Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tincture Life Shooting Death

Gather you're thus Served the Tongue of the Destines in Vat of Grange,
shifting Shadows of Shaping the Realms In~widst thee Marrow Vie bronze,
reactory this Glass of Fated Brew to the Steed of Nasting the Statute of Rhind,
Nether goest 'til Vow of Grown didst Thou built the Stones Veach Bones.

Carved amongst the Populous Prouds vied in Efforts of Strides for be it a Riddle,
take it a Rhyme to the Knowing of Dine with the Platter of Humanity in Vines,
Thorns to the Brow of the Read Est Bark to the Louds in a Value Deny,
Measured be From the Mouth of the Lung battered in Isolate to Forced Froms.

Encited  Thou Presents Invasion to Recompensed Humanity Chose Secretive lows,
bore of the Wells scoured for Fells Inn Origined bye the Trough of a Universal loft,
Captured in Violence Reduced to the Thrush brothing Thy Countenance for Trades,
Hours knot Ticking whilst Moments Evolve Yes to the Cravings that Dogs do not Cow!!

Barf Vomits Blood Water secretes Sheds Too Roof the Bravado In the Already Dead,
Pride increased Decides to Holds forming Dies a Tribal Rebuke Kites Bring,
Clatter the Revealed to Known for the Zeal an Insignia Remains in the Hand of the Brain,
Frothy Inclines to downright Truths Society Entombed a Living Human Deaming.

Person to Factor fractious in After the Matter sewed Darkened to Evident a Sun,
Product via Garb the Cloak on the Lars stepping on Mars to Venus it's Clear,
Moon in the Scene a Vibrance to Mean thru Communication the Trigger is Stream,
rivered in flowing as Kangaroo keeping Koala to the Tasmanian Beam.

Rib to Unnatural the Deposit of Filts travel to Islands built for their Skilt,
Stands too the Talls in a Reverent Cape Called bearing the Comb Of the Ball,
Frail Hearth Fire temperature Higher Flames of the Twice Burned open the Bye,
compliment duc to the Hose of the Suck showing the Surf as the grubs of the Guts!!

Mic X'ed to Extended the Treed to Burrow the Sate to a Eight-legged Pate,
Mugs Too the Mead poring with Greeds an Apply shown the Smoke in a Park of a Toke,
Country breed backs triggering Trax that Rail the Facts in 'If's'  Two 'Take-Backs'
Vile in Breast the Small are Not Test in the Grossed of Cames took Our Innocence as Blames.

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