Friday, January 1, 2016

What Is A Full Statement And Clear Exposition??

Examine History, for it is "Philosophy teaching by Experience."

"Truth comes down to us from the past, as gold is washed down
from the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, in minute but precious
particles--the débris of the centuries."

Words--The Tools of Personal Power and Success--
The Secrets of Their Most Effective Use

REPOSING in the contents of this Dictionary is a huge reservoir of
       power--power so potent as to provide an instrument for attaining
       success in life to anyone who will make use of it.  For herein lie the
basic tools by which man has carved out his present modicum of civiliza-
tion--the tools of expression and of communication.
     Down through the ages, from the very beginning of civilization to and
within the present time, those who have best understood and practiced
the use of these tools have wielded powerful influence upon their fellow
men and have themselves reaped great rewards.

The Power of Expression

     Expression is man's most potent instrument of progress.  His success
is inevitably measured or limited by his ability to communicate his
thoughts to others, usually through the medium either of speaking or of
     One's potential equipment for expression may be likened unto a wonder-
machine, an instrument that can travel and do things that no man-made
machine has ever approached.  It is a marvelous mental structure, set up
and furnished to wield influence upon the individual or upon the multi-
tude: to charm, to persuade, to command--to endow its driver with power
almost unlimited.  Words represent the basic parts; sentences, the motor;
composition, the whole structure, the instrument.  Expression represents
the functioning power, the application, the use.
     First this wonder-machine must be understood.  Examine the parts;
become familiar with them, know how each one is used, what its various
uses are.  Use them.  Become accustomed to their use.  Learn how to inter-
change their uses.  In building soundly, for powerful effectiveness, observe
the simple rule of knowing the parts--the words.
     Within the covers of this book there are more than 60,000 different words,
spelled, marked for correct pronunciation, labeled for classification into
the various parts of speech, and defined with respect to their various 
     To some people such a book represents a reference work, to be consulted
when in need of a spelling, a pronunciation, or a definition.  To others it
may represent merely a source for words needed in crossword puzzles or
Words, The Tools of Personal Power and Success
other word games.  To those who may be interested, the suggestion is offered
that these commonly employed functions may be supplemented by a use
far and away more important and perhaps much more profitable.

How To Make Words Work for You

    To master the use of words--to make words and sentences as familiar
to the tongue or the pen as one makes his legs or his arms familiar to his
needs--is to gain power in a world that was ever, and perhaps will ever be,
a world of competition.  Familiarity breeds confidence; confidence radiates
power.  Familiarity with words, then, produces easy flow of expression.
And once the flow is easy, with the mind released from the strain of con-
centration upon the task of speaking or writing, there many come, if one
reaches out for it, the application of atmosphere to the art of expression--
charm, magnetism, influence, power.
     The action of the mind has a speed of about the same velocity as light,
approximately 186,000 miles per second.  Sound has a much slower tempo,
approximately 1080 ft. per second.  Articulation, writing, or typing at best
is performed at a rate of speed that is a mere fraction of the speed of
thought.  Hence words, if their character is understood familiarly by the
user, may be planned into sentences, framed into logic, tested for effect
and rearranged if necessary, far ahead of the time of expression.  The prac-
ticed orator or writer may think and plan more in one second than he can
express in an hour, if he be familiar with his tools.
     Familiarity, then, is the keystone in the use of words.  And practice--
repetition of employment--produces familiarity.  Hence if one knows his
tools and practices the use of them, his actions tend to become automatic
and involuntary, releasing the mind for the service of planning and prepa-
     For those who may care to engage in the development of word power, the
power of expression, through the use of this Dictionary, there is included
a strictly modern and unique course entitled "WORDS, THE TOOLS OF PER-
SONAL POWER AND SUCCESS"--a guide to Self-Education in the use of the
written, printed, or spoken word, complete with tests and answers.  See
     New York, 1939.



Managing Editor


Author of Self-Education Department and Associate Editor;
Editor "The Home University Encyclopedia," "New American Encyclopedia,"
author of "Vital English"

Simplified Self-Education Treatises on:


Illustrated -- Self-Pronouncing -- Synonyms -- Antonyms

This Dictionary is not published by the original pub-
lishers of Webster's Dictionary, or by their successors

B O O K S,   I N C .

Why The *Talisman And Not An Am Mew Let??

What is a Cent^Tents should the Pen need say a Pen sill,
the blink of an eye Lid to know the carriage Cart is on the Rains of dry E! race,
the base of the Clique and paste is Stick key for the Ton knoll,
round that Wrap sure the Steep is Whistle kettle get a Stoop??,
that can not not be the String from ski to Ripe,
that would speak and that is known as conversation of the Teak!!

Star on station with Raise or's edge is lake streets bump to beach of sung,
the dollar on the quarter to dime of nickle strides,
than upon the story fill the mind finds eclectic lend ding tone.

Dial from the number,
sneak was certain barley,
that exposure of the side to invite the commercial over stood,
walking Rum to drink the stung And language grape to Vine at tape,
brains with connect to May treats Spring,
flowers in the bulb bust Ton.

There in the ole Mills theatre,
curtain pull of foreheads pill,
the oh how Neet to jingle pin,
ice cubes rattle to lick Coo were bisque Inn!!

That is the path of the cadence clatter,
rat Toll of the chimney Roof,
foot Print fax to Palms on Coco,
lots of expression to next best flew!!

Up goes the Board,
Monopoly with bank a counts,
that is the Check of square Bulb known,
joke of fathom joke of stone to Granite in the soap stones tact,
a mint for chalk the let for grid then the graph for pear a lone.

Link that with the Jax on cricket,
bats of Wall to knowing Tick it,
wall It with the real It tea,
march that on to know the saddle is the bridle of Bits and sound.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the object. For other uses, see Talisman (disambiguation).
The Talisman of Charlemagne, also a reliquary, said to have been found on his body when his tomb was opened
talisman is an object which is believed to contain certain magical or sacramental properties which would provide good luck for the possessor or possibly offer protection from evil or harm.[1]
Amulets and talismans are often considered interchangeable despite their differences. For example, the amulet is an object with natural magical properties, as opposed to a talisman which must be charged with magical powers by a creator. It is this act of consecration or "charging" that gives the talisman its alleged magical powers. The talisman is always made for a definite reason whereas an amulet can be used for generic purposes such as averting evil or attracting good luck.[2]
According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical order active in the United Kingdom during the late-19th and early-20th centuries, a talisman is "a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force."[3][unreliable source?]


Christian talisman (Breverl), 18th century
The word comes from the Arabic word talsam (طلسم), from an alteration of late Greek telesma (τέλεσμα), "completion, religious rite",[4] itself from the word teleō (τελέω) which means "I complete, perform a rite".[5]

Preparation of talismans[edit]

All the traditional magical schools advise that a talisman should be created by the person who plans to use it. They also recommend that the person making the talisman must be familiar with all the symbolisms connected to all the different planetary and elemental forces. In several medieval talismans, geomantic signs and symbols were used in relation with different planets. These symbolisms which are frequently incorporated in geomantic divination, also have alchemical implications. Other magical associations, such as colors, scents,symbology, patterns, Kabbalistic figures, can also be integrated in the creation of a talisman. However, they should be in synchronization with the elemental or planetary force selected to represent the talisman. It is also feasible to augment a personal touch to the talisman through adding a verse, inscription, or pattern. These inscriptions can be magical emblemsbible verses or sonnets.[3][unreliable source?]

Talismans in Medieval medicine[edit]

Lea Olsan writes of the use of amulets and talisman as prescribed by medical practitioners in the medieval period, citing four doctors that served as primary sources for her research. She explains that the utilization of such charms and prayers (referred to an Empirica in authoritative medical texts) were "rarely a treatment of choice"[6] due to the inability of such treatments to be properly justified in the realm of Galenic medical teachings. Yet, the use of amulets was typically considered acceptable due to the large number of references to their use in the medical literature overall. Through drawing on these references as a guide, Gilbertus, for example, writes of the necessity of using a talisman to ensure conception of a child. He describes the process of producing the talisman, which includes "writing words, some uninterruptable, some biblical, on a parchment to be hung around the neck of the man or woman during intercourse."[7]



Zulfiqar was frequently depicted on Ottoman flags, especially as used by Janissaries cavalry, in the 16th and 17th centuries. This version of the complete prayer of the Zulfiqar is also frequently invoked in talisman of the Qizilbash:
شاه مردان،
شیر یزدان،
قدرت خدا،
لا فتى إلا علي،
لا سيف إلا ذو الفقار،
Lafata illah Ali;
La Saif Illh Zulfiqar.
"Leader of men-at-arms,
The lion of Yazdan,
Might by the most high (God),
There is none like Ali
; No sword like Zulfiqar".
A record of Live like Ali, die like Hussein as part of a longer talismanic inscription was published by Tewfik Canaan in The Decipherment of Arabic Talismans (1938)[8]

Seal of Solomon[edit]

Seal of Solomon simple
Main article: Seal of Solomon
The Seal of Solomon, also known as the interlaced triangle, is another primeval talisman and amulet that has been commonly used in several religions; but though it is said to have been the emblem by which the wise king ruled the Genii, it could not have originated with him as its use dates back much further than the Jewish Dispensation. As a talisman it was believed all-powerful, being the ideal symbol of the absolute, and was worn for protection against all fatalities, threats, and trouble, and to protect its wearer from all evil. In its constitution, the triangle with its apex upwards represents good, and with the inverted triangle, evil: the triangle with its apex up being typical of the Trinity that exists in several religions; in IndiaChina and Japan, its three angles represent Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer or Regenerator; in Egypt it represented OsirisIsis andHorus; and in the Christian Church, the Holy Trinity. As a whole it stands for the elements of fire and spirit, composed of the three virtues (love, truth, and wisdom). The triangle with its apex downward symbolized the element of water, and typified the material world, or the three enemies of the soul: the world, the flesh, and the Devil, and the cardinal sins, envy, hatred and malice. Therefore, the meaning of the two triangles interlaced, is the victory of spirit over matter, and at the beginning of our present civilization was believed an all-powerful talisman and amulet, especially when used with either a Cross of Tau, theHebrew Yodh, or the Egyptian Crux Ansata in the center.[9]

Talismanic Scroll[edit]

This object, an 11th-century "Talismanic Scroll," was discovered in Egypt and produced in the Fatimid Islamic Caliphate (909-1171 C.E.) It resides in the collection of theMetropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)[10] along with a number of other Medieval Islamic amulets and talisman that were donated to the museum by the Abemayor family in 1978. About 9 inches by 3 inches in size, the miniature paper scroll contains a combination of prayers and Qur'anic verses, and was created for placement in an amulet box. This block print bears Kufic, the oldest calligraphic Arabic script, as well as "Solomon’s Seal," a star with six points has been identified in a large number of Islamic art pieces of the period. Block printing was utilized as a technique through which to mass-produce talisman scrolls, hundreds of years before block printing was incorporated into European societies.[11]


Main article: Swastika
The swastika, one of the oldest and most widespread talismans known, can be traced to the Stone Age, and has been found incised on stone implements of this era. It can be found in all parts of the Old and New Worlds, and on the most prehistoric ruins and remnants. In spite of the assertion by some writers that it was used by the Egyptians, there is little evidence to suggest they used it and it has not been found among their remains.
Both forms, with arms turned to the left and to the right, seem equally common. On the stone walls of the Buddhist caves of India, which feature many of the symbols, arms are often turned both ways in the same inscription.[12]


Main article: Uraniborg
The Renaissance scientific building Uraniborg has been interpreted as an astrological talisman to support the work and health of scholars working inside it, designed usingMarsilio Ficino's theorized mechanism for astrological influence. Length ratios that the designer, the astrologer and alchemist Tycho Brahe, worked into the building and its gardens match those that Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa associated with Jupiter and the sun. This choice would have counteracted the believed tendency of scholars to be phlegmatic, melancholy and overly influenced by the planet Saturn.[13]

Whats A Mirror??

Division of Words

     IN WRITING, correct and careful division of words is A VIRTUE; in printing, it is
A NECESSITY.  If words were not divided at the ends of lines we should have to choose
between these two unwelcome possibilities: an irregular right-hand page margin or
bad spacing within the lines to fill them out.  There is a third alternative that
deserves mention but no comment beyond a brief and emphatic word of dismissal:
to break the words MECHANICALLY at the end to the line, as in the following:

         Four score and seven years ago our fathe
 rs brought forth on this continent a new n
 ation, conceived in liberty and dedicated t
   o the proposition that all men are creat      
ed equal.                                                     

     Division of words is SYLLABICATION, division into syllables or integral units of
sound.  Correct division enables the reader's eye to pass from line to line with a minimum
of inconvenience and the least possible diversion of attention from the meaning of the text.
Bad division imposes upon the reader a burden of study which is not fairly to be
exacted of him--and for which THE WRITER pays--heavily--in distraction of atten-
tion.  Bad division makes bumps in the road.

Principles of Syllabication

    First, let this elementary and fundamental principle be established in the mind:
A syllable is the unit of vocal sounding, and is therefore the unit in division; and
every syllable contains a vowel, about which the consonants group.
     Following are a few basic principles:
     1--When two consonants standing together are flanked by vowels, divide between
the consonants: bil-lion, destruc-tive, dis-pose, ex-postulate, op-portunity, par-lor.  (But
note that this rule is sometimes superseded by another, as by the second rule in this
     2--Two side-by-side consonants that are terminal in the stem word are not sep-
arated: thrill-ing.  (Note that here we have a true double consonant, whereas the 
seemingly double consonants in the words in Rule I, as billion, opportunity, are
broken between two syllables, one in each, and are therefore not properly to be
considered as doubled.)
     3--When three consonants occur in unbroken succession, it is customary to divide 
after the first: an-gry, chil-dren, kin-dred.

Prefixes and Suffixes
     4--Where a noun in -er or -ing is made from a verb ending in -e, and the -e is
dropped, it is best to divide between the root section of the noun and its ending:
bak-er, danc-ing, not ba-ker, dan-cing.
     5--Long vowels, or unaccented short ones, commonly close the syllable in which
they occur, and the following consonant belongs to the next syllable: ca-pable,
ca-pacity; mon-archy (accent on first syllable), mo-narchic (accent on second syllable);
pecu-nious, sepa-ration; commu-nion, exami-nation; mechan-ical, mecha-nism.  (Note
that these examples are subject to further consideration; for example, it is better to
divide mech-anism than mecha-nism, but when placement of the n becomes unavoid-
able, it correctly separates from the a.)
     6--A consonant following a short vowel sound is commonly included in its syllable:
bun-ion, compar-ison, graph-ic (the digraph ph is considered as a single consonant),
prob-able, prod-uce (the noun), sep aration   (Note--When this rule leads to forma-
tion of a misleading first syllable, the division is frequently changed, as in lo-gic
and ma-gic instead of log-ic and mag-ic, the g being kept in touch with the i  which
determines its sounding, soft as in gin rather than hard as in log.)
     7--Words formed of a main stem with a prefix that causes no shift of accent are
commonly divided after the prefix, as in pre-fix itself.  Examples: ante-chamber,
anti-slavery, hemi-sphere, post-war, pre-concerted, sub-marine.  (Caution.--Do not con-
fuse these division hyphens with compounding symbols.)
     Word division is part of the mechanics of writing and print, but correct under-
standing of it contribution to the success of writing as an art, because it lessens the
requirement of reader effort.


     definite and practical reasons.  In a most highly developed field of dic-
tionary publishing, basic items of form--such as the treatment of definitions,
spelling, and compounding--have been standardized and ably presented to 
the American public in many editions and under numerous titles.  These
standardized components of dictionary making resist arbitrary change and
defy revolution.  No publisher or lexicographer may take liberties with them,
for they must root, grow, or change by one, and only one, great law--the
highly democratic LAW OF USAGE.
    Throughout the world, wherever English is spoken or written, the law of
usage is absolute.  The United States and England provide the lexicographers
for the English-speaking world.  On both sides of the Atlantic the law of
usage has demanded certain differences in minor phases of European and
American English.  Fortunately for both of these two greatest of English-
speaking peoples, the range of difference in their forms of writing their com-
mon language has narrowed to a point where it may truly be said that the
remaining distinctions are largely without differences.  In speaking there
exists a wider bridge, but what with the radio and travel working at fusion,
even this difference is melting away.  And while Americans inevitably gravi-
tate toward British and Canadian pronunciation, these latter have come a
long way into the field of America's vital English in the matter of the written
word.  So there is fair exchange, and the good work continues.  One day,
perhaps at no remote date, there may be only one standard of English, and
on common type of dictionary for both countries.
     Meantime, in WEBSTER'S NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY, the spelling, the
pronunciation, the definitions, the fundamentals generally and severally,
are in accord with the law of usage.
STER'S NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY, however, are new--and are "New
     There is a tempo in American activities.  Right or wrong, commendable
or not, that tempo is; and it is impatient, impulsive, is some respects even
somewhat intolerant.  Applied to the use of a dictionary, it demands (1) ac-
curacy and reliability; (2) practical adequacy; (3) SIMPLICITY; (4) time-
saving, with essentials first and details restricted to general usefulness.  The
average American is "going somewhere," doing something else, when he
consults his dictionary.  And if perchance he be a pedant, and perhaps not
average, he is nevertheless American, and will, therefore, we trust, appre-
ciate the convenience of this time- and patience-saving work.

     IN planning this book, the first purpose of editors and publishers was to
make a truly Simplified dictionary.  For the ordinary consultant, most dic-
tionaries are overloaded.  They offer an embarrassment of riches.  Such a
dictionary as we have visualized must carry as complete a word list as
possible.  The "average" person of today has a larger vocabulary than his 
grandfather had.  How could it be otherwise, with so many new inventions
that enter into the daily lives of people, contributing new terms to their
common equipment of speech?  Movies, auto, radio, airplane, and even
war, have poured streams of new words into the reservoirs of language.
The crossword puzzle, the radio quiz, and the new demand for correct
pronunciation have sent people scurrying to the dictionaries.  These are not
mere passing fads and fancies, the sport of a day; they are phenomena of
present-day life that must, and obviously do, add to the opportunities of
dictionary making,
     So in the making of this book we have striven to meet all possible demands
of the "average" person, the student, the business person, man or woman,
as well as the word-hunter.  Thus:

         (1)  The definitions have been made as brief and compact as pos-
                   sible without sacrificing clearness of expression and fullness
                   of meaning.

         (2)  Comment on the history and peculiar uses of words has been
                   held down to the minimum required by the needs of con-
                   sultants generally.


         (3)  The chief merit claimed for this book is the Completeness of its
                    individual entries.  It is seldom necessary to run the eye back up
                    the page to find the key to a word's pronunciation.
         (4)  Pronunciation is simple, almost automatic, avoiding the use of
                     involved diacritical marks or complicated "key."

         (5)  Definitions are composed in simple English phraseology.

         (6)  The book's time- and patience-saving methods, we trust you
                     will find, make it in fact what its name implies:


          For special self-educational features, see Table of Contents.


     New York, 1947.



Managing Editor


Author of Self-Education Department and Associate Editor;
Editor "The Home University Encyclopedia," "New American Encyclopedia,"
author of "Vital English"

Simplified Self-Education Treatises on:


Illustrated -- Self-Pronouncing -- Synonyms -- Antonyms

This Dictionary is not published by the original pub-
lishers of Webster's Dictionary, or by their successors

B O O K S,   I N C .

B O O K S,   I N C .