme Court
- USS Dale, various ships
- Dale (album), album by American rapper Pitbull released in 2015
Ask The People Are People Judged On A Pier Hence A Place Per Sun Or Turned??
Posted:2016-04-06 18:00:40 UTC-07:00
Rec. Park Commission once core duh maa dare uh's can test a mon. knee to Apollo,that was the demonstration on reality live as the Giant Doberman of personally taught,to be frigid on dim pull is to say figure it stunned??,no the difference are the CHIPS that Single said Hello today by virtue not Strained.How longever this is now a drop screen to place plaque cored to grip,the reach on the property has been up doggie cased,now compare to the library of records and grace,because I know that it takes more than a Handle to law Year a fear,now switch to the Fender of bumpers and Raced,I put to Marin County bounty of stubbs.Fine riddle line to what is the Trainer,a clinic on shrugging or the rig to see tier,I have run out of words for frustration bar tours this Clear,on the treats of bacon to the crotch of Man,this is an advise to the Trainers on the dare,there is nothing that is a sample of Mens' balls to that crutch of just believe,as I put to license my own horrible example of trip to scene,I pleasure the organization with your failure to communicate the Practice Ring as Public Process,thorough a organization was as I went to receive an adoption that adopted I,as I remember sitting in that chair to say that that Miniature Pincher adopted I, I bark!!Again and Again I listened to their thermal freeze,frozen on the tongue to my language of Jack Russell Terriers on the raised,whelping dozens of litters to today and yesterday to do a Tom Cruise.Scientology over to the whom does the halt bale,only the opposite upside down on the kittens to date,is the realm of the thorn on the staff of a state,so in the plunder that my Feather can not not engage??,as that is the query??,no it is not,it remains to be the bump on byte as the bank of your box is easy to attach as the parade.I was told that the Graduation was just last cent,but I was taught by the Working Dogs of Police Training in Oakland that a flunk is a flunk,not the lets go to the public venue to place the dog on the tray Von,as payphone to click a bit its the remains of the daze.
Moist^Chair Rise^Or Tom Cruise On The Fulcrum Off The Pen<*JAA>Lum Of Ancient Civil^Lye^Say^Shin??
Posted:2016-04-06 15:30:56 UTC-07:00
Putting Time In Perspective – UPDATED
By Tim Urban
Humans are good at a lot of things, but putting time in perspective is not one of them. It’s not our fault—the spans of time in human history, and even more so in natural history, are so vast compared to the span of our life and recent history that it’s almost impossible to get a handle on it. If the Earth formed at midnight and the present moment is the next midnight, 24 hours later, modern humans have been around since 11:59:59pm—1 second. And if human history itself spans 24 hours from one midnight to the next, 14 minutes represents the time since Christ.To try to grasp some perspective, I mapped out the history of time as a series of growing timelines—each timeline contains all the previous timelines (colors will help you see which timelines are which). All timeline lengths are exactly accurate to the amount of time they’re expressing.A note on dates: When it comes to the far-back past, most of the dates we know are the subject of ongoing debate. For these timelines, it’s cumbersome to put a ~ sign before every ancient date or an asterisk explaining that the date is still being debated, so I just used the most widely accepted dates and left it at that.For teachers and parents and people who hate cursing: here’s a clean, Rated G version.Read Complete at Aviation Authorities
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. No cleanup reason has been specified. Please helpimprove this article if you can. (January 2011) The Joint Aviation Authorities, or JAA, was an associated body of the ECAC representing the civil aviation regulatory authorities of a number of European States who had agreed to co-operate in developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures. It was not a regulatory body, regulation being achieved through the member authorities.In implementing the so-called FUJA Report, the JAA had entered into a new phase as of 1 January 2007. In this new phase the former "JAA" had become "JAA T" (Transition). JAA T consisted of a Liaison Office (JAA LO) and a Training Office (JAA TO). The offices of JAA LO were located in the premises of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) inCologne, Germany.The JAA started as the Joint Airworthiness Authorities in 1970. Originally, its objectives were only to produce common certification codes for large aeroplanes and for engines in order to meet the needs of European industry and international consortia (e.g., Airbus). After 1987 its work was extended to operations, maintenance, licensing and certification/design standards for all classes of aircraft.The adoption of the Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) and the subsequent establishment of the EASAcreated a Europe-wide regulatory authority which has absorbed most functions of the JAA (in the EASA Members states). With the introduction of the EASA some non-EU members of the JAA became non-voting members of the EASA, while others were completely excluded from the legislative and executive process.[1] Among the functions transferred is safety and environmental type-certification of aircraft, engines and parts and approval. Additional responsibilities have been subsequently added over time.Contents
[hide]JAA member states[edit]
Non-EU members[edit]
- Candidate members marked with * (as of January 2008)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
EU members[edit]
The Firebell Is Firemen On Whoa Man to Say Ma got a Gets once the Monk that Said its a Said
Posted:2016-04-06 10:49:10 UTC-07:00
Is the on T.V. Rite Now a Timeline for Dr. Phil that Gog and Magog go urrr??,no,it follows a pleat to the jimmi a knee on National Broad Cast Stem Method,as the draw is know sketch than the gop would represent got Ta pop POE Ritz Zee for the Thermos,the echo??,know its a language that puts lie Cents to the good Mob stir to audio Visual yo Ga,ask the personal interview years back on that grandmother to a scene,the tax of lights that In fern Know burn kneeing chaos on speak ean Dr. Phil' sleeve.Should the World dew the tile at the gravel On Hell oh than Y is the crop correspondence on Hump day,that is not a very kind Camel to smoking a Fag,other why's the chain of cause goes to the Tee to discuss Nationally the move ease of a Pole SA.Than triple dock kit to groom Means of travel,than the grasp of the Hart is a digestion to the Matrix with fib Burr Mic. Key,that cage GE to type still foe Toe as the Self^fee says to the Moat,swamp Pea`n as the Thought to circa 50 dee 3 which craft at the wove??,no,this is a com. b.o. to under Arm more.As the Arrow Plain is sweet Rein on Hodge,the cup^Board is a DISH that Singer on the SAG,awards with WOW as the saddle??,no,its the Sir Coal cinch to the horn of grasp.Dive to Loo gain Us than the answer BDSM at Gay Shaw to In deed deed Deed deed Ya,dawn to these is In a special to 7-11??no,it is the Pantheon to say that Sphinx is a double do to Wanna gets back banana a chalk let dipped,for on the notion that scent of a Whoa man Doct^tore Phil is Noun last same`d,should than the see aye eh venture with bow Hee Mi yen Chinese would have Junk.Con Fuse SShh say to Bender that Met told that Hush lit Toll bay bee don't chew store,few bill`d the stagger as a wall steady to only the known of whom is Him,that would say to the drink that Buffalo and the green fountain are barn Id to whom I love,Reality.
Skip To My Loo As Wares In The World Belongs To One Word A Flew^Role Beau^Kay And a Bun^gee^Chord To Say Gum^Bull With A Tennis Report AT Bad^Mit^Tins Ranged!!
Posted:2016-04-06 08:46:54 UTC-07:00
Went to Channel NBC and I caught the Tale Inn from Gail King on the Spec. Tack cue Lar,just than Al Roker said,"Hear's what's happening In Your Neck of The woulds."as he strides back to where Matt Lauer was saw,Al Roker said that its Hump Day Mat,than the Early car tour strummed a Steep,no,its just AM Television on Morning News Show,however this Just Might bee that Piece called breaking News for Channel too At Nine.Why??,'cause Sal' a Man.
Awe^Maan whats that Tuck ka on the Man^Awe Of Bliss Stir Be CANs Meet dure??
Posted:2016-04-06 07:49:01 UTC-07:00
Y is the Pope Election barter on the black or white smoke keen to the bodily crowd on oh WOW,cause Oil burns black and Pay^Per burns White to bought-off,simple touch cheat sheets,wow oh what a glow to the known fact tier on Whom is a Foot.These are the Oldest Messages in the Square,as the Pyramid rote??,no,it chisels the stone to remember the prose.Dive Veen Deep??,don't bother the Catholic Vote asking quest Chin,that is the re-Tire-Meant??,no,its the Ankle say EAN Ink^Lean Write 'til the Bank Kin knows like the Muslim wiped the Ass.Train kneeing on the knew jinn a ration,that is a his stir to As Tech and Tattoo for the Air-On.Just a bit to the rein to Aid and A bed the Religions of this World NOW once a Pie lawn,sorrow burrows,Creeks Pebble,the sand dull reaps,per the flame Means on the Fast tour of Wok.Greece inch Mile,Owe Limb Pick at Peat,moss see hill as that is the perk Ewe late tour Job 1:2 thorough Bread with Revelation 10:9.Watts 'O' bay ED run kneeing the nigh law^UN like bricks and stead,merry round rinse the roses,stick a need dull in you're aye,this is the bee Can of a radio,see be and the deeds goes Song!!!Black Smoke Over Beirut
Why isn't it white?
"Black smoke rose over the city" of Haifa on Sunday morning, after Hezbollah militants fired at least 50 rockets into Israel. Meanwhile, Israeli bombs were "sending a thick column of white and black smoke skyward" over Beirut, Lebanon. And in California, firefighters watched as "plumes of gray, white and black smoke floated across the horizon." What makes some smoke white and other smoke black?The type of fuel and how hot it's burning. In general, a hotter fire will convert more fuel into elemental carbon, which forms into tiny particles that absorb light and appear in the sky as black smoke. A cooler combustion—or one that doesn't work as efficiently—yields less-pure forms of carbon. These tend to reflect light, making the smoke look white. Link Khan at wildfire can produce both colors of smoke. First, the hot, flaming combustion of dry underbrush releases little particles of black soot into the atmosphere. But the blaze also produces smoldering combustion—think of the glowing logs at the bottom of a campfire—which don't burn quite as hot. Big branches or tree trunks that have a lot of moisture are more likely to smolder and release white smoke.The basic by-products of a fire are carbon dioxide and water. You can't see carbon dioxide, but water in the air might make smoke appear lighter in color. The steam produced by a wood fire can turn into a white, pyrocumulous cloud that mixes with black smoke and makes it look gray.An oil fire tends to burn very black because most of the fuel is converted into elemental carbon. There's also very little moisture in the oil to make the smoke look lighter. Plastic products, which are made from petroleum products, also release dark-colored smoke.Bonus Explainer: Which color smoke is most hazardous to your health? It's not clear. The Environmental Protection Agency cares more about the opacity of smoke than its color. A thick, opaque smoke tends to contain more polluting particles than one you can see through, whether it's white or black. Until the 1970s, EPA officials used color as an index of opacity. They'd check what came out of a smokestack against a "Ringelmann chart," which tells you how to convert shades of gray into percent opacities. Now they shine light through the plume of smoke to measure its opacity more directly. (Some state governments still use the Ringelmann ratings for their clean air laws.)Got a question about today's news? Ask the Explainer.Explainer thanks Cathy Cahill of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Jeffrey Collett of Colorado State University; Mike Lunsford of Eastern Technical Associates; and Robert Yokelson of the University of Montana.
The Turbulent 60s and 70s?? Shall The Code Go To the Poe lease than Watts go Square Too More Is Code ~ Gale^Ole Key^Eng.
Posted:2016-04-06 07:26:24 UTC-07:00
Should The Park on Wares No the Seat of Bell than that System will sump to what is known as the following incomprehensible tact to this easy statement of Math and blue, lisu[oq34u590q8475q2ijk5
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You are on the last step of selecting the number plate of the car. If the number consists of 5 digits, then click on the picture shown below. As a result, you'll be taken to the detailed page of US license plate. There you can leave a comment or find comments from other users. This will help drivers find the lost license plates or say 'thanks' for the help on the road to other drivers.If the number contains a 6 or 7 digits, then select the desired number from the table below, including the seven-digit license plates variants for U94W4.If you want to start selecting first then go to the home page.Yole ~ a)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA Yole is a clinker built boat that was used for fishing particularly in the north of Scotland. The best known of these is the Orkney Yole. They were rigged for sail or used as rowing boats. The Yole is of a Nordic design and closely related in shape to the Shetland Yoal and Sgoth Niseach of the Outer Hebrides.
The Progressive 80s and 90sA large component of the department's later administrations involved talking with persons who had grievances, inviting them to work on solutions. Working with the community would become the hallmark of future administrations. The partnership is one of the special aspects of the department. And in its combination of recruiting men and women to reflect the city's extraordinary diversity - people of color, women, gays - and in its sharing of ideas, the San Francisco Police Department is unique. The current department is one that seeks out the latest crime-fighting technology. Its communication system is continuously updated. Its police facilities have been extensively remodeled or rebuilt. It's compliment of over - 2000 officers are among the best trained in the country. But it is community policing- ranging from hosting events for youth and seniors to citizen patrols that work with officers, from community meetings to Citizen's Police Academy - that glues it all together. It is the ongoing working relationship between officers and the communities they serve that makes policing work. STAY CONNECTED
SFPD History
Vice Press Sa^dent Dew A Pawn the Hill To Day, Is that sad^dull Mars or Plate to Honest up or Fee^Ole the Played?? Sears!!
Posted:2016-04-06 07:00:59 UTC-07:00
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Neet Owl^Bum Once A Common Whisper On The Wind^Dill Now Just A Pass^Syn Fan^See?? No, Its Just ABC, NBC, CBS Speak^kin Bee's & Bird^deed like the chase had a lei As Whom Is A^Mare^ick^CANs Eye^Dull To DAY?? Come^burr^Back?? or Hock^keens Mark^ken^Kneeing.
Posted:2016-04-06 06:01:44 UTC-07:00
Harry Connick, Jr. Whats A Self^fee??
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHarry Connick, Jr. Connick in 2014Background information Birth name Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr. Born September 11, 1967 (age 48)
New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.Genres Swing, traditional pop, big band, jazz-funk Occupation(s) Singer, pianist, composer/arranger, actor,television music competitionjudge Instruments Vocals, piano, organ Years active 1977–present Labels - Adco Productions (1977–79)
- Columbia Records (1979–present)
- Marsalis Music (2003–present)
Website Official website Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr.,[1] (born September 11, 1967)[1] is an American singer, musician, and actor. He has sold over 28 million albums worldwide.[2] Connick is ranked among the top 60 best-selling male artists in the United States by the Recording Industry Association of America, with 16 million in certified sales.[3] He has had seven top 20 US albums, and ten number-one US jazz albums, earning more number-one albums than any other artist in US jazz chart history.[4]Connick's best-selling album in the United States is his 1993 Christmas album When My Heart Finds Christmas. His highest-charting album is his 2004 release Only You, which reached No. 5 in the U.S. and No. 6 in Britain. He has won three Grammy Awards and twoEmmy Awards. He played Grace's husband, Leo Markus, on the TV sitcom Will & Grace from 2002 to 2006.Connick began his acting career as a tail gunner in the World War II film Memphis Belle in 1990. He played a serial killer in Copycatin 1995, before being cast as a jet fighter pilot in the 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. Connick's first role as a leading man was in 1998's Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock. His first thriller film since Copycat came in 2003 in the film Basic with John Travolta. Additionally, he played the violent ex-husband in Bug, before two romantic comedies, 2007's P.S. I Love You, and the leading man inNew in Town with Renée Zellweger in 2009. In 2011, he appeared in the family film Dolphin Tale as Dr. Clay Haskett and in the 2014 sequel, Dolphin Tale 2.Contents
[hide]- 1Early life
- 2Career
- 2.1When Harry Met Sally..., chart and movie success
- 2.2Mid–1990s: funk
- 2.3Late 1990s: jazz and Hope Floats
- 2.42000–02: Broadway debut, musicals, Will & Grace
- 2.52003–05: Connick on Piano and Only You
- 2.62006–08: The Pajama Game, Bug and P.S. I Love You
- 2.72009–11: New in Town, Your Songs
- 2.82012–present: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Every Man Should Know
- 2.9New tour announced
- 2.10Touring Big Band members
- 3Connick and New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina
- 4Personal life
- 5Arrest
- 6Discography
- 7Filmography
- 8Broadway
- 9References
- 10Further reading
- 11External links
Early life[edit]
Harry Connick, Jr., was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.[5] His mother, Anita Frances (née Levy; later Livingston;[6] May 22, 1926 – July 1981), was a lawyer and judge in New Orleans and, later, a Louisiana Supreme Court justice. His father, Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Sr., was the district attorney of Orleans Parish from 1973–2003.[7][8] His parents also owned a record store. Connick's father is a Catholic of Irish, English, and German ancestry.[9][10] Connick's mother, who died from ovarian cancer, was Jewish (her parents had immigrated from Minsk and Vienna, respectively).[11][12][13] Connick has a sister, Suzanna; the siblings were raised in the Lakeview neighborhood of New Orleans.[14]Connick is a first cousin of both Jefferson Parish District Attorney, Paul Connick, and State Representative Patrick Connick (of Harvey, Jefferson Parish).[15]Connick's musical talents soon came to the fore when he started learning the keyboards at age three, playing publicly at age five, and recording with a local jazz band at ten.[14]When Connick was nine years old, he performed the Piano Concerto No. 3 Opus 37 of Beethoven with the New Orleans Symphony Orchestra (now the Louisiana Philharmonic), and later played a duet with Eubie Blake at the Royal Orleans Esplanade Lounge in New Orleans. The song was "I'm Just Wild About Harry". This was recorded for a Japanese documentary called Jazz Around the World.[14][16][17] The clip was also shown in a Bravo special, called Worlds of Harry Connick, Junior. in 1999. His musical talents were developed at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts and under the tutelage of Ellis Marsalis, Jr., and James Booker.Connick attended Jesuit High School, Isidore Newman School, Lakeview School, and the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, all in New Orleans. Following an unsuccessful attempt to study jazz academically, and having given recitals in the classical and jazz piano programs at Loyola University, Connick moved to the 92nd Street YMHA in New York City to study at Hunter College and the Manhattan School of Music, where a Columbia Records executive Sr. V.P. of A&R, Dr. George Butler, persuaded him to sign with that label. His first record for the label, Harry Connick Junior, was a mainly instrumental album of standards. He soon acquired a reputation in jazz because of extended stays at high-profile New York venues. His next album, 20, featured his vocals and added to this reputation.Career[edit]
When Harry Met Sally..., chart and movie success[edit]
With Connick's reputation growing, director Rob Reiner asked him to provide a soundtrack for his 1989 romantic comedy, When Harry Met Sally..., starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. The soundtrack consisted of several standards, including "It Had to Be You", "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" and "Don't Get Around Much Anymore", and achieveddouble-platinum status in the United States. He won his first Grammy Award for Best Jazz Male Vocal Performance for his work on the soundtrack.Connick made his screen debut in Memphis Belle (1990), about a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber crew in World War II. In that year he began a two-year world tour. In addition he released two albums in July 1990: the instrumental jazz trio album Lofty's Roach Souffle and a big-band album of mostly original songs titled We Are in Love, which also went double platinum. We Are in Love earned him his second consecutive Grammy for Best Jazz Male Vocal."Promise Me You'll Remember", his contribution to the Godfather III soundtrack, was nominated for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe in 1991. In a year of recognition, he was also nominated for an Emmy Award for Best Performance in a Variety Special for his PBS special Swingin' Out Live, which was also released as a video. In October 1991 he released his third consecutive multi-platinum album, Blue Light, Red Light, on which he wrote and arranged the songs. Also in October 1991 he starred in Little Man Tate, directed by Jodie Foster, playing the friend of a child prodigy who goes to college.In November 1992, Connick released 25, a solo piano collection of standards that again went platinum. He also re-released the album Eleven. Connick contributed "A Wink and a Smile" to the Sleepless in Seattle soundtrack, released in 1993. His multi-platinum album of holiday songs, When My Heart Finds Christmas, was the best-selling Christmas album in 1993.Mid–1990s: funk[edit]
In 1994, Connick decided to branch out. He released She, an album of New Orleans funk that also went platinum. In addition, he released a song called "(I Could Only) Whisper Your Name" for the soundtrack of The Mask, starring Jim Carrey, which is his most successful single in the United States to date.[citation needed]Connick took his funk music on a tour of the United Kingdom in 1994, an effort that did not please some of his fans, who were expecting a jazz crooner. Connick also took his funk music to the People's Republic of China in 1995, playing at the Shanghai Center Theatre. The performance was televised live in China for what became known as the ShanghaiGumbo special. In his third film Copycat, Connick played a serial killer. Released in 1995, Copycat also starred Holly Hunter and Sigourney Weaver. The following year, he released his second funk album, Star Turtle, which did not sell as well as previous albums, although it did reach No. 38 on the charts. However, he appeared in the most successful movie of 1996,[18] Independence Day, with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.Late 1990s: jazz and Hope Floats[edit]
For his 1997 release To See You, Connick recorded original love songs, touring the United States and Europe with a full symphony orchestra backing him and his piano in each city. As part of his tour, he played at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway, with his final concert of that tour in Paris being recorded for a Valentine's Day special on PBSin 1998. He also continued his film career, starring in Excess Baggage opposite Alicia Silverstone and Benicio del Toro in 1997.In May 1998, he had his first leading role in director Forest Whitaker's Hope Floats, with Sandra Bullock as his female lead. He released Come By Me, his first album of big bandmusic in eight years in 1999, and embarked on a world tour visiting the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia. In addition, he provided the voice of Dean McCoppin in the animated film The Iron Giant.2000–02: Broadway debut, musicals, Will & Grace[edit]
Connick wrote the score for Susan Stroman's Broadway musical Thou Shalt Not, based on Émile Zola's novel Thérèse Raquin, in 2000; it premiered in 2001. His music and lyrics earned a Tony Award nomination. He was also the narrator of the film My Dog Skip, released in that year.In March 2001, Connick starred in a television production of South Pacific with Glenn Close, televised on the ABC network. He also starred in his twelfth movie, Mickey, featuring a screenplay by John Grisham that same year. In October 2001, he again released two albums: Songs I Heard, featuring big band re-workings of children's show themes, and30, featuring Connick on piano with guest appearances by several other musical artists. Songs I Heard won Connick another Grammy for Best Traditional Pop Album and he toured performing songs from the album, holding matinees at which each parent had to be accompanied by a child.In 2002, he received a U.S. Patent 6,348,648 for a "system and method for coordinating music display among players in an orchestra."[19] Connick appeared as Grace Adler'sboyfriend (and later husband) Leo Markus on the NBC sitcom Will & Grace from 2002 to 2006.2003–05: Connick on Piano and Only You[edit]
In July 2003, Connick released his first instrumental album in fifteen years, Other Hours Connick on Piano Volume 1. It was released on Branford Marsalis' new label Marsalis Music and led to a short tour of nightclubs and small theaters. Connick appeared in the film Basic. In October 2003, he released his second Christmas album, Harry for the Holidays, which went gold and reached No. 12 on the Billboard 200 albums chart. He also had a television special on NBC featuring Whoopi Goldberg, Nathan Lane, Marc Anthony and Kim Burrell. Only You, his seventeenth album for Columbia Records, was released in February 2004. A collection of 1950s and 1960s ballads, Only You, went top ten on both sides of the Atlantic and was certified gold in the United States in March 2004. The Only You tour with big band went on in America, Australia and a short trip to Asia.Harry for the Holidays was certified platinum in November 2004. A music DVD Harry Connick, Jr.—"Only You" in Concert was released in March 2004, after it had first aired as aGreat Performances special on PBS. The special won him an Emmy for Outstanding Music Direction. The DVD received a Gold & Platinum Music Video—Long Form awards from the RIAA in November 2005.An animated holiday special, The Happy Elf, aired on NBC in December 2005, with Connick as the composer, the narrator, and one of the executive producers. Shortly after, it was released on DVD. The holiday special was based on his original song The Happy Elf, from his 2003 album Harry for the Holidays. Another album from Marsalis Music was recorded in 2005, Occasion : Connick on Piano, Volume 2, a duo album with Harry Connick, Jr., on piano together with Branford Marsalis on saxophone. A music DVD, A Duo Occasion, was filmed at the Ottawa International Jazz Festival 2005 in Canada, and released in November 2005.He appeared in another episode of NBC sitcom Will & Grace in November 2005, and appeared in an additional three episodes in 2006.2006–08: The Pajama Game, Bug and P.S. I Love You[edit]
Bug, a film directed by William Friedkin, is a psychological thriller filmed in 2005, starring Connick, Ashley Judd, and Michael Shannon. The film was released in 2007. He starred in the Broadway revival of The Pajama Game, produced by the Roundabout Theater Company, along with Michael McKean and Kelli O'Hara, at the American Airlines Theatre in 2006. It ran from February 23 to June 17, 2006, including five benefit performances running from June 13 to 17. The Pajama Game cast recording was nominated for a Grammy, after being released as part of Connick's double disc album Harry on Broadway, Act I.He hosted The Weather Channel's mini series 100 Biggest Weather Moments which aired in 2007. He was part of the documentary Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037, released in November 2007. He sat in on piano on Bob French's 2007 album Marsalis Music Honors Series: Bob French. He appeared in the film P.S. I Love You, released in December 2007. A third album in the Connick on Pianoseries, Chanson du Vieux Carré was released in 2007, and Connick received two Grammy nominations for the track "Ash Wednesday", for the Grammy awards in 2008. Chanson du Vieux Carré was released simultaneously with the album Oh, My NOLA. Connick toured North America and Europe in 2007, and toured Asia and Australia in 2008, as part of his My New Orleans Tour. Connick did the arrangements for, wrote a couple of songs, and sang a duet on Kelli O'Hara's album that was released in May 2008.[20] He was also the featured singer at the Concert of Hope immediately preceding Pope Benedict XVI's Mass at Yankee Stadium in April 2008. He had the starring role of Dr. Dennis Slamon in the 2008 Lifetime TV film Living Proof. His third Christmas album, What a Night!, was released in November 2008.Harry has a vast knowledge of musical genres and vocalist, even Gospel music. One of his favorite Gospel artists is Stella Award winner and Grammy nominated artist, Kim Burrell of Houston, TX. "And when Harry Connick, Jr., assembled a symphony orchestra for Pope Benedict XVI's appearance at Yankee Stadium in 2008, he wanted Burrell on vocals"[21]2009–11: New in Town, Your Songs[edit]
The film New in Town starring Connick and Renée Zellweger, began filming in January 2008, and was released in January 2009. Connick's albumYour Songs was released on CD, September 22, 2009. In contrast to Connick's previous albums, this album is a collaboration with a record company producer, the multiple Grammy Award winning music executive Clive Davis.[2]Connick starred in the Broadway revival of On a Clear Day You Can See Forever, which opened at the St. James Theatre in November 2011 in previews.[22]American Idol (Season 9)[edit]
Connick appeared on May 4, 2010 episode of American Idol season 9, where he acted as a mentor for the top 5 finalists. He appeared again the next night on 5 May to perform "And I Love Her".2012–present: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Every Man Should Know[edit]
On January 6, 2012, NBC president Robert Greenblatt announced at the Television Critics Association winter press tour that Harry Connick Junior had been cast in a four-episode arc of NBC's long-running legal drama, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as new Executive ADA, David Haden, a dedicated, straight-shooting prosecutor who is assigned a case with Detective Benson (Mariska Hargitay).Every Man Should Know[edit]
On June 11, 2013, Connick released a new album of all original music titled Every Man Should Know. Connick debuted the title track live on May 2, 2013 episode of American Idoland appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show the following week to discuss his new project. A 2013 US summer tour was announced in support of the album.American Idol (Season 12)[edit]
Connick returned to American Idol to mentor the top four of season 12. He performed "Every Man Should Know" on the results show the following night.[23]American Idol (Season 13)[edit]
On September 3, 2013, the officials of American Idol officially announced that Connick would be a part of the judging panel for season 13 alongside former judge Jennifer Lopezand returning judge Keith Urban.[24]Angels Sing[edit]
Angels Sing, a family Christmas movie released by Lionsgate, afforded Connick an onscreen collaboration with fellow music legend Willie Nelson. The two wrote a special song exclusively for the movie. Shot in Austin, TX, Angels Sing features actor/musicians Connie Britton, Lyle Lovett, and Kris Kristofferson and is directed by Tim McCanlies, who previously worked with Connick in The Iron Giant.[25]New tour announced[edit]
- On April 7, 2015 he announced plans for a U.S. Summer Tour to begin July 9 in San Diego, CA & run through August 7 in Highland Park, IL.[26][27]
Touring Big Band members[edit]
The following musicians have toured as the Harry Connick, Jr., Big Band since its inception in 1990:[28]- Piano and vocals – Harry Connick, Jr.
- Drums – Shannon Powell, Duffy Jackson, Arthur Latin II, (Winard Harper, Jeff "Tain" Watts – subs)
- Bass – Ben Wolfe, Neal Caine, Jonothan Dubose Jr
- Lead trumpet – Roger Ingram, (Dave Stahl, Walter White, Walt Johnson – subs)
- 2nd trumpet – Dan Miller, Derrick Gardner, Bijon Watson, Sal Cracchiolo (Earl Gardner, Greg Gisbert, Darryl Shaw – subs)
- 3rd trumpet – Jeremy Davenport, Joe Magnarelli, Mark Braud
- 4th trumpet – Leroy Jones, Mark Braud
- Lead alto saxophone – Brad Leali, Mike Smith, Jon Gordon, Ned Goold, Geoff Burke
- 2nd alto saxophone – Mark Sterbank, Will Campbell, Ned Goold
- 1st tenor saxophone – Jerry Weldon, (Geoff Burke – sub)
- 2nd tenor saxophone – Jimmy Greene, Ned Goold
- Baritone saxophone – Dave Schumacher (Howard Johnson – sub)
- Clarinet – Louis Ford
- Lead trombone – Mark Mullins, John Allred, Jeff Bush
- 2nd trombone – Craig Klein, John Allred
- 3rd trombone – Lucien Barbarin, Craig Klein
- Bass trombone – Joe Barati
- Vocals, trombone, percussion – Lucien Barbarin
Connick and New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina[edit]
Connick, a New Orleans native, is a founder of the Krewe of Orpheus, a music-based New Orleans krewe, taking its name from Orpheusof classical mythology. The Krewe of Orpheus parades on St. Charles Avenue and Canal Street in New Orleans on Lundi Gras (Fat Monday)—the day before Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday).On September 2, 2005, Harry Connick, Jr., helped to organize, and appeared in, the NBC-sponsored live telethon concert, A Concert for Hurricane Relief, for relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. He spent several days touring the city to draw attention to the plight of citizens stranded at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and other places. At the concert he paired with host Matt Lauer, and entertainers including Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Kanye West, Mike Myers, and John Goodman.On September 6, 2005, Connick was made honorary chair of Habitat for Humanity's Operation Home Delivery, a long-term rebuilding plan for families victimized by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast. His actions in New Orleans earned him a Jefferson Award for Public Service.Connick's album Oh, My NOLA, and Chanson du Vieux Carré were released in 2007, with a following tour called the My New Orleans Tour.Musicians' Village[edit]
Main article: Musicians' VillageConnick and Branford Marsalis devised an initiative to help restore New Orleans' musical heritage. Habitat for Humanity and New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity, working with Connick and Marsalis announced December 6, 2005, plans for a Musicians' Village in New Orleans. The Musicians' Village includes Habitat-constructed homes, with an Ellis Marsalis Center for Music, as the area's centerpiece. The Habitat-built homes provide musicians, and anyone else who qualifies, the opportunity to buy decent, affordable housing.In 2012, Connick and Marsalis received the S. Roger Horchow Award for Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards.[29]Personal life[edit]
On April 16, 1994, Connick married former Victoria's Secret model Jill Goodacre, originally from Texas, at the St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans. Jill is the daughter of sculptor Glenna Goodacre, originally from Lubbock, and now Santa Fe, New Mexico. The song "Jill", on the album Blue Light, Red Light (1991) is about her. They have three daughters: Georgia Tatum (born April 17, 1996), Sarah Kate (September 12, 1997), and Charlotte (born June 26, 2002). The family currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana, and New York City. Connick is a practicing Roman Catholic.[30][31][32][33]Connick is a supporter of hometown NFL franchise New Orleans Saints. He was caught on camera at the Super Bowl XLIV, which the Saints won, in Miami by the TV crew of The Ellen DeGeneres Show during the post-game celebrations. Ellen's mother Betty was on the sidelines watching the festivities when she spotted Connick in the stands sporting aDrew Brees jersey.[34][35]Arrest[edit]
In December 1992, he was charged with bringing a gun to the security checkpoint in an airport.[36] Connick was arrested by the Port Authority Police in 1992 and charged with having a 9 mm pistol in his possession at JFK International Airport. After spending a day in jail, he agreed to make a public-service television commercial warning against breaking gun laws. The court agreed to drop all charges if Connick stayed out of trouble for six months.[37][38]Discography[edit]
Main article: Harry Connick, Jr., discography- Dixieland Plus (1977)
- Pure Dixieland (1979)
- Harry Connick, Jr. (1987)
- 20 (1988)
- When Harry Met Sally (1989) [Soundtrack album]
- We Are in Love (1990)
- Lofty's Roach Souffle (1990)
- Blue Light, Red Light (1991)
- 25 (1992)
- When My Heart Finds Christmas (1993)
- Forever For Now (1993) [Compilation album released in the UK]
- She (1994)
- Star Turtle (1996)
- To See You (1997)
- Come by Me (1999)
- 30 (2001)
- Songs I Heard (2001)
- Thou Shalt Not (2002) [Cast recording]
- Other Hours: Connick on Piano, Volume 1 (2003)
- Harry for the Holidays (2003)
- Only You (2004)
- Occasion: Connick on Piano, Volume 2 (2005)
- Harry on Broadway, Act I (2006) [Cast recording]
- Oh, My NOLA (2007)
- Chanson du Vieux Carré : Connick on Piano, Volume 3 (2007)
- What a Night! A Christmas Album (2008)
- Your Songs (2009)
- In Concert on Broadway (2011) [Live album]
- Music from The Happy Elf: Connick on Piano, Volume 4 (2011)
- Smokey Mary (2013)
- Every Man Should Know (2013)
- That Would Be Me (2015)
Film Year Title Role Notes 1990 Memphis Belle Sgt. Clay Busby 1991 Little Man Tate Eddie 1995 Copycat Daryll Lee Cullum 1996 Independence Day Captain Jimmy Wilder 1997 Excess Baggage Greg Kistler 1998 Hope Floats Justin Matisse 1999 The Iron Giant Dean McCoppin Voice only Wayward Son Jesse Banks Rhodes 2000 My Dog Skip Narrator 2001 South Pacific Lt. Joseph Cable The Simian Line Rick Life Without Dick Daniel Gallagher 2003 Basic Pete Vilmer 2004 Mickey Glen Ryan (Tripp Spence) 2005 The Happy Elf Lil' Farley (narrator) 2007 Bug Jerry Goss P.S. I Love You Daniel Connelly 2008 Living Proof Dr. Dennis Slamon 2009 New in Town Ted Mitchell 2011 Dolphin Tale Clay Haskett 2013 Angels Sing Michael Walker 2014 Dolphin Tale 2 Clay Haskett Television Year Title Role Notes 1992 Super Bowl XXVI Himself Performed "The Star Spangled Banner" Cheers Russell Boyd Episode: "Diminished Rebecca with a Suspended Clif" 1994 Ghostwriter Himself Episode: "What's Up with Alex?: Part 1" 1997 Action League Now! Big Baby (voice) Episode: "Rock-A-Big-Baby" 2001 Evening at Pops Himself 2002–2006 Will & Grace Leo Markus 23 episodes 2008 This Old House Himself Episode: "New Orleans Project: Part 1" 2009 Hey Hey It's Saturday: The Reunion Himself – guest judge Australian Idol Himself – guest judge 2010 American Idol Himself – guest judge 2012 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Executive A.D.A. David Haden Episodes: "Official Story", "Father's Shadow", "Hunting Ground", and "Justice Denied" 2013 American Idol Himself – guest judge 2014–2016 American Idol Himself – judge Season 13 with Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban American Idol Himself – judge Season 14 with Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban American Idol Himself – judge Season 15 with Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban Non-fictional appearances Year Title Role Notes 1990 Carly in Concert: My Romance Guest artist 1993 The Harry Connick, Jr., Christmas Special Himself CBS special 1998 Harry Connick, Jr.: Romance in Paris Himself PBS special 1999 The Worlds of Harry Connick, Jr. Himself 2003 Harry for the Holidays Himself NBC special 2004 Only You: In Concert Himself PBS special 2007 100 Biggest Weather Moments Host Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037 Himself 2010 Daytona 500 Himself Performed "The Star-Spangled Banner" 2013 World Series Himself Performed "The Star-Spangled Banner" 2015 Repeat After Me Himself 1 episode Broadway[edit]
- 1990 An Evening with Harry Connick, Jr., and His Orchestra (special, concert)
- 2001 Thou Shalt Not (Broadway Musical)—composer
- 2006 The Pajama Game (Broadway Musical)
- 2010 Harry Connick, Jr.: In Concert on Broadway (special, concert)[39]
- 2011 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (Broadway Musical)
Win The Owe As Bow^lean Is Eh Jay^Yole For Words That Short An^ACT^know^Rims Real^it^Tea From Old Bly^Mi On Whats Cuffs On Long^Lines Lungeing??
Posted:2016-04-06 04:56:57 UTC-07:00
I love the story board of what is history on the truth of scene to Tack,as that relaxing day in the trust of a memory and a shore,grant it the Sacramento California had mirrorly a pool,it was that sunshine and shock??,The Heat??,the bravado??,no it was the safe of a vaulted seal that knows of the shock to compass a back.There is always a tune touch the Radio Theme,sheets and notes,up's down's east stir with station,black & white,a defining say to that tell a graph more's code.The few jury to a process and not a system,for score the liter is a drink to a Tale,is it fable or Myth that swims to sea,under Tow above the Breast Stroke??,no,it is that Cup of Coffee on the Joe.Taste the grind??,ba key knee or is it that ole time mi sing into a can??,swallow wean a deep divide or the sync's lyre as a mouth peace??,Harps string!!!To Freeways Highways Traffic Lights Yield,nothing dock tore's the shield of wheel lean a good hard thought,slow in the price to touch chin on lisp??,no its the language of folklore that trees had a bough.The electric chair that had already been SAT.,the Media Mache to steel the Charge,razors laugh at the crowds public Sounds,Echelon Echoes.Senate in a Population carry's a Shoulder packaged with Entertainment & Elvis,spark King that Hand Milk and Shake a Bloom,onion on yelp,scale with meet tour.Just at that is the level playing Field,across the lawn or is it the grassy knoll to justify recording with james blunt' tuck buck,that ain't typical??bowl Lean a Mare Ridge than Register for DISH.Cable Cars Go,bing bing?? rails And Cream??chalk a let outlines to speak for the sun,as that is the Caulk kiss What is the Watts,a shy knee opera at SIM phone Knee Clatter??,I know it is the Oscar Wielding death to a Star read Knight.Even on that the Chorus of Choir with does the Glove Fit like a rubber Tire??,is the gear shaft equaling a cue ball??,is that sneak key peat the moss see still,or is just sewn simply with need dull got thread??,hey stack gotcha on the bale lens of Wire Ring Trait??,is down knee the due of Oy Vey as an Tons measure price @ Costner the Post Office of boxed??,oh wait its Haul E! Wood Reels for the Trend Ding Today on In bee Sea??include Bings abc123456789101112131415161718192021cBEs.My talk was a Dime on the Draw,funny honestly a real deck,going into Business with best of show,to be taught the raffles of a society that grows a Dim Switch as the Hit dure to Human Life.cough fee or Tee,leaves or sauce sir??,pour say lens fine crock ka ka??,pitcher to that Foot,the splatter tour rim of bind dures??,three Ring Sir cuss for that is denial of do process of liquor & Read^Rum!!!
The 20s and 30: Crime, Prohibition, and Labor Unrest
Posted:2016-04-06 03:28:46 UTC-07:00
General strike 1934
At the end of World War I, in 1918, the SFPD had around 930 officers. The lawlessness that characterized the city during the Gold Rush began to take different turns, like the bloody Chinatown Tong Wars (they would be known as gang wars now) of the early 20s, and the flaunting of Prohibition laws during that decade. The tong wars were resolved with an early from of community policing, which would eventually become the department's ruling philosophy. Under Chief O'Brien, Inspector Jack Manion brought Chinatown leaders together, and persuaded the tong leaders to sign an agreement ending the violence. Because of Manion's work, the tong wars stopped, and the Chinese community came to respect and admire him. The era of Prohibition, which extended for 13 long years, form 1920 to 1933, provided a unique example of law enforcement dealing with a basically unenforceable law. The law was brazenly violated by everyone from big-time distributors to a man called the "Walking Boot-legger," whose multiple inside pockets of his long coat concealed not only flasks of booze, but a glass as well, as he went along the waterfront selling his moonshine by the glass. The Property Clerk's Office was a vast liquor store. No sooner were the
Chief W. Quinn leads Wobbly march on Market Streetbottles' contents poured down the drain after court proceedings had ended than more full bottles were hauled in as evidence. The Waterfront Strike of 1934, pictured below, prefigured the confrontations police would experience on V-day 11 years later and, much later, in the racially based riots and San Francisco State demonstrations over Vietnam in the 60s. A distressful time, striking dock workers were pitted against police and federal troops, and the result was a mini-war, with a number of dock workers killed in the gunfire and tear gas melee. It was a case of police drawn into a workers' conflict that should have been mediated by the workers and bosses through arbitration
The waterfront strike of 1934from the beginning, but animosity and temper prevailed, with unfortunate consequences.Between the end of prohibition and the beginning of World War II, the Department continued to grow in manpower as the city itself increased in population. The department's years were marked by advances in training (Chief Daniel O'Brien [appointed 1920] instituted the Police Academy in 1923, the first in the nation; in technology (officers began to use the police radio in 1932); by new facilities (Park Station, opened in 1932); in organizational restructuring to meet department needs better; and in a major change in uniform design, namely, a short, single breasted dress coat.Read entire article at:
Gold In Peace Iron In War!!!
Posted:2016-04-05 21:24:49 UTC-07:00
Shy the galactical Sphere traveling the Hems of Black Wholes,Matter at apron lifts Touching Strings,Wide the cheek Gravel once pebbles Rain ice flavored with brine sweet Cast.Sweat from Universe Floor ride How gallant The shoe of Sands Sole,a rivalry of breadth,cadence of grit,reach be shade to tell in form speech of giants scale.Language showered stars with lust a tile of dusts chest,latched to the hub the wheel gasp a rub of mineral railed,nails shot to light the pelt of fabric thermos chill.Song about the tune off Time Travels while energy engaged dust,particles frame leveled staff to shift ground with language,each stones throw whizzed know air,The Whisp of Stray Wind,owe for the daze of nights!!!The string of rash shinned to Scabs,an Itch of the Seen,My Grandmother on A Fashion to Flee Songs,public congress removed shall^Lo face,that Fence Lane!!Cheese Explains Toe Jam,piggies counting digits by path ways,each step^Stone,cobbles Pebble!!Trireme Off Ancient Base Sick,lie bells plight on the slash sheen limbs,vapor pitch deep wells have gone to stall,boxed & Wrapped within the Shoal!!!Core Knee Uh's are Fill^Lean side Docks,each casual consistency Inks lay bowl,mixed In^Side stitch Boned,growth has stint to lung!!!!Way bulls Gone studs And blanks Shingle.
By Karen Anastasia Placek
Written March 18th, 2016
the Miss^I.N.G. Lynx??
Posted:2016-04-05 20:30:53 UTC-07:00
Simple Complexityby Karen A. PlacekIn complexity there is simplicity,
once you see simplicity you once againunderstand how complex simplicity really is.When you no longer see the complexity in simplicity,you begin your own extinction.Due to your lack of visioninto the complexity that simplicity provides.Understanding that simplicity providescomplexity with an infinite numberof simple equations to be understood.
You then realize,that in simplicity you find complexity,which is the biggest and most complex puzzle,found, but not understood.Written on 2/17/2008I love the Thelwell Book SeriesPosted 15th November 2011 by Karen A. PlacekLabels: 1st Single A Stitch in Time An Independent Mind B.D.S.M Require B.D.S.M Required Vow B.D.S.M.Discovery Knot Logic Know Decision Life The Secret of the Universe is Choice Thoughts Writing
MY}a/5414,] Equals Interest Fact Sciences Lathe Of A Shingles Tack!!
Posted:2016-04-05 20:08:20 UTC-07:00
SEPT4 septin 4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
Gene ID: 5414, updated on 3-Apr-2016
Summary & Genomic context
- Official Symbol
- SEPT4provided by HGNC
- Official Full Name
- septin 4provided by HGNC
- Primary source
- HGNC:HGNC:9165
- See related
- Ensembl:ENSG00000108387; HPRD:04738; MIM:603696; Vega:OTTHUMG00000179243
- Gene type
- protein coding
- RefSeq status
- Organism
- Homo sapiens
- Lineage
- Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
- Also known as
- Summary
- This gene is a member of the septin family of nucleotide binding proteins, originally described in yeast as cell division cycle regulatory proteins. Septins are highly conserved in yeast, Drosophila, and mouse, and appear to regulate cytoskeletal organization. Disruption of septin function disturbs cytokinesis and results in large multinucleate or polyploid cells. This gene is highly expressed in brain and heart. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described for this gene. One of the isoforms (known as ARTS) is distinct; it is localized to the mitochondria, and has a role in apoptosis and cancer. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2010]
- Orthologs
- all
See SEPT4 in Epigenomics, MapViewer- Location:
- 17q22
- Exon count:
- 18
Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location 107 current GRCh38.p2 (GCF_000001405.28) 17 NC_000017.11 (58520250..58540818, complement) 105 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) 17 NC_000017.10 (56597611..56618179, complement) Chromosome 17 - NC_000017.11
Whats The Bridge For Should The News Know The Bay?? Did It Cause A Fright Or Did It Cause The Public To Real Eyes The Where Is Tom Sullivan?? Apparently, It Is the Evident Hop Of The Jump-off To No Pictures, No History, No Shingle, No Google, No Wikipedia On Understanding The Depth?? Now Who Is Ann Coulter In Comparison To Pam Coulter ON The News??
Posted:2016-04-05 15:07:16 UTC-07:00
Thomas M. Sullivan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis biographical article needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentiallylibelous or harmful. (July 2007) Tom Sullivan (Thomas M. Sullivan, b. 1949) is a business news anchor for the Fox Business Network, who also hosts a syndicated radio talk show on the Fox News Radionetwork.Early career[edit]
Tom Sullivan graduated from Seattle University with degrees in Business and Accounting. He was a member of the national accounting honorary fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi. He then attended the University of Washington where he took graduate classes in mathematics and computer sciences. In the late 1970s, he attended Stanford University where he completed the Graduate School of Business executive program.After graduation, Sullivan was a tax accountant for Price Waterhouse in San Francisco. He was then was assigned as a California Tax Expert to the Sacramento office where he handled California tax matters for Price Waterhouse clients worldwide.[citation needed]A Seattle native, he moved to the San Francisco, California, area in the early 1970s and later was transferred to Sacramento, California, and now lives in the New York Cityarea.[1]Media work[edit]
Sullivan worked as financial editor for both KFBK and for KCRA-TV from 1980 to 2007. In 2007, Sullivan left Sacramento to host a show on the Fox Business Network. His radio show became nationally syndicated by Fox News Radio.[2]He has occasionally served as a stand-in host on The Rush Limbaugh Show.Investment history[edit]
Sullivan was a managing director of The Sullivan Group, a brokerage he founded in 1980 and sold to Prudential Securities in 1986.[citation needed]Sullivan retired from The Sullivan Group in 2007 to pursue his media career at FOX.[citation needed]
How Much Does It Cost, What Is The Go^Win Price, And, What Is The Total Including Tax?? Life Itself!!!
Posted:2016-04-05 13:52:07 UTC-07:00
So now do I just presume to know that my own children have suffered at the hands of the trade??,do I say that the shower in Sacramento with no charge Lawyer Wess Sole and the blank have bunk??,is about that knowing the first time I was a circuit go to the bathroom and saw that drop of trousers to the ankles,
back turned to urinal and had to suffer that listen to his laugh,minus the zipper of whip it out to that comprehension of the role??,do I say to my very children that the journey has swallowed like Sarah brags her marrow??,do I further the City on the lack of understanding or say that life has tired the sorrow??,what exactly do the games chew on toe back oh??a lush or the lust of Onward Forward goes my Walk??,what say you Mr. Glenn Beck or how about Howard Stern pole^lean Rush Limbaugh.Do I stay the remain of dock or's the reality of the listing of Sarah in the Hundred of I never wanted to know,is it pass the bug like a shore of should you have to shoot the trigger and pull the gun you will know the tongue??,what is the modern disease of sort file to the I have not seen my kids since the Rumble in Sacramento Mediation,the very organization that thunders their decision was so great to putting them to the safe of Vault??,what about the Judge on the bench in the Sacramento Family Court that I pointedly said . . . .I am worried,whom said that was not on the docket and that I would have to return on another stay,to no that choice as that Judge and his Rolling in his Bench chore was Gail King on CBS sitting Charlie Rose??.To that is the Unknown,education to the chills of shore as before the park tore to the do,that garage and those walking home from school on that sex education class of left hanging??,well in the typical form of not Me I hour`d the practical talk to The Castro Men knowing the lens,
comprehension to updated as the boy owe boy to I have four kids And I am a Tom-girl that did Pair rent??,
I did what I was Taught by the Whom is Evident on The Noun for the New Treasure to rung,
that is the ring, ring not wring, wring,
for sweats and tau^oles are the measures of my birth not my childrens harbor,
so as the Practical Horsemen of my Known I Torqued for the Crew,
as what charges Bec to that sport of competition to the barn,
a good spot seen from the distance of what nature graced my family with,
a good eye!!as The Castro will truly know the love of the Purple Hatted Men as the loving both ways to tack,back in the day it was called coffee and then a cup of Tea??,no it was those lunch shales that took me under their flute from the face to Faced,for on the thermal of my notice was the obvious on the seen,therefore the One to To on the Green Fountain I know to say that it went simple,One Two Three an that Made Me.
I Am Positive The Urban Legend Of A Chick And A Swim Went As Far As To Include The Ferry Pick-Up Too; hi, as I swam and got pulled out by the tide the party on The Left encouraged me with every stroke to say to myself, kick my feet and swim for the Men to know the Feat. I just took a dip and then it became an Urban Legend of what was never found, you know how it goes, its just a roomer 'til its . . . .needed to be said for the Men that I had had faith in and then the reality hits like a bone hit the brick today
Posted:2016-04-05 13:39:19 UTC-07:00
On the beauty of the choose is the lamp Post bing??,no,its the under standing as the Chopper on the Block,a real live Tenderloin on Coffee run^kneeing live at The Port of in Tree as the Hob.To the Plates on the Tiers person^knoll of the cough^fee should not be Means to excuse Mi,being of the Rio Grande on an American Alcatraz comprehension of the shoe is hour lace??,pour the Vase^eh^Lean for pen^knee on the type of sell phone in Pay tone of the color shade is,indicative of San Quentin on this Announcement to the bars,this discussion is not a shower nor did I need to drop the soap for a Faucet hose,as this is to the discipline of the lack of harness to enter grade shin I call^ledge.Stipulation to the decide is the prime on a Cougar to call out a Panther decision,there needs to be a Yield that chorus of the Haight at more the Canterbury tip,this is an Unfair at the Cast thrown down to sheets on San rafter of Hell,may wren choir is on the barrel and the Pickle has been jogging,to that a Jay^elf is processing that stable to Barns and no^bells.A drive through the ton language to the quick fix is Men from the Schools working-it-Out??,no,its the I'm so embarrassed that I MUST be of the Tide Frame as accustomed??,no,its a power thing being swapped like a flee market at the pulse of Tick.To clear the range of Home sound as a born and raised of San Francisco I Native,this drum Means is the rattle and words nor the say.Span^shin to wire on the More's Trade to the tour^ring??,what is a Man on the sigh^coal of reality in a world of the coarse,sand paper Pay pal and dig the shove Vol. as a harp??,string thy leg to the mount Tin or dye the formula oil??Engine and know that Honesty of I is the shore of more than tired would Muster,mayonnaise and ketchup on Name Brand through generic is the file of only I as a child on those hooves,to the basement atop the bag in suffocation to have to Now no their is no love in this world of now,time 12:56 on April 5th 2016 show me that it is not the Template missing,its the concept of what is rare,eh Human Being,but at the store^ridge it is my declaration of the one-sided dive,for that I apologize on behalf of the entire Prison System and their failure to communicate Dressage.Tent this on that Horse of why is the rider a mucking this fix??,because I believe in Magic,I believe in Men,I believe that pain is a Hobble to the skin,I believe that change chokes the lung as I spit,but I believe mostly that I love you for the bit.
How Many Meet^tours Is the flag to that spot or is it a bad idea to count-off from anything other than how many strides out that you are able to see to the base of the fence Or is it called An Obstacle??
Posted:2016-04-05 09:52:17 UTC-07:00
So should the red balloon have an Update today Mr. Glenn Beck than plausible identifiable shells??,to the clam??or an Oyster??These daze on the tun knoll are not Not the echelon by trades to the tractor supper of Dinner site,as the chapter Book on the verse Cent tense is a depth of dee Nigh Ole once the line buy line,for should oil for Texaco shed the Exxon that does Route 66 hi way one to the free Way of pathways Brain??Touch chin on the Smoke keen gun to that bum Mi a Sig a Rette,Vapor to the Pie per the gas Oh lean on the thicket of rares Briar,jack a lope to galloping is the Trot posting or set to unknown on the Cantering stride??,a Boxes shiver is the Wok at clue.Saddle the girth to a conditioning event on that cross-country to the stadium rail,as the standards are raised is the pull to the Height or the information on the Jump-off??Jimmy Wofford to Will Simpson,what is that Clinic with Derek Digrazia with Brian Say Bo??,should lead change character to the log or the paint of Helmets or duty the chinstrap or shade,as the gate is a troubled with stock key to calms why is the bell or the time watch a Stopwatches tread??,should the stride be sixteen foot to a vernacular flew is the bounce just a fly it or the angle of prove??,walking a course with The Coach on the said,how many more must the rider go to be just on course with only an idea for the informative clip??Now at the start box is the Warm-up complete,what is the sign should the horse be a seat??,is the back-up an excitement or the spurs friendly boot,is the three-sided stall at the gunsmoke or a view to a chute??,at the first stride of look the first fence is WHAT,Whom bachs the question & whom is the should,down to that base line its a three Count to bump,or is the saying to . . . . . .
. . . ask the above and that is my flute to say that I ride horses in an life stile that roots.
Honoring George Noory For Kathleen As The Best of Show To His Radio Broadcast Commercial: IM ARE EASE. . . .*
Posted:2016-04-05 04:16:51 UTC-07:00
Photographed by Liz Hafalia, San Francisco, California
Officer Chris Olocco with horse Officer AAA. The San Francisco Police Department's Mounted Patrol Unit is the second oldest and continuous police horse division in the nation, patrolling the streets of San Francisco since 1874. Photographed by Liz Hafalia on 9/19/05 in San Francisco, California.
Officer Chris Olocco with his horse Officer AAA!!!
Officer Chris Olocco with Officer (Noun; Kathleen Dale you have An Air Inn)
Photographer Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle
Officer Jeff Roth stands with his partner Rusty at the stables in Golden Gate Park on Friday, June 15, 2012 in San Francisco, California. Photo: Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle
SF police horse patrol trades in hats for helmets
S.F. POLICE Equine patrol officers join other cities, trade in hats for protective helmets
By Kevin FaganUpdated 11:29 am, Thursday, July 5, 2012
Jeff Roth reckons he has the best job in San Francisco, even though it just changed for the first time in generations - and if the gaggle of adoring children who hang around him is any indication, he may be right.He punches in to work every day at Golden Gate Park at historic horse stables surrounded by pines. The noisiest sound as he sips his morning coffee is an occasional whinny or the cheeping of baby birds nesting above the stables' doorways.The toughest part of his job is riding his 13-year-old quarter horse, Rusty. And that's only if you can call enjoying every second in the saddle tough.Roth is part of the second-oldest mounted police unit in North America. Only New York, which started its horse force two years before San Francisco did in 1874, has an older one.Once, before the age of automobiles, the mounted unit numbered in the dozens. Now it's down to nine officers, and they still do their jobs the same way they've been done for 138 years - with one new exception.Officer Jeff Roth talks with a visitor to the stables in Golden Gate Park. Photo: Lea Suzuki, The ChronicleNew helmetsSix months ago, for the first time, the mounted officers were required to wear helmets instead of traditional cloth policeman hats, joining their counterparts in New York, Chicago and other cities.The last head injury on the force came in 2008 when an officer fell off his horse. He recovered and is still riding, but the incident got administrators thinking about the ramifications of plunging without a brain bucket on from a 6-foot height off a 1,200-pound creature.Skiers and bicyclists got on the helmet bandwagon in recent decades; the police brass figured it was time to climb on, too."Just like riding a motorcycle, it can be a dangerous endeavor," said the unit's Lt. Mike Favetti. "Personally, the helmet's not as comfortable as wearing a soft cap, but if I fell off the horse, I'd be very glad to have it."The office walls at the 1937 vintage stables - tucked into a grove near the Polo Field - are lined with unit photos dating back to the 1870s. Place one of those alongside today's mounted cops, take off the helmet, and there is no discernible difference."Everyone who comes into these stables says we have the best job anywhere, and that's how we feel, too," Roth, 52, said one recent morning as he got Rusty ready to ride. A few feet above his head, a mother barn swallow swooped in and stuffed worms into four hungry chick mouths."Where else does that happen at your job?" he said. "This is just a happy place to be."Sonny's bridle has a metal decorative star identifying him as part of the San Francisco Mounted Unit in Golden Gate Park. Photo: Lea Suzuki, The ChronicleStill draw stares
That happiness travels with them, judging by the gleeful exclamations from adults and children alike as they clop through town on patrol.The next reaction from almost everyone is the same, whether it's homeless junkies in the Tenderloin, office workers downtown or kiddies by the beach."Can I pet him?" asked 6-year-old Cooper Dong as Officer Wade Bailey rode his 9-year-old paint horse, Sonny, by the Polo Field."He'd love that," said Bailey, 56, who grew up working ranches in Wyoming and last month was named best horseman in the state in the annual mounted patrol competition in Folsom.Cooper's mom, Annadel Dong, looked on in mild wonder. Cooper got a lick on the neck from Sonny in return."It's not just a nice way for the children to see policemen," Dong said. "It's nice to know policemen are still going through the park and the city like this, on horses. Makes you feel safer somehow."Not just PR
Kids, and even grown-ups, get a free silver "Mounted Unit" sticker while they pet the horses, and the officers say that sort of goodwill is a big part of the job."A horse is a great icebreaker," Roth said. "Even in the worst neighborhoods of the city, people want to pet them and remember how they rode them as kids, that kind of thing. It makes our jobs a lot easier."But these aren't just PR critters walking around. Horses are still uniquely useful for police work, the officers said. That's why a half-dozen big cities and every county in California still maintain mounted patrols."You can go places a motorcycle can't, over logs and up rocky trails," Roth said. "Plus, you're much higher up on a horse, which can be an advantage in many ways, including with crowds."At the first Outside Lands concert in Golden Gate Park in 2008, Roth and two of his colleagues came upon two dozen youths tearing down a fence to crash the show. This might have resulted in a clash with officers on foot, but being mounted made it easy."We just rode up and herded them like cattle," Roth said. "The trouble stopped fast."There is nothing like a good horse."Kevin Fagan is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail:
Guardians Of The City (Circa 1850) The San Francisco Police Department
Posted:2016-04-05 03:31:30 UTC-07:00
Historical Review: Town Alcalde Organizes a Police DepartmentThe Alcalde issued a proclamation calling on all good citizens to repair to his office at 3 P. M. of that day; and at that hour the largest public meeting ever held in San Francisco convened. Here follow its proceedings and results.San Francisco, July 16th, 1849.Extraordinary excitement having prevailed during the morning among the good citizens of San Francisco generally, on account of an attack made on the tents of Chileans in this place, by a body styling themselves " Regulators" or " Hounds," who had been for some time past disturbing the peace of this place, by acts of violence on peaceable citizens — by robbery and murder — the people assembled on Portsmouth Square.After some preliminary remarks made by Messrs. Brannan, Smith, Stevenson and others, the meeting was organized by the election of W. D. M. Howard, President; James Ward, W. H. Davis, Vice-Presidents ; Dr. Victor J. Fourgeaud, Secretary.The chairman having called the meeting to order, Mr. S. Brannan addressed the people, exposing the acts of violence committed by the " Hounds," and calling for prompt action on the part of the people, or their lives and properly would be in danger. Mr. Brannan moved that a subscription list be opened at the Parker House for the relief of the sufferers by the riots, assaults and robbery of last night — which was carried.A suggestion was made to organize a body of men, to assist the constables in arresting the " Hounds."A police body was formed, of which Mr. Spofford was appointed chief. In accepting the office, he made an energetic address, and concluded by saying — " when I forget my duty, may God forget me."The citizens generally enrolled their names for police service, and the meeting adjourned.
Victor J. Fourgeaud, Secretary.At 3 P. M., citizens to the number of 230 who had enrolled themselves, assembled around the flagstaff of Portsmouth Square. They were then formed into companies by Mr. Spofford, chief of police. Messrs. Stevenson, Wadieigh, Simmons, Smith, Turk, Gillespie, Hughes, Priest, Webb and Stevens, were appointed captains.
Source: Weekly Alta California, Volume I, 2 August 1849 — Page 1
Source: California Star, Volume 1, Number 39, 2 October 1847 — Town Council [ARTICLE]TOWN COUNCIL.Monday Evening, Sept. 27, 1847.
All members being present the meeting was called to order, and Judge Hyde stated that Gov. Mason desired the Council to make some provision to secure the lots of those in the volunteer service who, being absent on duty, could not comply with the regulations of the law governing the grants. It was moved that a committee of three be appointed to take the matter into consideration and report at the next regular meeting. Passed. The following persons were appointed committee: W. D. M. Howard, W. A. Leidesdorff and Wm. S. Clark. Mr. Glover moved that E. P. Jones be added to that committee. Passed. The minutes of the last meeting were then read. The Chairman of the committee then read the laws for the government of Constables &c. Moved that the report be laid over till next meeting. Passed. R. A. Parker moved that all the reports be laid over till next meeting. Passed. W. A. Liedesdorff moved that the Council proceed to examine the accounts. Passed. Moved that the business under consideration, be postponed until next meeting. Passed. Mr. Pettet then tendered his resignation as Recording Secretary. Received. Dr. Jones was appointed to supply the vacancy. Moved that the Secretary receive $2 per night for his services. Passed. Moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Governor to request him to appoint a 2d Alcalde, from among our people. Passed. Messrs. Jones, Howard and Clark, were appointed said committee. The committee of the whole proceeded to an examination of the financial concerns of the Town. The report to be acted on next Monday evening. Adjourned till to-morrow, (Tuesday.)
Tuesday Evening, Sept. 29, 1847.
Council met pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present but W. D. M. Howard, who was reported too unwell to attend. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and adopted. The report of the committee on Police was then taken up and all but three sections stricken out. The vote was then taken on the three sections, being 1st, 2nd and 10th of original bill, and adopted by a vote of four to one. Committee on School-house reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. The Committee on License laws then reported a bill fixing the license tax of the town. E. P. Jones moved that the bill be so altered as to tax persons in proportion to the amount of business done by them. This motion was lost. After considerable discussion the oriinal bill with some few amendments was adopted. Mr. Clark moved that a committee be appointed to take into consideration the building of a wharf. Passed. Messrs. Clark, Jones, and Parker, were appointed said committee. On motion of Mr. Parker, W. A. Leidesdorff was added to the committee. Mr. Clark made a motion in relation to letting out contracts of the Town which was adopted. E. P. Jones moved that a committee of three be appointed to receive proposals for filling up the streets through the Lagoon. Passed. Messrs. Jones, Clark, and Glover were appointed committee. Mr. Clark moved that the committee on printing receive sealed proposals until one day previous to the next meeting which was adopted. Mr. Parker moved that the committee of the Whole wait on the Governor to receive further instructions as to the power and duty of the Council. Passed. A. J. Ellis' petition to receive the appointment of Sheriff was read and laid on the table. The Council then adjourned till next Monday evening.TOWN COUNCIL.AN ORDINANCE.
Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Town Council of the Town of San Francisco, that there shall be elected two Constables who shall constitute the chief police of the town.
2. Be it further ordained, That the Constables shall perform all the duties required of other ministerial officers within the town - shall faithfully execute all process directed to them in accordance with law and make due return thereof—shall strictly enforce and obey every law, ordinance and resolution passed by the Council.
3. Be it further Ordained, That the Constables shall receive for the service of any writ or other process, one dollar, to be paid out of the fines imposed upon cases, one dollar for the service of any writ or other process to be paid by the defeated party, also ten cents per mile for every mile which they may travel to serve any writ or other process beyond the limits of the town.
Passed 28th Sept. 1847.Source: California Star, Volume 1, Number 39, 2 October 1847 — Town Council [ARTICLE]
The following Ordinance regulating Licenses was taken up and read by sections. 1. Be it Ordained, by the town council of the Town of San Francisco, that from and after the passage hereof, no person or persons shall sell or dispose of spirituous liquors in large or small quantities within the jurisdiction© 2009-2016 Guardians of The City
Web Services provided by The-White-KnightWelcome to the San Francisco Police Museum, Archives & Learning Center’s history site
This site is dedicated to the history of the SFPD from its inception in 1849 to the present. As the site grows and develops, we will feature: photographs, illustrations, historic artifacts, mementoes, stories, factual information and statistics as they relate to the history of the San Francisco Police Department.
There is some disagreement about using the word “first” to describe events or people in a historical context. While certainly we can all agree that George Washington was the first President of The United States of America, when labeling other facts, the seemingly obvious or claimed circumstance is sometimes ambiguous or semantically confusing.
Official lists documenting San Francisco’s Police Chiefs and Marshals are woefully incomplete. Why? More than one hundred years ago, Police Photographer George Blum inaugurated a tradition of amassing photographs of the Chiefs and assembling them in a collage to be presented to each new Chief upon his appointment to office. The newly appointed Chief would be featured prominently in the ensemble and the ornately framed image would proudly be displayed in his office or anterior space for all to view and admire. The custom continues to this day. In the ensuing years, collages were created two dozen times. Unfortunately, when Blum initiated his artistic endeavor, there were no known or available photographs of Robert Crozier, David Thompson, Hampton North or James McElroy, so those names have basically vanished from most modern documentation.
Who was the first African-American police officer in the SFPD? Was it William Glenn, #616, who was a member of the 19th Academy Recruit Class in 1943 and worked at Park and Potrero District Stations until 1950 when he was forced to resign due to civil service restrictions? Or, was it Charles Robinson, also #616, who was appointed in 1950 as a member of the 65th Academy Recruit Class and given the star previously worn by Glenn?
What about policewomen? Department reference materials, secondary newspaper accounts and even city-endorsed, history blogs incorrectly list, Woman Protective Officer Kate Sullivan as San Francisco’s first policewoman, when in fact, she was the fourth policewoman appointed.
To compound matters, in referring to the history of the San Francisco Police Department specifically, myriad inaccuracies abound in reference materials and official documentation. Newspaper versions of events can be less than precise, particularly when they are retelling the distant past.
Our archivists and historians are dedicated herein, to presenting exhaustively researched, primary (period) sources for facts and information. Please enjoy your visit and check back frequently for updates and new features.
This site is not, nor will it be, a forum of divisiveness, intolerance, prejudice, ridicule, political dissension or non-constructive criticism.

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