Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Three Bars An A Lead Line Kate, What Is A Saw??

Kathleen what is a Name with a ride on a Bike should the sign be a Rein on the road signed Hello??,
is it the tumbler on shave to that known on the hand of a say that does ole time mi did for a state??,
shock not you're day width that horse that you rode in Spenceville to dock it bridges and lived,
as that portion of trailer to the steady on done is that than the funny of The San Francisco Mounted You Knit!!

Don't you charge that Rebecca in the Hall way of Echo,
the witness to test a moan knee as You have a brother,
Johno is this Visa of pass port toll On,
or is the beautiful Lauren with ever And crews.

Saddle and Cinch is the bravado of Haight,
not talking the fountain but doing the Work,
now Kathleen & Friends are a wonder of Loved,
equaling Jennifer Trujillo as all good is Memory to what is a Mouse,
that click it tea clique or the click it tee What,
I heard a volume that see deed said its dyed,
that process of Ashbury to the stalls and the Barn,
are you not thinking about the Golden Gate Park Stable poe Lease??

Is that sack row meant tow a vehicle stream,
are you kicking yourself or calling Beck on Tee V,
is it just the Idea that lives Once just a Sea,
as that recovery of funny gots a Getty for Live!!

Lance did the Cycle on a Bike that said Wine,
drive by in price and that say its a rhyming,
measure the horseshoe to Ray on that Series,
is HBO Bill Maher or John Oliver on the Jam talking Showtime as the Kay gee Oh??,
now Now now don't let Beck get your bunch in a bundle,
Hairspray and Gyms Rio Linda is Way,
pretty soon it will bean to the magically scene,
who are you Who are you get out of my day.

Know Win Kathleen is a brood of her temper,
the Hour of making that big sister suffer,
Lauren must laugh as the Watch is Important,
as Johno must say whom do I side with on bet^tour,
gee whiz Johno 'Melba' diplomat of Hinge,
don't Hugh on Mi now as the Opera of Run,
this part of the Family is bridled with Reins,
now is it buckled or split for the strange??

Again Kathleen *DALE Rebecca Mae is a Treat stir,
remember that Kelly and Jasper were Friends on the Letter,
to Rio Linda that Tom Cruise on the Socks,
as should the slippery floor not be invitation of range??,
that is UC Berkeley to that New Orleans,
what is the Men it to Horses and Treasure,
the best of show for the Jack Russell on Ross,
or will it be that last name calling Hooker??


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dale or dales may refer to:



  • The Dales, archaic English name for Dalarna province
United Kingdom
United States


Fictional characters[edit]

  • Alan-a-Dale, minstrel from the Robin Hood legend
  • Chip 'n' Dale, fictional cartoon characters
  • Dale Arden, the fellow-adventurer and love interest of Flash Gordon
  • Dale Cooper, the main character of the TV series Twin Peaks
  • Dale Gribble, from King of the Hill
  • Dale Horvath, from the comic book series The Walking Dead and from the American television series of the same name
  • Dale McGillicutty, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series
