Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Web Is Controlled By Spiders and Pulls

I had more than a Few Posts that Google +,
at more than 49,000 plugged in to the InterNet.

Over a short spanned the very same Writes,
reduced to Zero in my Site,
could have happened as Individual tights,
likely mistake was impossible take.

The best Number of All,
a Set Gear to have Called,
is the spin of every wall.

Meaning of would not imply,
the proof is in sides of lie,
that each and every person,
would have had to undue,
 the original deed puts to loose.

Collective to the News,
it's rigged to the values,
of whom is who and what is fact,
is left to write the sampled spat.

Engage the pop to even rocks,
the grained of sanded bed in stalk,
not the garden of the talk,
for that is evident upon this chalk.

Erased in measure of shared in read,
entices flavor to know the lead,
not belonging to those that own,
'cause the contracts have been blown.

Heavy lifting pulls such strings,
in passing years the open brings,
monitors of click to running stings,
makes the first the second spring,
leaving third to true absurd.

I lost 10,000 even square,
upon the Stats that show the Paged View passed,
in one moment of this rare,
it was changed the instant spared,
to speak of difference and not share cared.

I watched in disbelief,
as I was sitting in my chair,
when the Event took it's dare.

Name equals truth,

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