Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Is The Sit Tea Really A Race Of Fair Ease??

Trust a value as the measure of what is cork to the know of the ply would lift?,
then what is the ground from to ask frisk scrub a mission of the moons?,
is the bend on the light to vernacular shirt a tide of the label Tie`d?,
is the nice cream to the Zipper lean a pant a long?

Cheese and the Wheel,
milk curd to sheep and Cow a nurse made of Teach,

it rings to flinch as the mid soup per green pi lawns.

Just as the clover is sway and the fin is Fen *Shee,
it grabs to swing a breeze?,
that can't be wright as that would mean the garden of Opus.

Thus the dirt of soil must Marsh to bog,
the log of peel grapes to the Ancient honey of plums!!

Fig. knew Tons at the Sconce is the as Tech to the Field,
crops of twine Wire with a bit chase of the who has a towel to sweat the Mark curr,
Fin Again!!

Kneel and fish the Tackle?,
tribulation to the bib a Coal?,
white chalk on the black board?,
what is the Balance beam.

Is the floor Mat an Umpa loom paw?,
does the did in the crevasse just scrawl?,
is the Peat repetitious as the grass is the grave yard?,
should an Um make the pause to Tile or is it the chisel of Versed?,
shovel the hard cake to model clay?,
chime is that ring?,
then what makes the flutter of a goose to raise bumps?

You're A Pea Yens Sew Frank In Cents Ore Is IT To Be Blunt??

Salt the grip of what is the world on the once in pile?,
it is the verse to the vernacular shirt,
as the sleeve is not on the handkerchief people sneeze,
the shore of sand.

Touch the grape on the bottle of bolt lightning,
thunder may count to a strike yet what is the second,
is it a value to say hello to a brand new guy,
or is the fellow an ancient card of grace to note the Time of Ages as just a sort?,
to beyond is that known.

Just as the singer grins to frown a basic ground,
it rumps to that tracer of how is the grub,
worth to particle as what is the Dust,
magic of Science or the girth of only just this Earth?

Should memory score knowledge as the Library Arcadian course,
is the social conscious lost or is the Loc a barbarian first?,
dig what whole to the banana and the grapefruits curt?.

Skin and Peel,
is the rhind a string that corks the meat,
shall the apple sing to the suit?.

Shipping knew that oars were not a Canoe,
yet the Niagara of Waterfalls gave our Country the barrel and the chain,
as that over the Falls!!

Seasons in the Suns?,
what therefore is the moons,
around the Solar System to speak a Cosmos?,
trees and for wrist I write to spoke,
person to person,
this is the bank of message,
not a dial on a note to few a word.

Excitement is,
from that to what was,
it is the tickle of funny bone to elbow only the exit as Ton,
shine til the ankle gets that posture?,
nigh those hours of Trojan,
now the love is as basic as the thought to say that I do.